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when is a whippet not a whippet

Sorry Yvonne, none of those dogs ring a bell, just can't place them, are you sure they are not pedigree whippets, lol. :clown:

Seriously, now you have got my head spinning, I would be more than happy to use any of those dogs in my breeding but you knew that anyway. Have you ever thought of owning your own no limit, you and Tony are not the kind of people who could take the critisism, but if you could put up with it there is a pup here with your name on it! - that is not a joke by the way! Hope to see you soon, I am at Thorock on Sunday, is that where you are going?

:b yes we are going to Thurrock on sunday, never really thought about getting a no limit , And thanks for the offer, we have 2 pups at the moment, but will think about it for the future, keep up the good work, yvonne ;) and to all that don't think your doing the right thing :p
A look in the dictionary for the definition of "pedigree" and "pure" (as in pure-bred) should answer the thorny question of 'when is a whippet not a whippet'.

There is nothing wrong in mating a whippet to a greyhound, in whatever blood %, but the progeny of two breeds mated together is not pure bred and therefore the puppies cannot be called whippets because a whippet is a pure breed.

Greyhounds race on NGRC tracks and Independents but regardless of which type of track, the dogs which race are always pure bred greyhounds, not lurchers, longdogs or crossbreeds.

Whippet racing is no different - regardless of whether a dog races on WRC tracks or 'non-ped' tracks it should still be a pure bred whippet otherwise you might as well call it Lurcher Racing.

I've followed these threads before and just cannot understand why there is such a debate over a cut and dried genetic law. I'm not talking about the type of matings, hybrid vigour produces excellent stock, no I mean when is a whippet not a whippet.

Whippet racing is no different - regardless of whether a dog races on WRC tracks or 'non-ped' tracks it should still be a pure bred whippet otherwise you might as well call it Lurcher Racing.
Completly agree with that . A whippet is just that a Whippet breed to a whippet , nothing else .

Dawn ,racing folk dont line breed `cos they go for how a dog runs , if they have a bitch which lacks early pace they will use a dog who has that early .hoping to get a `complete`dog

, early pace that stays too o:)

A top trainer I worked for many years ago could look at a race card and tell me how a dog would run just by its breeding , He wasnt wrong very often! :))
Perhaps Trapper could alos look in his dictionary under the word whippet. Does it say a whippet must be whippet x whippet ?

Why does the progeny of a mating depend on it's parentage to define the type of animal it is? Whippets are a type of dog defined by their specific abilities. Their right to be defined as whippets depends more on these abilities than the supposed proof via parentage.

Whippet x greyhound run in greyhound races at greyhound tracks - not all greyhounds are as pure bred as you think.

Whippet racing is about finding the fastest weight handicapped dogs and has nothing whatsoever to do with the purity of the breed.

Lurchers are bred for different tasks and lurcher racing is for fun. Whippets are bred to race.

What is "cut and dried" by genetic law is there is no such thing as "pure" bred whippets are a mix of dog types. If a whippet has to be "pure" to be a whippet there can be no whippets since no whippet doesn't have mixed ancestery.
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nice one i could not have put it better myself

and my spelling would have been terrerble sorry i mean tererbale

crap. :oops:

keep it up michelle

gary :cheers:
lurcher racing is for fun. Whippets are bred to race.
Correct me if i'm wrong but i also thought "Whippet Racing was supposed to be fun."

I must start and be more serious that must be where i go wrong keep enjoying myself and having fun at racing !!!!!

must start and be more serious that must be where i go wrong keep enjoying myself and having fun at racing !!!!!

Noooooo how dare you!!! :D
karen - serious?? about racing??? yeah when i see it i will believe it lol :p
Jade what are you saying I am always serious about my racing.

Sorry Michelle, I dont follow your reasoning. If whippet racing has nothing whatsoever to do with purity of the breed why call it whippet racing.

Every dog on the planet today can trace its ancestry back to wolves. Every pure breed of dog was man-made at its inception. Its not until specific traits can be fixed to breed true to type in successive generations that a breed becomes 'pure'. This rule has applied to all dogs currentlly considered to be pure bred pedigree breeds.

The specific abilities of whippets are shared by all sighthounds - its what makes them sighthounds and not scent hounds. Each individual sighthound breed has specific traits unique to its own breed and its these which sets each breed apart from eachother and makes whippets whippets and not greyhounds, deerhounds etc. As soon as another breed is introduced into the genetic make-up the balance of breed traits is altered which is why there is such a variance in the progeny.

I dont race whippets so I've no axe to grind. I probably find it as hard to understand your point of view as you do mine. We'll probably have to agree to differ on this one !!

Thanks for the link Michelle. I've read the thread but my view remains unchanged.

Whippet x greyhound run in greyhound races at greyhound tracks - not all greyhounds are as pure bred as you think.
I find that very hard to believe :eek: for a start all NGRC dogs have to be tatooed (sp) and at flapping tracks 99% have them too , also cant see any advantage in having Gh xWhp on tracks competeing with full GH`s !!

Surly youd be able to spot them a mile away !size wise
:p i have a 50lb god knows what but I class him as whippet non ped no limit and ther is NO WAY I would race him aginst greyhounds. :clown: sorry i cant seem to spell against tonguith lol or tnit tonight lol :lol:
To quote Shakespeare ...

" A Rose by any other name would smell as sweet "

I believe that it's called "whippet racing" because the activity involves racing whippets. This is a sport that occurred prior to the formation of the breed club and the KC and the sport does not, and never has had, anything to do with the purity of the whippet.

It is equivicable whether all dog breeds are derived from wolves; Wolves in different parts of the world have distinct genotypes and phenotypes and it is thought more than one original strain of dog existed.

I well understand what the KC considers "pure" but geneticaly the stand point is erroneous. Having been to a pedigree race meet today, all KC "pure" bred, the different phenotypes are obvious. I have seen more uniformity at lurcher shows. Varience in progeny is obvoius.

It is incorrect to state the specific abilities of whippets are shared by all sighthounds. They are certainly similar but it is the differences in their specific abilities that makes whippets, and for that matter other sighthound breeds, a distinct type. Adding other sighthounds will not nessacerily alter their specific abilities, especially if you select stock on the basis of their abilities, and thus will not alter the type.

The "rules" you are working to may well be applicable to KC pedigree whippets but the term "KC pedigree whippet" is not synonomous with the term whippet. Whippets have been bred well before the KC and the whippet breed club and noun whippet does not mean solely the KC pedigree type.
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