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What Whippets Will Eat???

Just remembered when we first had Tilly and she was playing in the garden, i went out to see what she was doing and she couldnt open her mouth it was all stuck together :( . She had only been eating slugs......... :x


It took ages to get all the slime out of her mouth :x

oh yes thats another thing, poo! having to roll in it first. :eek:

once mine dissapeared in the field near the esturay, hes black, and came back covered in yellow granules!.

it was raining quite hard, and i could smell him comming from 800 yards!

despite the rain i went to investigate, and found..................................

the remnants of a dead sheep, obviously drowned in the river and washed up, bones and all" :x

the stench was unbelievable, i had to drive all the way home with my roof down cos i have a convertible, in the rain, i just could not bear the smell. my car was wet through inside!

i couldnt see because of the tears from the heaving, and was sick all over my front drive.! whippet trying to clean up after me! :x

there was only me in, so i had to put my stinking boy in the back garden, fill the bath, stuff 2 pieces of cotton wool sprayed with perfume up my nose, put a bin bag over my shoulders, then carry him upstairs to the bath.

i then began sneezing because of the perfume, so the cotton wool wouldnt stay in cos i couldnt breath because i was also holding my breath! i hd to shut the door in case he got out and ran downstairs and threw himself all over the carpet, i was then sick again because i was confined to the bathroom, destined to die in there because of the smell, sick floating around in the bath, whippet looking at me as tho he is about to drown.

pulling myself together i knew i had to do something, i cannot describe the smell, you would really have had to be there to understand.

i took a deep breath and started to bath him.

them i realised i wasnt wearing gloves! so i had to risk leaving dog in bath, alone whilse i got my marigolds from downstairs. :rant:

i flew down those stairs about 3 at a time, all the while i could hear dog getting out of bath! :rant:

i found my marigolds, but i had 2 right hands flew back upstairs, to find dog half out half in, yellow stuff all over the wall where he had shook, and down the side of the bath. after putting him back in, i was nearly losing it and began to bath him.

once the warm water hit him, the yellow stuff went like scrambled eg, all slimey my god it was a nightmare.

i was in tears at this point, wishing i was, actually dead! :(

i managed it in the end, and my boy was smelling of coal tar :wub: but that smell will remain with me for the rest of my life! oh, and i had to help the gunge down the plug hole with my finger! this was the final straw!

i felt really ill by this point, needless to say everytime he launches himself onto something im off on a tantrum! :b

everytime we go to the estuary,he heads off in that direction, closely followed by me, i must sound like a fish wife when im telling him to 'get up'!

looking back i can laff, but it was not very funny at the time!

PMSL :lol: :lol:

poor you, how horrid :x :x that story did make me laugh though :lol:
Annlouise I'm sorry but I've been in fits of laughter reading this!! :lol:

Just put it down to having a bad day! (w00t)
I now can add:

Tube of benovate ointment

Hair brush

Yoghurt pots

Tube of lanacaine cream

Various toys

Brand new throw (Not a happy bunny at this one :( )
OH Annlouise, That is disgusting, I know JUST how you feel. :x I stayed in a remote Welsh cottage once, we got there in the dark and could only get a dribble of water out of the tap, enough to make a cuppa and have a bit of a wash before bed. when we got up in the morning we went to investigate the spring fed water system and yes, there was the decomposing sheep blocking the inlet pipe. I feel sick even thinking about it, poor you. :x :x :x

I think the worse thing one of mine ate (Polo) was a tub of maggots my boys were taking fishing, but we didnt know he had got them until he sicked them all up over the lounge carpet, still wriggling :x The boys just moaned that they had no bait :angry:

He also ate a 4 pack of frozen pizza as I was unloading the shopping.

We are all geared up for it now, should be after 25 years, they dont get much now :thumbsup:
tank has been not too bad about eating stuff, but this week he chewed my hat, my tumble dryer hose, three bits of vetbed, the head from a teddy bear, oh yes and dont tell dougie but the new coat tank got it needs a new strap :- " and its only wednesday still how can i be mad when he is so cute :wub:
Little Jack the yorkie is away home now :D . Tam liked to play with him but is now back to normal. Today he chewed Rachel's toy dog :( ,,had to operate on the dog before she got home from school (w00t) , toilet rolls again :( , hairbrush :( , ,,he is eating and digging in the garden again.

I think I need Jack back (w00t) (w00t)

In all though,, Im glad he is back to normal :thumbsup:

They only pups once :wub: ,,,roll on the next one (w00t) :lol:
My oldie Jazz, now sadly gone, enjoyed this lot when a pup:-

several Matchbox toy cars, evidenced by mangled remains(quite finely minced, actually)in poo

ballons, mainly orange ones

book on Art

coffee table ( wedding present from Auntie)(covered with extra big cloth when she visited)

used tissues from coat pockets-a favourite!

soap from a guest's washbag, which was inside a zipped- up holdall

the chocolate from a big easter egg leaving the foil intact and in its box; unbelievable!

door frames

phone wires

Jazzi lived to a grand age and was none the worse for his varied diet. Our house was, tho'.

:teehee: :teehee:
Oh yes I forgot Byron loves to chew Macey NEW leather collar I bough from the Scottish Derby, while it is still on her neck!!!! (w00t)