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Whats Your Set Up?

I work full time,

I take boys upstairs with me while i get ready, they are then fed as i dont think its fair for themto be alone and hungry We then go out and feed the hens and they get an egg!!! Then its work for me, they have the run of the house, just kitchen when theyre pups, as i think its cruel to keep a dog caged for what amounts to a large proportion of its life, Im home at lunch and they have a run over the fields.

Back to work for me then home and fed, they then have a bone and chill on th sofa with me. On my days off they have a different walk. I have a brill neighbour who will let them out etc if im at a show.

I do think company of their own knd is a must if this is to work. jan :luck:
Firstly as others have said we took on an adult dog - ours was 6 when we took him on. As he was a rescue, we also talked closely with the rescue centre to find a dog that had spent time on its own so would be able to cope.

He has a good walk before we go out to work, and has the run of the house except our bedroom which is out of bounds. He has a big comfy bed in the kitchen, one in the living room and one on the landing, although when we are not around he often makes a beeline for the settee! He also has lots of toys, a kong etc to keep him occupied and we leave the radio on for him.

Our next door neighbour has a key to our house and comes round every day to check on him, give him a fuss, and take him out. She also has our mobile number in case of emergencies. Then at 3.30 her son comes home from school and comes round to take Skipper out - we give him a bit of pocket money every now and then for doing it, but he enjoys it anyway!

We are then home about 5.15pm - 4.45pm on a Friday, and he gets more fussing, and playtime, and later another big walk. He seems quite happy, and is usually asleep upside down with his legs in the air when we get back, although he soon leaps up when he hears the key in the door!
I personally think there's a lot of snobbery about having a dog and working full time. In an ideal world we would all be home with our dogs 24 hours a day, but in reality we have to work to provide for them.

When I first had whippets I worked full time. When I had one on her own, she coped quite well, but occasionally chewed things up (probably through boredom). We then got another whippet, and together they were absolutley fine. I think pups will get used to whatever they are brought up with, as they don't know any different.

Now that I work part time, I worry constantly if I have to be out for more than 4 hours, but the dogs are always fine when I get in, and after the usual mad greetings, they take themselves back off to bed for the usual snooze-in. I only worry now because they aren't used to being left for long periods. I work for the Council, and they have been fantastic over me cutting my hours while Smidge has been small, and needing 4 feeds a day.

A whippet left comfy and warm at home all day, and loved to bits in the evening, is a better home than in a cold kennel in a dogs home :thumbsup:
Hi there, good luck with your search for your own doggie, you will love it :thumbsup:

I work full time, although my other half works from home which is fantastic however I still need to walk my boys in my lunch break so they end up sleeping all day and don't disturb him!! :- " Luckily I work 2 miles from home!! I walk my boys for about 45 mins-1 hour in the morning, 30 mins at lunch and an hour at night and they are really well behaved - even Bailey who is 5 months who so far hasn't chewed anything or been destructive - this may come! :lol: :lol:

But now I am pregnant I finish work around April next year so will be home all the time :teehee: :thumbsup:

Wish you all the best :luck:
I used to work from 9-5 & we had 2 dogs, as they were alone a lot they became quite destructive when puppies. This did stop when we gave them the run of the whole house instead of confining them to the kitchen, we think one of them was claustrophobic & panicked when closed in :(

Now we have 3 dogs, 2 lurchers & a bedlington. I work part time, 2 of my days I work from home. The other days I am out & about & can take Rafferty (beddy) with me. He sulks big time if I leave him behind :( He loves just being driven around in the van, he has a seat belt harness & just sits up front watching the world go by. And he guards the van for me cos he's really really tough looking :lol: He's become a bit of a mascot & comes to fundraising events & committee meetings too. He's had his pic in the papers a few times :wub:

The 2 lurchers are just as happy to be left at home. My OH is self employed so can pop home sometimes but he says they are always fast asleep on the settee whenever he gets home.

