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Whippet Pup(s) Wanted

BeeJay said:
I'm sure that Helen has got a thread about which is best dogs or bitches and on getting a whippet pup in the FAQ Forum.  Have a look in there.
Personally for a pet dog I'd have a male whippet.  They tend to be more affectionate, and loving.  They aren't as independent as the bitches can be.  The dogs seem to be a bit soppier.

:thumbsup: Thanks Beejay - here's the link:
[SIZE=8pt]Just to chuck my two pence in.......[/SIZE]


When you consider getting a whippet make sure you know whether you will



or Race them :- "


You may do neither,


That was like me i wanted a whippet, and got one, then went along to some races and wanted to race her, now i have a lovely whippet but shes not racing breed.... :oops:


so the next pup will be (when i beg OH) :thumbsup: :p


So have a look around at shows and racing clubs, they are lovely informative people as well :thumbsup: :cheers:


Kim and Tilly
BeeJay said:
Personally for a pet dog I'd have a male whippet. They tend to be more affectionate, and loving. They aren't as independent as the bitches can be. The dogs seem to be a bit soppier.

I couldn't agree more :thumbsup:

It's funny,but i've had loads of enquiries for bitches,& when i ask why they'd prefer a female to a male,i always seem to get the same answer.....but a male will cock his leg in the house! :blink:

Well yes,he might possibly do it once,but if you catch him,you can easily stop it from happeneing again.What's more,it's just as likely that a bitch will also mark her territory!
Yep the boy's are much easier ........Immaculately clean and very loyal and loving .........but on the other hand the girl's have a bit of fire and stubborn as they can be they make life less predictable :D
I totally agree, the boys are so soft (though i did have one with a tendancy to disagree with black labs), then i got a girl thinking that girls would be just as easy. Then I found out differently, my blue girl (though i think blues are a breed apart anyway) is very intelligent and will come back ect really well, up to her finding something dead to eat on the field or just plain deciding that she cant be bothered, so then i'm stuck like a lemon waiting for her to come back which eventually she does.
I find your comments posted on this site as very distasteful.

I do not feel I need to justify myself to anyone - especially a busy body such as you.

The mere fact that my husband is visiting Lincoln on Thursday of this week is to a family funeral and it was purely a fluck.

Should you wish to reveal yourself and discuss this further, feel free my telephone number is no secret. Perhaps "Evil thinkers are the eveil do ers themselves".

I was led to beleive that if you had a common interest and you had quality puppies (the first litter we have ever had in our entire lives) then wouldn't t have been nice to share this.

It is obvious to me you have an over active imagination.

Thank you for your concern.
We are NOT evil thinkers or doers,just concerned that someone comes on here for the first time & tries to sell a puppy & offers to deliver it to an unknown/unchecked home!

Perhaps if you had come on here first & introduced yourself & told us all a bit about who you are,& what your puppies are,we wouldn't have been quite so suspicious!

lets face it,there's some bad buggers out there(& i'm NOT saying you're one of them) who just want to make some cash by having a litter & selling them to whoever comes along!

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I wouldn't have thought what i have posted is anything detramental,& i have no intention of turning anything into a slanging match!! :angry:
alfyn said:
We are NOT evil thinkers or doers,just concerned that someone comes on here for the first time & tries to sell a puppy & offers to deliver it to an unknown/unchecked home!Perhaps if you had come on here first & introduced yourself & told us all a bit about who you are,& what your puppies are,we wouldn't have been quite so suspicious!

lets face it,there's some bad buggers out there(& i'm NOT saying you're one of them) who just want to make some cash by having a litter & selling them to whoever comes along!

I have watched this topic and I am not looking for a puppy. If folk dont give us info or let K9 folk know a little about themselfs,,we do think it could be puppy farmers :( . Im not saying Tinajones9929 is a puppy farmer but the first post he / she puts on is selling pups. I would never consider any breeder willing to bring the pupppy to me,,,but the seller is saying,,,,they will be in the area at that time :- " . To me,,I would not buy a pup from anyone not willing to know a little about my home life / family/ other dogs,,,maybe this breeder is doing all the right stuff,,,but to come onto K9 , as a very new member it looks NOT RIGHT TO ME :( ,,,I just hope Im wrong and you do love and hope for the best homes for your pups,,,,but we just want pups to go to the right homes and not to future puppy farmers

I wish you the best of luck selling the pups to great family homes and wish I could buy them all from you as I know I would love them all :) ,,,Quote me if you like as it's all true

