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Whats Wrong With Kids?

Jessr123 said:
Kids are definitely suffering from lack of attention - even the naughtiest kids in my class are good kids when they get some positive attention.  I'm training to be a teacher and I'm finding more and more that all these kids want is a positive role model, someone who will give them boundaries and praise them for good behaviour, work or helpfulness.  I think the problem comes with the 'pack' mentality they have - its us against the world, as indiviudally I am yet to meet a child who is truly unpleasant, yet put 30 of them together in a class or 10 out toegther on the street and they think they are in charge.

I can introduce you to one, a totally nasty piece of work who we have had trouble with in our shop, he doesn't intimidate me, but he can make it very unpleasant for other people.
i too gave up my career to look after our children full time, it has been very hard money wise, but the greatest reward was being with the children all the time, they can be devils at home at times, but i know they are well behaved at school & i can take them out and they behave, it certainly hasnt been easy as along the way i was also caring for my mum who had alzheimers & cancer. one thing that my daughter finds hard to accept is, why if you misbehave do you get rewards, there was a story in our local paper a while ago of these kids who had been in trouble on numerous occassions & as a reward spent time with the fire service,given uniforms like the fire service, i think they spent a total of 5 days with them, training them to put out fires etc, when i read this story i sent a letter to the paper saying what incentive is there for the good kids to keep behaving, it must be so annoying for them at times,be good you get nowt,misbehave the worlds your oyster."rant over" :rant:
Agree with you there Trac, the worst always get the best, :rant: we have always brought our 3 up to show respect for your elders and anyone who has met my kids will say how pleasent and helpful they are, :huggles: but at school Kieren gets called a wuss and a dogooder for helping the teachers and the other kids, :rant: luckily he dosent care what the other kids say and tells them this so he dosent get picked on, but we have kids on our estate that are always in trouble with the police and what do they get, an adventure holiday in the lake district all paid for. Thats the punishment for putting lighted fireworks through the old peoples letter boxes, and then they brag to all the other kids do this and you"ll get a free holiday, lock em all up and punish them properly thats what i say. :rant:
im 20 now, i have a brother whos 17 and a sis whos 13 and although iv gotta admit i wasn't the best behaved kid. I have always had respect for other people, their property and animals, and i can honestly say that about both my bruv and sis. (the trouble i got in to was knock n nash, knicking a few pea pods etc nothing really bad.) I think the way we behave is down to my mam. If she knew we hadn't done something or we were in the right she would stick up for us no end but wo betide us if we had done wrong!! my bruv is about 6.1ft but if he does anything bad n my mam nos about it shell wait til he gets on the sofa to watch tele and then will smack him back of the head!!! Ive also got to say that my mam was one of 6 and her father died when she was 4, her mam had to work all hours to keep her home etc (she never remarried) so my mam and her siblings were left on their own sometimes, yes they learned to stick up for theirselves, but they are all well rounded adults now!
Paula Roberts said:
Agree with you there Trac, the worst always get the best, :rant:   we have always brought our 3 up to show respect for your elders and anyone who has met my kids will say how pleasent and helpful they are, :huggles:   but at school Kieren gets called a wuss and a dogooder for helping the teachers and the other kids, :rant:   luckily he dosent care what the other kids say and tells them this so he dosent get picked on, but we have kids on our estate that are always in trouble with the police and what do they get, an adventure holiday in the lake district all paid for. Thats the punishment for putting lighted fireworks through the old peoples letter boxes, and then they brag to all the other kids do this and you"ll get a free holiday, lock em all up and punish them properly thats what i say. :rant:
wish they would give them tougher sentences, but look whats happening now to make room for more in prisons, release them early & pay them £172 for the privilege funny how the goverment can find extra money for them, :rant: mind you dont get me started on that after Adams pay rise :rant: :rant:
Lets face it,This is just the tip of the iceberg(kids),The whole of society is/has broken down...You get more unmarried/single 16 yr old single mums living off hard working tax paying people than ever with thier chav boyfriend,No morals,No manners,No nothing!

All they want to do is upset people and do jack-sh*t

It is very scary what this country/society is going to be like in 10 years never mind 20! It is going down the toilet :rant:

My Father fought a world war( A Royal Marine,D.Day) for my future and our countrys future..... What for? So little Sh*ts can ruin it :rant:

It is not ALL KIDS we know some were the parents can be bothered to bring them up correctly :thumbsup:
trac said:
i too gave up my career to look after our children full time, it has been very hard money wise, but the greatest reward was being with the children all the time, they can be devils at home at times, but i know they are well behaved at school & i can take them out and they behave, it certainly hasnt been easy as along the way i was  also caring for my mum who had alzheimers & cancer. one thing that my daughter finds hard to accept is, why if you misbehave do you get rewards, there was a story in our local paper a while ago of these kids who had been in trouble on numerous occassions & as a reward spent time with the fire service,given uniforms like the fire service, i think they spent a total of 5 days with them, training them to put out fires etc, when i read this story i sent a letter to the paper saying what incentive is there for the good kids to keep behaving, it must be so annoying for them at times,be good you get nowt,misbehave the worlds your oyster."rant over" :rant:

Just so you know that you are not alone I look after my kids full-time too even though they are school age. It is difficult to find something that fits in with school hours and all the holidays so going back to work will have to wait a while yet. I do feel it is wrong to have latch key kids, although I was one myself.

My kids, like yours know the difference between right and wrong but do have difficulty fitting in with the rest as the are deemed different. At times this is frustrating for them as they are great kids. I would rather have this than them joining the gangs that are currently in operation around us. Language is appalling, behaviour is not great and if you have to say something to them the parents are as bad.
phill said:
Lets face it,This is just the tip of the iceberg(kids),The whole of society is/has broken down...You get more unmarried/single 16 yr old single mums living off hard working tax paying people than ever with thier chav boyfriend,No morals,No manners,No nothing!All they want to do is upset people and do jack-sh*t

It is very scary what this country/society is going to be like in 10 years never mind 20!  It is going down the toilet :rant:

My Father fought a world war( A Royal Marine,D.Day) for my future and our countrys future..... What for? So little Sh*ts can ruin it :rant:

It is not ALL KIDS we know some were the parents can be bothered to bring them up correctly :thumbsup:

My father too fought in the war, 1st Batalion Scots Guards. I too wonder why sometimes.