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teresaw said:

1) Fox's poo

2) Horse's poo

3) Cow poo

4) Dunno who's poo but it sure looks like bad news.

5) Dead bird

6) Dead Godaloneknowswhat

7) Mud? ?? ???

To Dine on...

1) Fox's poo

2) Horse's poo

3) Cow poo

4) Dunno who's poo but it sure looks like bad news.

5) Dead bird

6) Dead Godaloneknowswhat

7) Rabbit poo (not worth rolling in it so may just as well eat it)

Finally... Best Sainsbury's mince served with rice + vegatables of the day and  presented  in a spotlessly clean gleaming stainless dogs bowl.


:lol: That sounds about right Phil :thumbsup:
:D :D :D Could'nt stop :D :D :D when i was reading what yours roll in.

BRILL :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Glad my 2 "Wuppets" aren't unique...

Isn't it comforting to know that somewhere, someone else is, or shortly will be, up to their armpits in wet soapy whippets and water.

Never tried using the " Juice from a tin of tomatos"... mainly cos I don't eat tinned tomatos. :b

Likewise using a dollop of tomato ketchup sounds a bit odd... you sure your not confusing it with a hot dog? add a few fried onions maybe?


Wouldn't personally use fairy liquid as I would have thought that's a bit on the detergenty side... and could leech the oil out of their skin.

We're inundated with rabbits & foxes in sunny :- " Sussex so when the "proper" doggie shampoo runs out I have use that Simple Shower Gel... which I just happen to find laying about in the shower room.... ... ...

Dij not a big roller - he does give goose poo a go (which luckily aint too bad) but is not interested in rolling in DEAD at all

Dunno about Bloggs - not encountered anything truely foul with him yet :blink:

What they both love to do though :x is help themselves to little nuggets of joy from the cats litter tray :x

It's a race at my house to see who can get to the litter tray first - understandably I'm quite manic about keeping it clean, and check for deposits every time i walk by
Murphy finally discovered the joy of rolling yesterday - i wonder if he has been reading this post? I think it was bird poo so not too bad - i just dread the day he finds badger poo - far worse than fox poo.
Dirty little bugger's arn't they, mine all had a run yesterday.

All had a roll in something very smelly :rant: all 8 had to have a shower. :angry:
well my o/h got back from taking gypsy out about a hour ago...................she walked in the house and i could smell her before i could see her...god knows what it is but she bloody stinks to high heaven :x

off to the bathroom then :- "