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Whippet Pup(s) Wanted


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Hallo, im a first time poster here, and the reason i have registered is that id like to buy a whippet pup (possibly 2) to have as a family pet. We would ideally like a black n white pup if at all possible, but would consider other dogs. We live in the NE of England and would really hope to purchase the whippet from somehwere not too far to travel, but once again, the distance isnt the priority, its more the fact that we get our pup(s) from a reputable person who has cared for the dog prior to us getting it.

Can anyone give any advice here also please. Id like to know, if we buy two pups, is it best to have two dogs, or bitches, or do we mix? Indeed is it wise to have two in the house? Are they known for getting along, keeping each other company etc? We have two daughters and were thinking of getting them one each. Incidentally, not only are we new to whippets, but in fact to dogs in general, as its our first real family pet.

Forgive our ignorance here, i hope you will treat us as complete, but nonetheless serious, novices, and we would appreciate any help or advice whatsoever.

many thanks indeed. markE
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[SIZE=14pt]Hello MarkE, WELCOME TO K9![/SIZE] :)

Ok few things, you said your family are new to owning a dog, do any of you have any experience of raising a puppy? It can be quite demanding and taking on two is twice as hard really as they can influence each other with bad habits etc. I'm not saying it's impossible ( there's plenty of us on here who's done it and done well) but you may prefer to just get the one first and maybe later on consider another. Your girls will still get plenty of fun with one as whippys are definately fun characters! :teehee:

Also what helped you decide on a whippet? Only I was thinking if this was because you had met some before you could tell us what characteristics you liked and if you had any plans for the future (if any) with your pup e.g. showing / racing / lure coursing etc.

There's lots of other things to consider like do you have a secure garden etc but any reputable breeder will ask you questions just to ensure that their pup(s) are going to a good home so don't be put off, besides you'll get a wealth of information so you'll feel happy and confident in rasising your puppy well. :)

Wishing you the best of luck, and look forward to you keeping us all informed. :thumbsup:


P.S. Don't blame you for wanting a black and white, they're certainly striking! :D Here's a pik of my boy Dobby :wub:

Welcome to K9

I agree with Jacs ,, If its your first dog , then 1 whippet is plenty enough :) By having just the one you can not only learn about dogs in general ,but also about whippets . I started with 1 and learnt so much from him , that has stead me in good form for all my others

Although 2 will keep each other company they will also create mayhem (w00t) Whippets look , quiet , gentle , butter wouldnt melt dogs , but believe you me my 2 pups (17 weeks ) terrorise that rest of the gang. ( I have 10 all together now (w00t) )

I am an experianced owner/breeder of over 20 years with whippets , and even I find 2 hard work :lol: .

Start with one , house training and obeidance (sp) will be soo much easier and you can come here for any advice we can give .

Jackie and the [SIZE=14pt]MULCAIR WHIPPETS [/SIZE]
Welcome to K9 - and what very good advice from the breeders here :thumbsup:

I have two whippets - but dont rush into it - they can be real terrors :devil: I would do your homework before gettting any breed of pup and Good Luck whatever you decide. :luck:
Hi Mark,& welcome to K9 :thumbsup:

I have to agree with everything said so far! It sounds very appealing to have 2 puppies together ,but as you've not owned a dog before,you can't imagine what 2 whippet pups can get up to :sweating: (w00t) ,so i'd say, enjoy having one for now :thumbsup:
Hallo again, and thankyou to those who have replied, and those who have also pm'd me with information.

After reading your advice on the matter, i now feel that one pup would be sufficient for the family, and if things go well, we could then add if necessarry.

I also feel i should add a little more onfo about the home to which the pup would be going into, as i know this would be required information for any concienscious breeder.


We are a family of four in the house. My wife, myself, and our 2 daughters aged 14,13. We live in a semi-detached house with a good sized (100m sq) back garden with a 6ft fence surrounding the entire perimeter. We live in North Shields, North Tyneside, a mile from the nearest beach, and we have a gorgeous coasltine with lots of walking space. We love to walk locally and also to go out into the country to spot wildlife.