Susan :cheers:
Hear hear , well said Susan

Just like to add ,

In previous post , you said your husband was WORKING in Lincoln :eek: :oops: Now its a family funeral :- " ummmmmmmmmm :eek:

and Mark , where do you get `slanging match` from (w00t) :b :huggles:
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JAX said:
Hear hear , well said Susan

Same here .........We had 1 couple drive (to us) for over 6 hours (one way) to come and see 1 of my pup's .......I knew about their home, jobs, life style etc .....befor they even spent a day driving (they also got told that if we didn't like them they'd go home empty handed) .......but they came and saw her ....We found out more about them and we still keep in touch now .......Brilliant a breeder couldn't ask for more :D
JAX said:
Hear hear , well said Susan
Just like to add ,

In previous post , you said your husband was WORKING in Lincoln  :eek:   :oops:   Now its a family funeral  :- "  ummmmmmmmmm  :eek:

To be fair,,we dont expect a death in the family. This person I think will make him or her know and we can sit back and say S**t :oops: such and such knows them opps :oops: ,,,but looking at the topic and reading everything it looks not right :( ,,,I hope im made out an idiot though :oops: Quote me again if you like :oops:
Totally agree with alfyn and Susan :)) I thought last night i was reading adtrader :- " it seemed nearly every post i read there was a fawn whippet pup for sale!!!!!!!

the posts just did'nt read right-the puppies welfare is the main thing every-body is concerned with :thumbsup:
Just to say just caught up on this thread & i think what most people are trying to say is they care passionately where their pups go & want to ensure the best possible homes by meeting the people in comfortable surroundings & being able to talk to them & gel with them & know their pups are going to be loved & well looked after which should always be the case.

The other side of the coin is perhaps the lady in question is totally genuine (i am sorry i dont know you?) but a first ever litter & read a post from what seemed to be a genuine nice loving home, perhaps her husband was travellling nearby & she thought she was doing her best & trying to accommodate both potential home & puppy.

We all learn by our mistakes & if this lady is genuine which i hope she is perhaps she just needs a bit of advice & guidance.

Yes its an extremely kind offer to meet someone so they dont have to travel & i'm sure was meant with the best will in the world BUT this is not the correct way of doing things.

These potential owners may well be the best owners ever BUT it is ALWAYS wise to meet someone first, check them out make sure they are getting a puppy for the right reasons, sit down & talk to them intelligently & ask questions. This CAN NOT be done on a 5 minute stop on a motorway.

Please let us try & guide people & share our experiences to getting them to do the right thing instead of alienating them.

The bottom line is unfortunately we cant stop litters being bred BUT some are genuine people wanting to their best & perhaps with our guidance & help these puppies can end up in safe loving homes BUT if we immediately jump on them we are not helping to ensure a safe future for the puppies.

The bottom line is a Breeder somewhere sold a puppy to people who were considering breeding without passing on the correct information & advice to begin with so its our job to now try & help where we can for the sake of the pups.

In my mind if a Breeder does their job correctly this situation should NOT arise. Thats what KC endorsements are for.

My only concern is the pups & ensuring they find the right loving homes & if this means mopping up another breeders inconsideration, so be it.

and Mark , where do you get `slanging match` from
Check my post Jax, I said DONT let it degrade into one, I didnt say it had.

Ok this new member has joined and several (including myself) thought the post slightly odd and the fact that they join and post pups for sale rang alarm bells.

But this has happened before and new members have been jumped on and then it turns out nothing more than a badly worded post.

Hopefully this is another case of that and it is no more than a set of badly worded post.

Unfortunatly there seems to be a thing on K9 at the moment of jumping on new members rather than getting to know them.
Driving A Pup to Lincoln to Someone you know little or Nothing about Mark is Not Badly Worded...Its Wrong!

Sorry but thats my Opinion.
Driving A Pup to Lincoln to Someone you know little or Nothing about Mark is Not Badly Worded...Its Wrong!Sorry but thats my Opinion.
Ozzy please go back and read the thread and show me where I said it was ok to drive a pup to Lincoln.

What I did say was Give new members a chance and get facts rather than go into a full blown witch hunt. (what happened to inocent till PROVEN guilty)
We all know right from wrong BUT what i'm trying to put over here is the main concern is the WELFARE OF THE PUPS.

Sometimes a little diplomacy works far better than totally alienating people.

Its easy to jump on our high horse BUT where does that get the pups??

A little tact & helpfullness & kindness may make a better situation all around.

Sometimes as hard as it is when you wanna jump off at the deep end, if you actually listen, guide & help it reaches a far better conclusion.

C'mon guys i think you know what i am sayig here?????

If its a lost cause, fine i hold my hands up BUT where there's hope???