I think so long as you get the dog(s) used to a routine which suits you & them then everything should work out fine.

Good Luck.
Rebecca Claire said:
Hi there, good luck with your search for your own doggie, you will love it  :thumbsup:
I work full time, although my other half works from home which is fantastic however I still need to walk my boys in my lunch break so they end up sleeping all day and don't disturb him!!  :- " Luckily I work 2 miles from home!!  I walk my boys for about 45 mins-1 hour in the morning, 30 mins at lunch and an hour at night and they are really well behaved - even Bailey who is 5 months who so far hasn't chewed anything or been destructive - this may come!  :lol:   :lol:  

But now I am pregnant I finish work around April next year so will be home all the time  :teehee:   :thumbsup:  

Wish you all the best  :luck:

Hey, Congratulations Rebecca :thumbsup: A summer baby, how lovely :teehee:
June Jonigk said:
Rebecca Claire said:
Hi there, good luck with your search for your own doggie, you will love it  :thumbsup:
I work full time, although my other half works from home which is fantastic however I still need to walk my boys in my lunch break so they end up sleeping all day and don't disturb him!!  :- " Luckily I work 2 miles from home!!  I walk my boys for about 45 mins-1 hour in the morning, 30 mins at lunch and an hour at night and they are really well behaved - even Bailey who is 5 months who so far hasn't chewed anything or been destructive - this may come!  :lol:   :lol:   

But now I am pregnant I finish work around April next year so will be home all the time  :teehee:   :thumbsup:  

Wish you all the best  :luck:

Hey, Congratulations Rebecca :thumbsup: A summer baby, how lovely :teehee:

Thank you June, had a scan yesterday and all starting to sink in now (w00t) Hope it arrives on time as my 30th is 10 days after the due date :lol:
I work full time as does my Husband. I do get home most days of the week at lunchtime, but occasionally I can't maange it. If I am going to be out all day my next door neighbour will pop around to check on them and she also has one at hers if their is an injury or health problem, to stop me worrying. This Summer I got my very first pup. All of my others had been adults when they arrived. I am very lucky that my Boss agreed to let me bring him into work. I did blag it that he would be useful when I do talks or displays (I'm a Dog Warden by profession). So Dylan, who is nearly 6 months old now gets to travel with me in the Van and gets lots of runs around parks and lots of attention. It has been really good for his education and excellent company for me. I do make sure however that he doesn't come to work with me every day, as he would never cope with being left at other times.

At home all of my dogs have the benefit of each others company (I have 4 dogs in total) and we also have a dog flap, so they can come and go as they please. They also have their own bedroom, complete with dog beds and a sofa.

They all seem happy enough. :D
My lurcher comes to work with me in the van. One thing I would say about having the dog in a work vehicle is to be aware about the possibility of theft- my girl is getting on a bit, none the less, I recently got the 'will y na sell me yer dag' performance from a man who was trying to sell stolen tools. I understand this is often a prelude to dogs being stolen (thankfully nothing happened this time).

No one can be that sure about where they will be working in a few years time, or if their personal circumstances will change, making your set up for looking after your dog a responsibility that can change shape over the years.
I am lucky, I drop Izzy off at my Dads on the way to work and one of us collects her later! (We are out from 7am- 5/6pm weekdays) :thumbsup:

It gives Dad a dog he loves, and us, just perfect. :wub: :wub:

One problem is he feels he wouldn't cope with 2, no matter how much pleading I do!! :(
Thanks everyone, its great to see so many people putting their dogs first :thumbsup: I am a mature student so im waiting untill I finish my diploma in May, I am then (hopefully) going to college just round the corner from my parents to get my degree. They have two beautiful smooth coated lurchers. I will be dropping him off in the morning with my mother and I will walk him at lunch time then pick him up in the evening. Thats the plan anyway, my mother just doesnt know it yet :lol: :- "