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Whippet Help Needed Please


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Hi everyone, I'm not a regular poster, registered a long time ago but urgently need some help/advice. This may be a bit long so sorry for the length.

My husband and I have two whippet bitches, one that's 4 years old, one that's almost 2. They both have lovely temperments.

The 2 year old is named Daisy. We are having some problems that has caused arguments as to where we are going next, and after today, my husband is at his wits end and we don't know what direction to go. The problem started shortly after we got her. Daisy seems to be lazy and for whatever reason, think it's ok to go wee and poo downstairs. I have no idea how this manifested. Both Belle and Daisy are kenneled or kept 'in their home' for this reason during the day. She has no desire to do it in her home. That's why I think she's lazy as she doesn't NEED to go if you know what I mean. That we could deal with, because all it meant was keep them in their homes during the day when noone was around (my husband works full time, and I'm a full time university student).

Last year I got pregnant, and had health problems that went along with it. Around winter time, when I was 4 months pregnant, I would take Daisy and Belle out during the day (we have no big garden, so we take them out 3-4 times a day for walks) and Daisy would start pooing as soon as I would get out on the sidewalk. Naturally, I would pull her along, and try and get her to do it where she knows that she should, but she would act like she couldn't hold it. I would inevitably have to come back and pick up dog poo, along the pavement.

She got 'better' for a time being, then, I noticed that there started to be blood in her poo. I took her to the vets, took a poo sample to them, they did a culture and found no nasty bugs in her and didn't know what to tell us. £100 later and we had no answers other than to keep her on boiled egg or chicken and rice for awhile, she might have a virus. Then we were told to switch her to Chappie, as it's easily digestable.

The pooing on the pavement didn't get any better. By now I was heavily pregnant and was being monitored for my health. My husband would come home to take the dogs out when he could. The blood was gone though.

Now the blood has come back. We took her to the vet again and demanded something else be done - there HAS to be something the matter. We were told that it looks like she could have a doggy form of IBS and we were given a tube of PROMAX (a probiotic to mix in with her food for a few days, to restore gut health) and told to change food to James Wellbeloved...apparantly there is no grains in that and the rice and turkey based formula is supposed to be really good for bad tummies.

To make a long story not so long, we have exhausted all of our options and are no further with answers. We are not rich people and now with a newborn (he's 6 weeks) it's impossible to deal with Daisy anymore. How ethical is it to carry on with a dog that's bleeding from behind?!! She seems right in herself, meaning she has an appetite and is a happy girl, but I can't deal with it and to be honest, with the baby, neither of us can deal with it anymore. I have an unrelated heart problem that has been diagnosed and I don't need the stress of it. She has peed downstairs again, and I didn't see it and almost slipped and fell.

I'm asking anyone, if anyone has any ideas, or, if anyone knowing these problems, would like to rehome her. Of course I'm not looking for any money, I'm just looking at doing what is best for Daisy, and clearly we can't provide that anymore. Maybe someone who has a large area where she can just run or someone who has more time for her than we can give....I don't know. She is a very well behaved girl otherwise....she doesn't need a lead where Belle, the older dog, does.

Thank you for all your replies. I don't need criticism as I know dogs should be in forever homes but I have to look after my own health and my baby son. xxx
I'm so sorry to read of your problems with Daisy . I'm sure her problems can be sorted and that someone would take her on knowing these problems and be prepared to help . Her bowel problems sound as if they could be allergy based . I had a whippet who was very intolerant to beef and even the slightest bit would be a disaster . A lot of foods may say they are chicken and rice or whatever but do actually contain beef as well . Have you thought of a whippet rescue to help you such as Scruples or JR Whippet rescue ?
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Certainly does sound like rehoming here would be the best option...taking all your circumstances on board.

Im not criticising you, but leaving dogs all day while you are at work...especially as not somehow right in my view...but thats only my opinion...

they are bound to get bored and then see the house as their toilet if theyve been used to being outside.

For the sake of your health and your baby too, I definitely see rehoming as the better option and fairer all round, so do hope someone will maybe take

your girl on and sort out her health problems too. :thumbsup:
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Hi both of you, thank you for your replies....

I'm not sure of what is in the James Wellbeloved food that we are giving her, only that it is supposed to be very good for dogs with dodgy tummies. It just isn't seeming to help at all. I was pretty sure there wasn't beef in it though??