We enjoy holidaying in cottages within the British Isles, especially the Isle of Mull off western Scotland where we have been 3 times in the last 2 years renting cottages. Im not trying to give you a potted family history here, merely showing that we would be able to take the dog on holiday with us, thats all.


We do not wish to show the whippet, nor do we wish to have it for any other reason than to enjoy as a family pet. We chose a whippet after much thought. We both love the look of them.

(I must add here, that the dog would be a suprise for the kids, they have no idea we are even considering it, despite the fact that they have repeatedly asked for one in the past couple of years).

We have read that they are good with kids, but sometimes not young babies, and we will not be having any more children (thats official!). Living in the north east, whippets are not uncommon, well, perhaps a little more uncommon nowadays, we dont see as many as we did when i was young. I remember the caretaker of my junior school having a couple and they fascinated me. I couldnt believe how they would fly through the air. We want a short haired dog as my wife can have an allergic reaction to too much animal hair. And finally i must be honest here, i recently read Narrow Dog To Carcassonne by Terry Darlington, and i fell in love with the thought of a whippet, BUT, we had been considering a dog as a suprise gidft to the kids anyway.

We realise they need to RUN, and be walked like any other dog that is well looked after. We have not rushed into this decision about a dog, but we feel we could give a whippet a great home with the love and attention any family member would need. The whippet seems like a good reliable intelligent dog that will add to a family, and also help us keep fit in looking after it, belive me i could do with losing a few pounds.

We have had other pets in the past as a family, but not a dog. However, i had a dog, from it being a pup, when i was a lad, a yellow labrador (thats the dog, not me) and so i know what having a puppy can be like.

So, in conclusion, we thought we could consult those in the know about whippets, to see if they (you, good people) would think we were good candidates to be whippet owners, before we actually went ahead with purchasing one. I hope this covers most of what you would need to know about us, if not, then ask away and i'll be as frank and honest as possible.

Please tell us if ther is anything we should know particularly about the Whippet breed. I am relying on reading up on the internet a lot before we go ahead.
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Hi welcome to K9

I'd also say start with one pup, whippets are the best but so naughty when the mood takes them. :teehee: We started with one but now have two, and everything doesn't seem half as bad the second time around when you know what to expect. But getting whippets was best decision we ever made :huggles:

Our two even gang up on us now, cheeky monkeys

good luck with whatever you decide :thumbsup:

[SIZE=14pt]I am also new to the whole whippet thing, and decided to get one after wanting one since i was a girl...I have a 7 1/2 month old bitch[/SIZE]


I thought she would be quiet, gentel (sp) and fun. :- " .........she is, but she is also very naughty :angry:


She has eaten my new lino, (I now have a cage for her at night and when im not there.) :rant:


She digs very large holes in the garden if we leave her out there :rant:


Eats every thing, ie, kids toys, bottom step, cusions (sp) and loads more (there is a thread on this somewhere) :rant:


They are extremly inteligent and seem to get away with murder, far more then the kids ever could. :wub: :huggles:


I walk her once a day for about a hour, she has a good long run, my oh walks her in the morning for about 20mins... :teehee:


If you want mayhem and madness :teehee: :wacko: , but loads of love and affection, then a whippet is for you :huggles:


My opinion only mind..... :- "
View attachment 21334This is my girl Truffle in the fields.

May I suggest that you come along to the North Eastern Whippet Society's show at Sherburn Sports Centre near Durham on Sunday 20th Nov., and there you will meet lots of whippets and their owners. I agree with all the people that have siad "just start off with one", time enough to get a pal for it a year or so later. If you are set on a black and white you may have to wait a little for it, but you have very good taste I say!
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go on - get a whippet :))

we did 6 weeks ago and we could not be happier :wub:

they are sooo naughty but so wonderful that it more than evens itself out!

my humble advice is that you will never regret being owned by a whippet xx
Me again, sorry to bother you all again. I need a little more information.

Do we go for a bitch or a dog?

I there much of a size difference? Or a difference in temperament? Or is it all down to the individual?

Does a bitch need more attention (vet wise) than a dog?

What in your experience is preferred as far as a family dog is concerned?

thanks again, markE
dont know for whippets, but in general males can be more stubborn, larger and stronger than bitches. saying that, though, the female of the species has a stronger sense of self preservation :D

consider these points:

do you think you will breed?

if yes, are you prepared for the difficulty and hard work, possibly heartache, that is involved?

if no, you might consider a dog as these are worries that wont affect you. if you still think a bitch is what you want, are you prepared for the mess when she comes into season? having to barricade her indoors for up to a month twice a year? bitches overall have more serious health concerns, though spaying eliminates that.

with dogs, you may get territorial marking (my 3mth dog is a sod for it :D ), as he gets older he will probably hump nearly everything :p in sight! as well as get into minor squabbles to show dominance, whether that be with a neighbours dog, or even yourself. my 1st gsd was like that. in his mind he was 2nd ranking in my family, above my mother, brother and myself. he was a 2nd hand dog, mind, but it ended very badly. he had to go before he killed one of us, literally :(

i dont know if any of this helps, but i hope this does give you an idea of what to expect. :luck: :luck: with your quest for a companion, keep us posted
Hello Mark,

We have puppies for sale. Excellent pedigree.

We could meet you to deliver.

If you would like further information please would you ring us on 01554 746779

Mrs Richards.

Look forward to hearing from you.
Tinajones9929 said:
We have puppies for sale.  Excellent pedigree.We could meet you to deliver.
I don't want to appear rude,but in a previous post you say you're in Llanelli,in another post you say your hubby can deliver to Lincolnshire,& in this post you will "meet" someone.Are you desperate to sell them to people you haven't checked out?

Sorry,but to me this all sounds a bit worrying.

K9 is a lot more than just a place to try to sell puppies you know!
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alfyn said:
Tinajones9929 said:
We have puppies for sale.  Excellent pedigree.We could meet you to deliver.
I don't want to appear rude,but in a previous post you say you're in Llanelli,in another post you say your hubby can deliver to Lincolnshire,& in this post you will "meet" someone.Are you desperate to sell them to people you haven't checked out?

Sorry,but to me this all sounds a bit worrying.

K9 is a lot more than just a place to try to sell puppies you know!

Not being rude either, but delivering puppies??????????? Puppy farmers are well know for this so be careful
I'm sorry about this I don't want to appear rude either,but NEVER but NEVER buy a pup from ANYBODY saying that they can meet you or deliver the pup!! :angry:

It really is just asking for trouble, I wouls say that most of us breeders on here if not all want to meet & see where our babies are going, it is paramount that both the pup & potential new owner "gel" we want to know all about our "new owners" lifestyle & how the pup will fit in.Also you being the "new owner" should want to see where the pup came from,both parents and if possible the rest of the litter. :) A good reputable breeder would NEVER even think of meeting someone somewhere & handing over one of their precious pups that they have so lovingly & carefully raised without knowing where it was going............It really is UNTHINKABLE :rant:

So take my advice,as I'm sure I speak for most of us on here, don't buy a pup from someone arranging to meet you anywhere!!!! :thumbsup:
There are always litters due on here, and good litters sell themselves!

Take a look at new litters on K9 and any due in the near future, then look back to see is there are any previous litters from those people. Basically do some research. And there is no better place than K9.
I'm sure that Helen has got a thread about which is best dogs or bitches and on getting a whippet pup in the FAQ Forum. Have a look in there.

Personally for a pet dog I'd have a male whippet. They tend to be more affectionate, and loving. They aren't as independent as the bitches can be. The dogs seem to be a bit soppier.
I totally agree with that for pet.........Dogs are big licks :wub:
I disagree :p

I would always stick to a girl myself.

I know that would mean an extra 15 minute wait for the bathroom in the morning

but hey its worth having another female in the house for the sheer entertainment :lol: