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Whippets sleeping in bed

LasVegasNo1 said:
bless him... if only he knew.... ;)
There's a truth in that. If you have them on the bed, and have to stop for some reason (e.g. you develop asthma or have a change of circumstance) then it is very hard for them to understand why they are being banished. We've never had the dog on the bed at night, as he's just too fidgety, but the cat sleeps glued to me; it's been very difficult over the last few weeks as I've been quite ill, which triggered a bad allergy flareup. Even though it's been me that moved to the spare room so she can sleep with OH, she's been quite distressed, sitting outside my door miaowing for an hour or so. The reactions have got better this week, so we're almost back to normal, but I did think quite a few times 'I'm not doing this with the next one'.
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Jan Doherty said:
Sleep whats sleep? You get too hot, they get too hot spo get out, You then get too cold because they take the duvet with them. You then get trampled at least three times a night when they decide to go on mass for a group wee and have to check you are awake when they get back.Havent the heart to say stay downstairs though.

Oh yes and there are great eye creams on the market for dark rings under eyes , it says especially designed for Whippet owners in the small print LOL :thumbsup:

PMSL .......Sooooo true .....I only share my bed with 6 at the mo :eek: (with 2 more shortly to join :blink: )..........but on a positive note though, during the summer they boil you to death by lying on you during the night :sweating: :sweating: , so i'm sure I lose weight :teehee: :thumbsup: :lol:
My three share my bed - or from their perspective 'Our bed' :b , and despite restless nights and back ache from sleeping in the most ridiculous positions to suit them I wouldnt have it any other way :huggles:
I have one of my cats in the bed with me and Tiny on the bed and Max at the bottom of the bed on some spare pillows, Sasha, my other cat usually sleeps in the spare room but sometimes condescends to join us to (oh and the OH of course) (w00t)

I've just noticed this topic is from 2004! Wonder what the pup looks like now! (w00t)
dogs ina bed now way jose, its a dog not a human, a good dog bed and plenty of contact the next day get u a better dog dont it? wot next sharing a bath? or a holiday in spain? :lol:
All my dogs ALWAYS slept in my bed, and there was a time that meant 6 (Borzois & Danes) plus some cats, and some children. :lol: We had a king-sized bed with a single one down by our feet.

About seven years ago I had an operation and was in too much pain to have dogs wrapped around me all night. They learned to sleep on the sofa. Nowadays I have all sorts of pains, so it is lot more comfortable not to have dogs in my bed, and last year, when I was feeling particularly unwell, I just had to move them out.

I am bit better and have just relented a bit as we had couple of very cold nights and Genevieve is not as yet very good at digging herself under the bedding.

However Callista and Genevieve sleep all night, without fidgeting or needing to go out, but i had some in the past that would go in and out all night :rant:

I never had a puppy "accident" in my bed, but i am a light sleeper and thee were occasions that a puppy started to fidget or walk up and down on the bed and i rushed it out just in time. But they were tiny pups. Generally once they are all snug and warm under the duvet they fall into deep sleep until the morning. :)

I cannot se the problem with changing the rules as the ircumstances change. I guess it is like going out of the house; sometime i take the dogs, sometime they have to stay at home.
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lurcherman said:
dogs ina bed now way jose, its a dog not a human, a good dog bed and plenty of contact the next day get u a better dog dont it? wot next sharing a bath? or a holiday in spain? :lol:
well im ready for my pit now but i cant get in, i wonder why

keith :- "
Frankie and Holly share a bed together downstairs and Chloe has a seperate bed downstairs too. I personally find that we all get a better sleep this way as they do fidget in bed!

I know this because when im on nights and have to sleep in the day, i let Frankie and Holly come and sleep upstairs in bed with me. Holly likes sleeping on the top of my head :lol: and Frankie starts off under the duvet but then gets too hot and goes on top.

They all get to come up for a snuggle most mornings with one or the other of us, or both!
:b Badger,Woody and Bryn all sleep by our feet in bed.

Parker the Beagle sleeps under the duvet in the middle of the bed flat on his back with legs sprawling (w00t)

Zoe the boxer sleeps on her big cushion on the floor my husbands side of the bed,she is barred from the bed cos she's a mare and gets all huffy with the boys if they so much as dare to lay near her.......the bitch.

We bought a Super_Kingsize bed which is six foot wide and six and a half foot long and yet i still wake everyday with back ache because i'm hanging off the edge of the bed. I also wake thinking i have a hair lip because there's usually a whippet paw shoved up my nose (w00t) (w00t)
Welcome to K9 :cheers:

My two whippets sleep downstairs on their own sofa :lol: :- " but always come up on the morning to have a cuddle under the covers with mam :huggles: for about half an hour - and its a job moving them anywhere else later. :lol:
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