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Whats Wrong With Kids?


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took razzle for her early morning walk today and as i walked through the wildlife park behind our house i came across large pond that i know has a mother duck and babies in at the moment.i saw 2 young lads with fishing nets trying to catch the baby ducks(dread to think what they were going to do with them) :( they were running from one side of the pond to the other sweeping their nets trying to get the babies and the mum was frantic quacking trying to keep her babies safe.i chased the lads off threatening to get the park warden.anyway carried on with our walk and as we came back theres another larger pond with loads of ducks,and lots of water birds.there were 4 young lads aged about 10-12 with catapults trying to hit the baby ducks.i sat down on the bench that overlooks the pond and soon as they saw me they stopped and kept peeping over the bushes to see if i was still there.after half an hour they must have thought i wasnt going anywhere(i had no intention of moving while they were there with their catapults) :angry: so they walked round to where i was sitting(trying to look casual in the rain!) :- " and started to play with their catapults near me throwing stones etc.i think they thought it would get rid of me but it didnt work. :angry: anyway i stayed there till they got the message i wasnt going anywhere so they walked off and crossed into the other side of the park where theres no when i saw the birds were safe i walked home.told hubs what had happened and he wasnt surprised.a lot of kids dont seem to spend time doing constructive things these days only destructive.whats wrong with them? :(
my daughter had her bike stolen from her school last week! :rant:

my other daughter had her scooter stolen from her school on friday! :rant:

walking gypsy a few weeks ago, kids smashing glass bottles all over the park!!

the street down the road from me has had 4 of its nice cars keyed all in one evening!!! :rant:

i dont live in a rough area, i live on a nice housing estate, where unfortunatly parents let their kids out and dont give a toss what they are up to!!! :rant:

my list could go on and on but i wont bore you i think you get the jist of it!!!

my eldest daughter is nearly 15, and is not allowed out after 8pm, unless she is at a friends house and is getting picked up!!!

we are trying to set up a youth club on the estate, but are getting nowhere with the bleedin council, who dont want to know :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:

rant over!
kris said:
took razzle for her early morning walk today and as i walked through the wildlife park behind our house i came across  large pond that i know has  a mother duck and babies in at the moment.i saw 2 young lads with fishing nets trying to catch the baby ducks(dread to think what they were going to do with them) :( they were running from one side of the pond to the other sweeping their nets trying to get the babies and the mum was frantic quacking trying to keep her babies safe.i chased the lads off threatening to get the park warden.anyway carried on with our walk and as we came back theres another larger pond with loads of ducks,and lots of water birds.there were 4 young lads aged about 10-12 with catapults trying to hit the baby ducks.i sat down on the bench that overlooks the pond and soon as they saw me they stopped and kept peeping over the bushes to see if i was still there.after half an hour they must have thought i wasnt going anywhere(i had no intention of moving while they were there with their catapults)  :angry: so they walked round to where i was sitting(trying to look casual in the rain!) :- " and started to play with their catapults near me throwing stones etc.i think they thought it would get rid of me but it didnt work. :angry: anyway i stayed there till they got the message i wasnt going anywhere so they walked off and crossed into the other side of the park where theres no when i saw the birds were safe i walked home.told hubs  what had happened and he wasnt surprised.a lot of kids dont seem to  spend time doing constructive things these days only destructive.whats wrong with them? :(
Parents Kris thats where the prob lies today with most youngsters, open their doors tell em to bugger off not caring what they get up to, of course they arent all the same, take for instance Monday gone, teachers training day or summat so the kids were at home, bombing it into my garden over the privets, i told them to bugger off, their reply, f**k off you old b*****d so i did :lol: no respect now im afraid

