To be fair and beyond reproach in anyway i should think that it should be counted by anyone who has nothing to do with whippets what so ever, that way no one can be whispering any sort of (fix) campaign.
I'm with you there John !! Which ever way the vote goes i'm sure there will be people claiming it was "fixed" thats what made me wonder who it was that was counting.
I myself think its a great shame and very sad when some one else other than the people we chose as members to do this are not being left to it and says a lot about the sport in general surely after we chose those on the committee we should leave them to do the job for which they were elected . ???
I have every confidence in the commitee but the kickboard saga is so heated and i think its gonna be a close call. Maybe someone who is'nt involved in racing(independent) count the votes there wont be any comeback on the outcome of the postal vote, just my opinion......a non racing vote counter may stop people accusing people of vote fixing etc.......and then the kickboard thing will be over and done with for good.
Just hang on a sec.... Where did anyone say they didn't trust the bwra committee?
Why is everything being blown up into something its not these days - this is whats sad.
If i remember rightly it states on the bottom of the postal form that " the result of the postal vote will be announced at highgate 30th march after an independant check", my question of who did the independant check is a simple enough question & doesn't need to be blown up into a full blown argument AGAIN!!!
NO Michelle i never thought that at all, i was just replying to the topic, why is everyone so hyper???????????chill out and smile I know you all have confidence in the committee and so do all of us ??? ??? ???
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