I don't know what whippet rescues are available. My husband and I have not decided 100% as to what we are for sure doing. I would definately want her to go with someone who knows whippets or has other whippets. I must say that I have tried getting in touch with her breeder in the distant past but haven't heard anything from I don't know if they have changed their contact details or what. Are these whippet rescues someone associated with the board here?

As far as leaving pups on their own all day - we have and do come home during lunch (when we are both away), we take them out every morning and evening and then a quick potty break before bed, plus she is with Belle so it's not that she's all alone. My father in law was a K9 dog handler for West Yorkshire police for many many years both doing field work and drug work - so he is familiar with dog behaviour and has tried helping us out but has also suggested maybe she be rehomed. He would say if he felt like we were doing something 'wrong' as far as how we are treating them. He has no other advice to give us as he's at a loss as well.

Thank you both again :)
Oh Im sorry I didnt realise you had someone going to let them out at lunchtime...that is different and as you say

they do have each other for company.

What is your girls breeding, Im not sure if the breeder would help..but it is worth considering must be a nightmare for you

with a small baby to look ater too.

On this board there is Scruples Rescue...but I do know they are quite full at the could try joing The Whippet Forum

and putting your post on their too and see if anyone is willing to help you.

Good luck... :luck:

link for the whippet forum
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I just went downstairs to check and the James Wellbeloved has no beef or pork, just turkey....and just rice, no other cereals.

Yes, my husband comes home during lunchtime if I would be at university, and now that I'm on summer break I'm home with the dogs all day (plus having my son). It is hard but I do manage to get them out, I'd never expect them to go 8-9 hours during the day without being outside.

This is her information/picture that I put up on the whippet archives.

thank you, I really do want what is best for her and I just don't think we can provide it xx
I should also say......that the breeder listed is not the breeder we dealt with...?! I don't know who that person is??
Aww shes beautiful, and so reminds me of my Oscar as a puppy... :wub: it also says the creator of the entry is Heidi Thomas.

You must feel quite sad too to let her go, I really hope someone can help you out... :thumbsup:
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Ooh does it?? Heidi is the one I know! I didn't see her contact details anywhere, I'll have another look.

Thank you for the link to the other forum xx

I feel sad but I've come to the conclusion that it's the kindest option for her, it's not like we haven't tried. We have taken her to the vets and noone has any answers for us. I'm not a whippet 'expert' therefore I don't know if there is something that we just aren't doing right for her.
I was only using beef as an example . It may be that Daisy is allergic to something else in her food and by trial and error you can work out what . Another thing sometimes people forget about is the treats your dog may get could also cause problems . One of my present whippets can only get plain dog biscuits for her treats . All the others can eat anything at all .
themetalchicken - I have replied, thank you xx

The strange thing is that she had been fine for a year or so. We had her on Purina Beta, then went to Chappie, and now this James Wellbeloved food which is supposed to be so good...and it's just not helping. I don't know how many other foods I can try? Its so frustrating and distressing seeing blood. I should say it's not masses, but you can see it in the poo.

Also, we have thought about the treats, and haven't been giving her any recently. Gah though, then Belle gets things and Daisy looks so sad when she is excluded :(
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You sound exhausted and at the end of your tether. :( I don't blame you.....I know very occasionally I feel the same way with my whippet who still toilets in the house if he gets cold (given the chance) in the early hours and his digestion is a little delicate at times. I think it's the lack of garden and a not so understanding partner which just doesn't help matters (I'm in the same boat, no real garden - 3-4 walks a day needed). When everything's fine at home it's all manageable, but when life gets stressful at times, as yours is at the moment, these things can get on top of you if there doesn't seem to be any solution in sight. If you feel it has all got too much I think the best thing would be to re-home her, but be prepared for the feelings of loss and sadness....

I wish I could advise re the feeding...a lot of dog owners now advocate feeding RAW which helps to eliminate the IBS, but this can be a bit daunting for those with busy lives. Changing foods will upset their stomachs too so any changes need to be done gradually. Also, has Daisy been spayed..sometimes bitches suffer incontinence as a result and genuinely can't hold on? The vets should be able to help with this. In addition, if they get cold they'll need to go more frequently....whippets just aren't always inclined to wait for their walk...they'll just go indoors :eek: . The trick is to keep them warm with a jumper (I've had to put my whippet back in his jumper recently as it's suddenly gone chilly again) or warm bedding by a radiator.

Good luck with whatever you decide. :luck: :luck:
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Hi Nicola, thank you for your reply x

Your post almost made me cry, cause it's not like I don't care. Yes I get sooo frustrated at times because my husband and I seem to try everything and nothing helps, and when you go to the vets, and they say 'do this, do that' and your left £££ out of pocket with nothing to show for it, then it's just wondering what to do next. Belle and Daisy sleep at night in their kennel (their home) and there are plenty of blankies in there, so I don't think they are cold. Belle in particular is a master in covering herself up with blankets, amazing for a mammal that doesn't have hands lol :wacko:

She is not spayed actually - she just had her first season in June. We were going to wait until September/October to spay her. So she is 'intact' as of now so to say....

RAW is not an option....some days I struggle to feed myself (I'm being serious), I just would not have time to prepare that kind of food for her....again if this is what is best for her then she would be better off with someone who could prepare her meals this way.

I have been in contact with someone from Scruples Whippet Rescue and they seem like lovely people :) and I am asking them about diet.......and they seem to be willing to help me either come up with a solution or find her a better home than I can give her.

Thank you again xx
Hi Nicola, thank you for your reply x
Your post almost made me cry, cause it's not like I don't care. Yes I get sooo frustrated at times because my husband and I seem to try everything and nothing helps, and when you go to the vets, and they say 'do this, do that' and your left £££ out of pocket with nothing to show for it, then it's just wondering what to do next. Belle and Daisy sleep at night in their kennel (their home) and there are plenty of blankies in there, so I don't think they are cold. Belle in particular is a master in covering herself up with blankets, amazing for a mammal that doesn't have hands lol :wacko:

She is not spayed actually - she just had her first season in June. We were going to wait until September/October to spay her. So she is 'intact' as of now so to say....

RAW is not an option....some days I struggle to feed myself (I'm being serious), I just would not have time to prepare that kind of food for her....again if this is what is best for her then she would be better off with someone who could prepare her meals this way.

I have been in contact with someone from Scruples Whippet Rescue and they seem like lovely people :) and I am asking them about diet.......and they seem to be willing to help me either come up with a solution or find her a better home than I can give her.

Thank you again xx
Good luck...I hope things improve soon for you with Daisy, whichever path you decide to take :luck: Scruples Rescue will do their best to help you, you're in good hands I'm sure.
This is a sad post and I'm sure no one blames you. At least you are looking to resolve an untenable situation in the best way for all concerned. Good luck and I'll hope for a happy outcome for you all.
Hi Kissi, hope Annie has been able to advise you, Scruples exists not only to rescue and rehome whippets but to help and advise people whenever we can.

Yours is a very heartfelt post and it is plainly obvious that you care about your dog very much and have tried extensively to solve your problems with her. When you have a problem with an animal in your care, it can become very consuming and can play on your mind constantly worrying away at you until you get into the situation you and your husband have found yourselves in. Very importantly, always try to remember to look after yourselves. You have a young family to look after and carrying this stress around and not eating properly will not help you to function to the best of your abilities.

It's also all to easy to feel guilty in this sort of situation but you have done a sensible thing in asking for help and I hope you begin to find that help here.
Thank you all again, yes Annie has just emailed me and I will email her back in a moment, I am very thankful for all of the advice that she has given me. It's given my husband and I options and I appreciate everyone's input xx
I hope you manage to get something sorted, i know it can be really difficult. Our little Maya had a dodgy tummy for some time off and on and would have really bad vomiting and the runs overnight, not nice to come downstairs to!! We had the same thing in and out of the vets tried presciption diet and other diets, she had a scan, blood tests stool samples etc. The only thing wrong we found was camplyobacter (they can test a stool sample). Maya still has a delicate tummy but i now have her on raw minced chicken or chicken wings and she is fine. If she has beef or eats something different she can be a bit loose but since we changed her to raw, she has been fantstic.

It can be really hard but you need to do whats best for all of you, good luck no matter what you decide.

Let us know how you get on.
I cant help, I'm in another country, but I just wanted to wish you all well. It's good you came here to ask for help and advice. It sounds like rehoming might be the right thing to do in this case. I hope you can find the best solution for all involved. Best wishes. :luck: