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A three legged Yorkie would be quicker for racing............*****.
Hi Fossie

It must realy have took some brain cells to think of that reply?, Have you thought of joining MENSA.
"Established" - you're so much more diplomatic than Paul. :D
Hi Judy

Established" - you're so much more diplomatic than Paul.
you missed out younger & better looking from you're reply :D
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Here are a couple of pics of the pups were keeping now 9 1/2 week old (7-3-03) and already going in for the lure? :)

MEG (Parkstone True Blue)

View attachment 269
In my opinion a little harsh!

Can we assume Fossie and Nonplused are one and the same ?

If you're going to insult somebody and their dogs at least have the balls to do it to their face or post your real name.

Yep.......if youre gonna call someone....... use youre real name!!!!!!!!!! coward or what !!!!!!!!!!!!
there was a thread started on non-ped cos people was coming on with fake names and saying stuff but they wouldnt use there real names to back it up!!!!!!!!!!!! name is michelle and i write down what i want, i may peeve people off at times but i dont hide my name, details or anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!most of you know who i am......and i dont hide it!!!!!!!!!
My personal feeling is that if you live by the sword you die by the sword!

I'm sure that the IP address is logged,shouldn't be too hard to trace.

I can confirm they are the same person. Yes Scott the IP address is logged & they are an ntl Broadband customer....
Hi Scott & Michelle

Thanks for the comments, I totaly agree with both you're comments regarding real names, if you've got a comment to make you should have the bottle to stand by it and not hide behind false names, like Michelle what I write may upset one or two but I stand by what I say and have the balls to put my name to them.

BUT I am truely humbled that such an authority on Whippets has felt my pups worthy of writing a reply, this person MUST surely own racings Champions and be a breeder of quality whippets themselves.

At the end of the day WELL bred pups out of a Racing Champion Father will always do the talking for themselves later in life.

But please don't get angry with this poor individual as they need you're support at a time like this not you're anger.

Nigel! a thought, I think nameing and shameing those who hide behind false names would be fun :D what does everyone else think.
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:0 Hi All, :(

I totally agree with what you said Mark(refering to the last bit), they have started doing this on a web site in Australia.

As for the person who made the comments, i don''t know you or will i ever meet you, but you have obviously got an opinion (everyone does) but if you have got something to say it straight to the person involved not through a false name(or two). I'm also a firm believer in what goes around comes around. So come on, i thought this forum was supposed to be friendly :) .

Debra :D :p

Mark, i thought the pups looked lovely(but that is my opinion) :D .
I have contacted this member and given them a warning about their behaviour.
Mark, you have my support also, (as usual). Nice looking litter I say, and to hell with those who want to criticise anonymously. :angry:

Don't worry Debra, most of us are very friendly, keep visiting. :D

I don't think this person probably even has whippets Mark, let alone Champions - we whippeteers are above such behaviour.

Keep posting pictures as they grow up.
Hi Debra

This is a very freindly site and although we may sometimes have a good descussion that sometimes gets a bit close to the bone we always stay freinds in the end. :)

as without a good debate nothing ever changes.

Thanks to everyone for the support but as you all know i'm big & ugly enough that it's like water off a ducks back to me. ;)

June i'm counting the days till we meet again. (do you need directions to the North?) :p
Scott Frodsham said:
Hope that is enough. There really is no need for it.
A strongly worded email to their ISP will be the next action if they continue. They will be breaking their ISP Terms & Conditions & ultimately that ISP will cancel their Internet connection.
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Hi Mark,

Discussion is good, about you being big and ugly i'll have to take your word for that ;) as i have never met you. As for water off a ducks back, well that would help with all the rain in England. The weather here is getting abit cooler now, probably mid 20's during the day and tonight they said it will drop to 14 degrees out this way. Did managed to get abit sun/wind burn today at the dog show :( .

Debra :D :p :b