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what stage ??


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can anyone tell me at what stage of the bitch's pregnancy can a scan detect how many pups she is having.....

thanks.... :D :p

Apparantly from 3 weeks - although there is no guarantee that:

A) the pups will show up.....or

B) that - if they do - you will be able to determine how many.

Many people are totally set against scanning bitches as they feel that it can have a detrimental effect on the pups or even put the bitch at risk of absorbing them!

Regards - Kat. :)
Jasper on this board must have the best idea - he took his bitch to the local hospital who charged him £10.

A bit of a difference to what some vets might charge!! Not sure what stage of pregnancy you would get the best scan i would imagine the further on the better?
Hi Pat we have always had our bitches scanned. With no ill effect. If you want to know how many pups the scan must be done before 35 days.

But we never use a vet, There is a very good sheep farm we use and a pony breeder. Much cheaper than the vet and thay havnt been wrong with our bitches yet. Just let me know if you want the phone numbers
when i took hobgoblin i was told from 5 weeks pregnant and it cost £ puppies though!!!!
HI...i took uptown girl....[bonnie].....for a scan at 4 weeks and 4 days, they only found 2 pups..... she had 2 dogs and 2 bitches. so a SCAN IS ONLY A GUIDELINE as to wether she was in pup or not....p.s hope this helps.....jasper.
Up to 35 days you can see each pup on the monitor, very clearly dark and light, giving you an idea as to black or fawn. After that the pups are abit big and its more difficult.

you can have a print of the pups as well. We pay £20
OK, I've been a lurker for a long time, but as a doctor I just couldn't hold back on this topic...

Ultrasound looks at densities, not colors. It broadcasts harmless sound waves through tissue and the monitor reads the echoes that come back. There is no way that you can tell fawn from parti from black based on the ultrasound. It might be fun to guess, and your guesses might even be right, but the scan has nothing to do with it.

The reason that ultrasound is fairly inaccurate for "puppy counts" is that it can only look at 2-D sweeps through a 3-D uterus. You end up looking at cross sections of intertwined puppy parts, trying to figure out if you've already counted that head or rib cage or spine. X-rays are much better for counting, but you can't do them until later along because the radiation is potentially dangerous.

OK, having gotten that out of my system, I'd like to say that I've had a great time lurking on the board!

Rachel and Fizgig
:D Thanks for answering all of you, so are you telling me that having a scan is not dangerous for the puppys........ :)
its safe enough for i think its safe enough on whippets :p
:D Hi Rachel and Fizgig. I hope you are still around to read this I would be interested to know what you think. ;)

We have had different bitches scaned at a sheep farm over the years, He always told us to go before 35 days. Out of 8 scans, not all whippets he always got the number of pups right. But the thing that puzzles me is when looking at the monitor the blobs ( for the want of a better word ) that showed up were either very dark or pale in colour.

In each litter for instance if 2 dark and 2 light showed on the scan we got 2 black or blue pups and 2 fawn or white pale colour pups.

All 8 scans showed the same, and on the birth of the pups it came out right each time, dark blobs were black or blue pups. The lighter blobs fawn etc.

I say blobs because thay did not look like pups, no head, ribs, legs, tail.

Just little round blobs

I hope this dosnt sound silly its true. Could it be a different type of scaner?

I would like your opinion please :)
I had a bitch scanned about six years ago, i can not remember the exact stage of the pregnancy but i saw the pups as large as life, there were five so i had a good idea how many the bitch would have, i could not determine the colours though, would be good ey tanyia if we could say what colour we wanted beforehand.........thanks for your replies.......good luck to all :D
Hi, out of interest i rang two local vets to see how much it would cost me to have my bitch scanned, the first told me they had no scanner but would do a blood test which would show wether the bitch was in pup or not, the blood test would cost £31-70 pence ??? I then rang another vet and yes they do have a scanner and to scan the bitch it would cost £41 something, :b i think it may be cheaper to wait and see don't you....... :(
It may be cheaper to wait and see, but no safer. As we have learned in the past with our bitches. A scan not only saved the pups, but the bitch as well. The vets do charge alot we have always used farn scans. I have never paid more than £20 for a scan. A small price to pay for the well being of our much loved girls.
I suppose what you think is expensive depends on how much you want to know whether she's in pup or not, if i were desperate to know (and i'm really not all that impatient - it's all part of the fun to me guessing how many are inside!!) then i'd pay whatever my usual vet charged.

With all our bitches 1st litters we have them checked out a couple of days before they are due just to make sure everything looks ok.
Pat if your dead keen to know out of curiosity, why dont you try Mark Robert's idea on this board of using a womens pregnancy testing kit, you can get em pretty cheap nowadays!!!
i am afraid i will have to know one way or the other as i shall worry myself sick, do you really think a pregnancy test would do it vicky, i am afraid i shall have to book her in to the vets though that way i can plan wether we will be going up to scotland on holliday or not.. thanks peeps :D
I dunno but Mark swears they have been right with his every time, for what they cost give it a try as well as going vets then we can all see if it actually does work!!!
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Hey i wonder why there's never been a doggy pregnancy test on the market?

Anyone capable of such an invention we all want a cut of the profits - you saw it on k9 first!!!