midlanderkeith said:
kris said:
took razzle for her early morning walk today and as i walked through the wildlife park behind our house i came across  large pond that i know has  a mother duck and babies in at the moment.i saw 2 young lads with fishing nets trying to catch the baby ducks(dread to think what they were going to do with them) :( they were running from one side of the pond to the other sweeping their nets trying to get the babies and the mum was frantic quacking trying to keep her babies safe.i chased the lads off threatening to get the park warden.anyway carried on with our walk and as we came back theres another larger pond with loads of ducks,and lots of water birds.there were 4 young lads aged about 10-12 with catapults trying to hit the baby ducks.i sat down on the bench that overlooks the pond and soon as they saw me they stopped and kept peeping over the bushes to see if i was still there.after half an hour they must have thought i wasnt going anywhere(i had no intention of moving while they were there with their catapults)  :angry: so they walked round to where i was sitting(trying to look casual in the rain!) :- " and started to play with their catapults near me throwing stones etc.i think they thought it would get rid of me but it didnt work. :angry: anyway i stayed there till they got the message i wasnt going anywhere so they walked off and crossed into the other side of the park where theres no when i saw the birds were safe i walked home.told hubs  what had happened and he wasnt surprised.a lot of kids dont seem to  spend time doing constructive things these days only destructive.whats wrong with them? :(
Parents Kris thats where the prob lies today with most youngsters, open their doors tell em to bugger off not caring what they get up to, of course they arent all the same, take for instance Monday gone, teachers training day or summat so the kids were at home, bombing it into my garden over the privets, i told them to bugger off, their reply, f**k off you old b*****d so i did :lol: no respect now im afraid


forgot to add, good on ya for what you did


:rant: :rant: :rant: Don't even get me started on this one....

Kids just don't want to be/won't be kids anymore :wacko:

And before the P.C. Police start saying "they're bored" Well there was even less things to do when i was a kid,But i did'nt do what these idiots do now.

A hell of a lot have no respect for anybody/anything/themselves.

No morals,no discepline,......and just want everything given to them.

Rant over.... :oops:
All i can say is bring back some sort of national service especially for these young lads who has no respect for anyone or for the wildlife

The trouble is theres not alot for them to do unless they're into sports or a hobbies and if there is a youth club/etc theres a small number of teenagers will ruin it by vandelising it

i always know where my teenager is (hes nearly 17) and always texting/phoning him which gets on his nerves
Had one of my pups on the field a few weeks ago-

Excitedly she bounded towards two young lads-age 10-12 yrs maybe-I called her back and she came to me-

But as the young lads were about to leave the field-onto a busy road they thought it would be good fun to start shouting of her to follow them :rant:

Evil little Bas..rds!
It's because there's no proper discipline anymore,it's not allowed :blink:

I work in Upper school and with the nanny state attitude the kids can do pretty much as they like, and they know it, everyone's hands are tied you have to be careful what you say to them, and never touch them not even in a friendly way, thats why a lot of the kids are anti social IMO because you have to distance yourself from them in a way :( and if kids get this treatment at home too then what are they going to turn out like :wacko:

I am lucky that behaviour is good in my school and the majority of the kids are nice, but you certainly notice the one's who aren't (w00t)
That is definitely half the trouble now Lesley. (w00t)

Some of the kids I take around the farm are atrocious.... and it isnt always the kids from deprived areas...oh no some of them can be great kids....sometimes its the ones who have everything that can be the worst in my opinion.]

Some of the behaviour is unacceptable and honestly some and I do add some of the teachers arnt much better.....I often wonder how some of them become teachers in the first place. :angry: Yes parents may be to blame some of the time but certainly not all of it.
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*Lesley* said:
It's because there's no proper discipline anymore,it's not allowed  :blink:

You are sooo right Lesley - lack of discipline at school and in the home too. :(

When I was at school we had respect for our teachers, the police and adults in general. A lot of kids today seem to know all their rights, and they know that the teachers can do very little about bad behaviour.

As for excuses about nothing for children to do these days, well that's a joke. Cubs, Scouts, Brownies, the local gym, swimming pool, and so on. I'm sure that most places have some activities that children could participate in. A bit less time watching TV and playing computer games might be of benefit to a lot of children too.
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Karen-Coral said:
Had one of my pups on the field a few weeks ago-Excitedly she bounded towards two young lads-age 10-12 yrs maybe-I called her back and she came to me-

But as the young lads were about to leave the field-onto a busy road they thought it would be good fun to start shouting of her to follow them :rant:

Evil little Bas..rds!

Evil b******s eh, quote from one of my fave ladies, Phylis diller

always be nice to your kids cos, they are the ones who are gonna chose your rest home, im already booked in :lol:

i pride myself in my children , i try to set a good example as my parents did for me , ive been told on several occasions how well behaved my kids are , yes they can be terrors at home like them al and plenty of times i could have happily throttled them :oops:

but ... from a very early age they were taught respect ! for me , for animals , i wont even let them pick wild daffodils :b but i do let them take home the ones that have fallen over from wind damage etc

noone is perfect , and im not one of those mums who say there kids can do no wrong , i know they can :- " but as kids go mine arnt too bad i guess :D

all it takes is time and intrest taken in them , to show them the way , rights and wrongs , kids that go around vandelising etc are getting away with too much :rant:

but they know they can get away with it so will carry on :rant:
i think theres a few thing that are the cause of why kids are like they are nowadays.parents have to both work now cos mortgages are so whereas mum would stay at home and look after kids now she cant afford that luxury and has to go to work to pay the bills.when mum was at home she could spend time with the kids and i think thats a big problem with a lot of children these days.they feel neglected and abandoned by their parents and maybe feel that their parents dont have so much time for them anymore?(this is just my thoughts as when i see kids who are getting into trouble with the police etc they always want their mums and feel that theyre not getting enough attention anymore so they do things to get attention and misbehaving is top of the list as an attention grabber).cos parents work so hard nowadays they want to spend their leisure time relaxing in the pub or just watching tv or whatever.maybe if they made more effort to spend time with their children theyd not get up to so much mischief?parents and teachers and other responsible adults had the power to chastise kids taken away from them by the government and kids know it.i know police officers who are followed around by gangs of kids who hurl abuse at them and the coppers cant do anything.they tell me that their biggest problem these days isnt adults its kids. :( i dont believe that any child is born bad,after all a child learns by watching and copying role models.but when you see some of the role models we have in our society these days its no wonder.gun toting wannabe gangtsa rappers and celebs who arent famous for doing anything (especially anything good)im thinking of the likes of kate moss and co who after getting dropped by the companies who employed her after her drug convictions was then able to command a much bigger salary and had companies queuing up for her endorsement afterwards.what message is this sending out to kids?they see drug dealers driving round in mercedes and getting everything they want in double quick time and on the other hand theres a guy who works in the local supermarket for minimum wage and cant afford to get a car. :( i fear for animals(and other vunerable members of society like small children and pensioners) in this climate in our country and i think its going to get a lot worse as theres a lot of kids who dont have a pet(cos mum and dad work all hours) so they dont empathise with animals.they see them as objects like in cartoons who when you shoot them and drop them off buildings bounce back unhurt.we dont live in a rough fact its a really nice area.but i dont think that makes any kids are just as capable of cruelty as poor the usa they are sending people into schools now to show the kids animals and to try to get them to empathise with them.its having good effects too.i think its time we did something like this over here.last week some little kids got a hedgehog and crushed it with stones on the childrens playing field near where we live. :( these are just the stories we hear about.but i wonder how many other stories we dont hear about?yes,there are good kids about and having met sharons brood i can vouch for their good behaviour. :D but i also know a few good kids and cos theyve been well brought up they are getting bullied at school by the local yobs who think theyre not cool cos they respect adults and dont cause havoc.wonder what it will be like in say 20 years time?i shudder to think
Very well put Kris, have to agree with the parenting thing youve mentioned here....far too many kids left to their own devices these days - latchkey kids as I call them....... these parents havnt a bloody clue what their kids are up too. :angry:

In my opinion too if a kid dosnt have respect for an the hell can they respect people and life, :rant:
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I agree with that and it's a shame it has to be that way with the cost of living being so high, when I was pregnant with Jordan I decided that I would give up my full time job, stay at home with him until he started full time school which I did, we lived off one wage which meant giving up a lifestyle where we had money to waste really,and sometimes it was very hard, but it was totally worth it.

When Jordan went to school I went to work in a school so I've always been able to take him to school and pick him up and spend the holidays with him.

He's a good boy(of course he has his moments what kid doesn't) but he respects people and animals, and sometimes in school I just have to think this is my job, I'm going home tonight and they're not coming with me :thumbsup: :sweating:
Kids are the product of our society; they reflect the values around them. I certainly agree that part of the problem is people spend too much time at work. Here just about nobody works 40hour week anymore. If I remember correctly here in OZ the average is somewhere between 50-60 hours. It is not by choice though, if you want to keep your job, you work as much as your boss asks you to. Other part of the problem is that we all expect too much nowadays. People get married and take it almost for granted they will have a house, fully furnished and full of gadgets. Everybody has to have plasma TV, DVD, up-to-date computer, stereo etc. So both parents have to work, while children go to crèche where they are indulged the whole day long. The biggest frustration they are likely to experience is when they have an argument with another kid over a toy. The teachers are there to keep the children happy. Child that is at home with mum (or dad) has to behave while they go shopping, is expected to be quite while the parent is on the phone, and has to think of things to amuse himself/herself. OK with TV and DVD they do not have to think too hard nowadays either. OK pre-school is great for learning social skills, but couple of mornings a week is enough for that.

The common attitude is that kids need to have self-esteem to be successful in life, but nobody seems to understand that there is a big difference between healthy self-esteem, and aggressive arrogance, so common in young people. :(
Kids are definitely suffering from lack of attention - even the naughtiest kids in my class are good kids when they get some positive attention. I'm training to be a teacher and I'm finding more and more that all these kids want is a positive role model, someone who will give them boundaries and praise them for good behaviour, work or helpfulness. I think the problem comes with the 'pack' mentality they have - its us against the world, as indiviudally I am yet to meet a child who is truly unpleasant, yet put 30 of them together in a class or 10 out toegther on the street and they think they are in charge.
A couple of weeks ago we had agang of kids messing about round my car. We have double yellow lines outside my house so have to park on the other side of the road. Were we live they have in the last few years knocked a Michelin factory down and although they have built a big warehouse there there is still a large grassy area for the kids to play on away from the main road. Do they play thereno they hang round in gangs on the corner. My OH went out and asked them politely to move on the language he got in reply was awful.. We threatened to call the police if they carried on messing about with my car they were climbing on the running boards and sprawling all over it. Next thing they had lazer lights shinning through my windows

What did the police do drove past about 2 hours later didn't even slow down yet when I told them about the lazer lights they said we were priority and some one was on their way. They also said the neighbourhood bobby would call round no ones been yet and yes someone is in my house 24 hours a day as the M I L lives with us

A week later I had new alloy wheels put on my car they put on chrome dust caps to match. All was well for another week then the dust caps went missing. No problem for me OH just got me some more from work but Ben said thats what the local kids are doing at the moment collecting dust caps of cars.

Ben was told at school who nicked them and waited outside one day for him to pass. He said to the kid if you ever touch my mum's car again you'll have me to answer for. Now Ben's been bullied at school for years and this was the first time I'd seen him stand up to anyone But ince he's been kick boxing you can see his confidence growing every day. And its now 2 weeks sincethe new caps went on and Ben challenged this boy about it and no ones touched them :thumbsup:

then a couple of days ago Ben was shot i the head by a boy with a ball bearing gun this was not long afte leaving school so the kid must have had it at school .He reported it to the teachers the next day the did nothing :angry:
It's happening all over I'm afraid. Lack of attention/discipline. Although I am sure that they are not all like that.
oakmoorehill said:
A couple of weeks ago we had agang of kids messing about round my car. We have double yellow lines outside my house so have to park on the other side of the road. Were we live they have in the last few years knocked a Michelin factory down and although they have built a big warehouse there there is still a large grassy area for the kids to play on away from the main road. Do they play thereno they hang round in gangs on the corner. My OH went out and asked them politely to move on the language he got in reply was awful.. We threatened to call the police if they carried on messing about with my car they were climbing on the running boards and sprawling all over it. Next thing they had lazer lights shinning through my windows
What did the police do  drove past about 2 hours later didn't even slow down yet when I told them about the lazer lights they said we were priority and some one was on their way. They also said the neighbourhood bobby would call round no ones been yet and yes someone is in my house 24 hours a day as the M I L lives with us

  A week later I had new alloy wheels put on my car they put on chrome dust caps  to match. All was well for another week then the dust caps went missing. No problem for me OH just got me some more from work but Ben said thats what the local kids are doing at the moment collecting dust caps of cars.

Ben was told at school who nicked them and waited outside one day for him to pass. He said to the kid if you ever touch my mum's car again you'll have me to answer for. Now Ben's been bullied at school for years and this was the first time I'd seen him stand up to anyone  But ince he's been kick boxing you can see his confidence growing every day. And its now 2 weeks sincethe new caps went on and Ben challenged this boy about it and no ones touched them :thumbsup:

then a couple of days ago Ben was shot i the head by a boy with a ball bearing gun this was not long afte leaving school so the kid must have had it at school .He reported it to the teachers the next day the did nothing :angry:

I hope you brought it up with the police. Schools are obliged to act on this kind of behaviour.