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Who a BARF feeder then?

Paula says i've got to get a freezer for the dog food if we continue with BARF? not sure she likes the tripe in our freezer?.

Cost feeding a compleat I recon it cost me about £2 a week to feed all 9 plus cereal for breakfast another 50p a week.

now we have changed 4 over to BARF (the racers) and I recon it's costing us around £10 a week to feed those 4.

so I think theres a big differance at the moment. (better see results soon?)
Ahhhh but just think, if it improves their performance, you could pay for their food out of the winnings :D
yes of course ohhh wait a minute a pigs just flew past my window :(
Its actually free for us :p we had a chat with our local butcher and we now pick up our brown paper parcel everyday for free :p he even puts little labels inside so we know what it is :b

One thing we're wondering is, its all a bit of a lottery at the moment and he tends to get different things everyday. There's always chicken wings but the bulk of it is different everyday.

Is there meats he shouldn't be fed ? i'm sure someone said pork is too rich or did I imagine that :b anyone know a good book as it all seems a bit random at the moment or is that o.k ?



p.s I've just been told to get the dog a freezer as well :unsure:
Its actually free for us  we had a chat with our local butcher and we now pick up our brown paper parcel everyday for free  he even puts little labels inside so we know what it is 
S'not fair, my butcher retired this month & now the nearest butcher to me, cooks & sells any left overs, for dogs :( I still get my free fresh cod though :D

anyone know a good book as it all seems a bit random at the moment or is that o.k ?
Try searching on amazon, theres lots to read, although from what i've seen so far a lot of the books seem to be repeating themselves.
I think fatty pork is associated with some sort of cancer in dogs?
I feed Chicken Wings, Raw Beef & Lamb & raw Veg.

I remember being told years ago not to feed dogs pork but for the life of me can't remember why?
LasVegasNo1 said:
I think fatty pork is associated with some sort of cancer in dogs?
Errm I think it's coming back to me; is it pancreatic cancer that is linked with feeding dogs pork?
Hi everyone. I'm very intersted in the BARF diet and as soon as I can I am going across to Anglia Meat Products to buy some of there Traditional Mix. It is said to contain natural bone,lamb meat, heart liver and tripe with a blend of green and root veggies plus rice oats and maize. Sounds good. I will probably end up giving it to the dogs as well!! Seriously though, has anybody tried this particular product??

Also. If I were to prepare my own mix, which veggies should I use, in what proportions to the meat and bone, and in what form eg minced or chopped up small??

As always, any help appreciated

Chris :cheers:
Also. If I were to prepare my own mix, which veggies should I use, in what proportions to the meat and bone, and in what form eg minced or chopped up small??
Mine get (not all at once) cabbage, swede, cauliflower, carrots, broccoli & chopped tomatoes, and i just do them in the food processor. I'd say veg makes up about 1/5th of mine's food. Others might do differently though.
Hi Lampy,


Chicken Wings. (1 each, 3 joint ones)


ours get a 50/50 mix meat x Veg, (all mixed up in a blender as i've read the veg must be well mushed up for them to get the goodness out)

Meat ~ Beef, Heart, Liver, tripe. (every other day 1 egg each)

Veg ~ Carrots, Cabbadge, Sweed, Turnip, broccoli,

SUPPLIMENTS (on main meal) ~ + VIT C, Calcium powder, B12, Cod Liver Oil, SA37.

one of our dogs was suffering a lot of hair loss to his ears, thighs, tail (almost bald) he's been on this B.A.R.F stuff for just over a week and already he has re-growth on all areas, so upto now i'm quite impressed.

If you type BARF diet into your search bar theres loads of sites with peoples own experiances on them, I find them realy usefull.

Vicky, Sorry couldn't resist? o:)
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Jones said:
anyone know a good book as it all seems a bit random at the moment or is that o.k ?
Try "Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats' by Kymythy Schultz. Also theres one with a similar title by Dr. Pitcairn. Then there's the two Billinghurst books, but I prefer the newer one to the original. If you check out Amazon you should be able to get them there - that's where I got mine.

Sorry if this sounds daft but........these chicken wings, are they complete with bones?
Pork is not a good idea at all, mainly because it contains tapeworm cysts in the flesh and therefore unless cooked will give your dogs them. Bit like Rabbit - whever ours have had rabbits tapeworms are not far behind!

Also just be careful with lamb - sometimes it can be a bit too fatty, so I just trim it slightly if it looks like it needs it.