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Whippets or Greyhouds


May i take this opportunity to commend you on your breeding program. ;) I hope your efforts and endeavours are rewarded with some excellent pups both for racing and breeding. Its great to see someone using some of the best bred racing dogs to enhance the future of non ped whippet racing, whether to produce racers or brood bitches. May the gods look kindly on you and dip each and every one of your pubs in the divine dust. :D and should i decide to have one may they dip that one twice :) :)

Could i also take this opportunity to thank you for all of your help and assistance in encouraging me to take that plunge to race my dogs in truely are an ambassador to your sport. :cheers:

For a number of years now us guys in Northern Ireland have been bringing non ped whippets in from England, with a great deal of success i may add, and it is brilliant to see that some of the dogs which have been bred over here enjoying some success in England. Seeing the success's of Come on Ernie and Come on Sue is really thrilling. It made the 600 odd mile round trip to have Miss Ellie mated to Come on Chief worthwhile. Long may your success's continue.

Out of curiosity over the past number of years how many of the no limit champions have been over 55lb. If my memory serves me right the majority would be around the 45-55 lb weight.......but don't quote me on that one.
:D I hope someone answers you on that about how many dogs over 55lb have titles. Im afraid I dont know but I would be very suprised if it is more than a couple especially on the straights. You are quite right in thinking that the majority of no limits are between 41lb and 55 lb most of them between 46lb and 52lb. ;) I dont know of many over 55lb. :oops:
The reason i asked the above was because i understand that some people feel that there are some dogs which turn up at meetings that are very much like greyhounds in appearance, but i think these dogs are few in number and that people are concerned that the no limit class will all go this way. I think our sport is made up of a lot of different people with various characters, personalities and opinions which mean that there are a lot of differences in views etc. However we should not let are own views, opinions etc be the benchmark from which are sport should be run. Others should have their own input and interests also. I believe this will only better the sport of racing dogs. All credit must go to all who have continued to pursue the wellbeing of our sport at whatever level.....long may it continue.

Thanks daz for your post, it's nice to have a bit encouragement. I think this is the first time I have turned the computer on and not had somebody having a dig at me. hopefully in a few years time, people who doubted my methods, might be sitting there with a pup with my breeding, small or large, and willing it to get its next title. But I dont suppose I'll be remembered for that.


come on ernie
why can't we just call them "racing dogs" and enjoy them for what they are. a very adaptable dog that comes in different sizes and colours that will race, work the fields but most of all they make brillant family pets, why have most of us got more than one?
HEAR HEAR, :p I am sure we all enjoy racing our whippets what ever the size.....i have eight Denise :oops: and we sit on the floor cos we aint got room on the settee.......but we would not be with out them lol :wub:
:D Here here Will4. :cheers: I think the fact there are 4 pages on this topic should tell us something about the big dogs. People do actually like them. :lol:

debbie,s sons pup from the first litter from tiger lil has turned 40lb and is still only 71/2 month old . looks a beauty.

debbie replying
:p 40lb at 7 and a half months eh? Could he be another Mickey Whizz :lol: I know he loks like him he is the one Peter liked when he was a pup. Hope Paul takes him to Dawdon I would like to see him. :cheers: