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Whippet Pulling

this all sounds very interesting pepa pulls like a mad man and dose not make a happt walk phoebe was realy good and calm but I think pepa is rubing off on her and is starting to pull too just had a look on the all-in-one harnis and it looks good think I will give it a try.
:D Cesar Millans method works for all mine, and very quickly too. :D

jinnyfizz said:
whippetlove said: seems a common problem. I use a wheelchair and have had probs in the past. I have found using a good harness makes them more body aware and easier to control. I usually just stop and pause a for a moment and wait for them to calm down. Then move off and if they continue I stop again..which may sound laborious but the do get the the walk does not continue if there is pulling . Have you heard of Ceasar Milan? hes a great behaviourist/communicator and he believes that you have to have your dog in  a calm state before you go out the door..and to not let them walk infront of you. He feels a calm but assertive attitude is cruical to how your dog will behave on a walk. If you behave calmly they usually will be too. He suggests a gentle tug on the lead towards you if they pull combined with a sort of ssshhh sound. If they do not respond to this the gently press your finger on the neck area as this should disrupt the pulling and stops them getting into a higher state of excitement. You can also bring your outer foot up behind you and tap them with your toe on their flank..again disrupting the behaviour. It may sound odd stuff but we have used his methods with great success.  You have to be consistant and calm but its not long before they get the idea. I can now walk mine past all sorts of distractions, other dogs etc and its all very calm and relaxed. I think training classes are usefull but you dont get the same distractions/smells etc as you do on a walk. Hope this is of use?

Em and Willow

:) I've been using Ceasar Milan's methods with my two. It has been very productive as neither of them will show any interest in our food when we're eating and they also ignore the cats, having been reprimanded 'pack leader' style with a nudge and an appropriate disapproving noise ie a sssssshhh :thumbsup:

It also help when they are getting too rough when they play :wacko:

I am going to start the lead training but will be doing it with them individually until they get the message, otherwise it's just too much excitement :blink:

Hopefully it's just a matter of time and patience :thumbsup:

I use a halti-harness with one dog (not a whippet, weights 50 lb) and it works a treat, has worked right from the start. You're supposed to use a two handed technique but I don't often have time to walk dogs individually so I attach the lead to front and top of harness but hold with one hand. The harness doesn't train the dog however, he will still pull when out with only collar and lead.

One of my other dogs pulls a bit, so I tried a makeshift arrangement of linking his collar and ordinary car/walking harness and that helps also.
Polly also pulled, and I saw Caesar Milan and followed his method -not letting the dog walk in front etc, and it worked wonders - within a day she was a different dog. :thumbsup:

He is still on - Sky 3 (also available on freeview) at various times most days -worth a watch. Don't agree with all hs methods, but his walking without pulling, ignoring other dogs etc are brilliant.
dessie said:
Janimal said:
Its more difficult for me walking three now....and two of mine really pull....I was thinking of trying out a halti or a gentle leader.
I see some of you have used them with success...its good to know. :thumbsup: Id be interested in learning more too.

I am not a fan of Haltis as they tighten around the muzzle but I have a couple of these

Gencon headcollars

and they are BRILLIANT. It is like a figure 8 and tightens around the neck, like a slip lead. All my dogs have accepted them with no fighting/struggling and I find I don't have to use them all the time. They seem to have a very calming influence as well because I just put in on Bertha to do her nails and she stands like a lamb.

Thanks for the information.. :thumbsup:
this thread is really intresting, have taken a few tips here and will put them into use,

its funny at first I had to drag smirnoff up the road for a walk as she was too scardy puss..... and now she is dragging me up the road !! :lol:

I'm gonna try the stop walking every time she pulls first, I think that might work, she is getting better and better with her walking, she used to be scard stiff of passing cars to beging with (dispite all of the soclization of carrying her around roads and things when she was small) and now she isn't bothered at all !!

I think alot of it is it takes time maybe,

keep doing the training and it will eventually click !!! :)