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What New Year Resolutions Do Your Dogs Have .....


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I must only bark at things that are genuinely exciting, not at anything and everything that moves ever whether it has anything to do with me or not. People in hats do not qualify as genuinely exciting :unsure:


I must remember that my mum isn't particularly keen on dead things being presented to her when we are out on walks. Strangely the longer they have been dead the less keen she seems to be. I'll stick to relatively fresh things in future :x


I must stop boinging around like Tigger when mum is trying to get me ready to go out, it does NOT need to take 10 minutes to get my coat and lead on (w00t)


I must stop pretending I haven't been fed for days, particularly when we have visitors. My starved and beaten act fools no-one! :-


I must not bury my kong in the garden then get upset because I can't find it and expect mum to go out in the cold and rain and snow and search for it! She says next time I do it it will stay buried and I may join it :lol:
Oscar: I must remember that cats and foxes have feelings too.....and stop scaring the living daylights out of them!!

Yeah right!! ;)
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Spike-loose two pounds

Ted-Come back when re-called

Finn-stop licking plates when we are not looking

Cracker-stop following me

Louis-Stop chasing Ted,chewing cushions,chewing the back door step,Stop biting feet,fingers and toes,and jumping up my coat when you are muddy!!

Bess, stop hoovering the work tops. Stop threatenng the whippets. Stop barking at nothing and next doors dogs

Poppy. Go out when I'm told to. Not bark at next doors dogs. Stop digging all the dog beds up.

Dylan. Wake up! Stop getting in the way. Stop playing up when it's time to get in the car to go home!!!

Pye. Try not to bolt my food. Stop pinching Zennor's biscuits. Stop peeing up the freezer!

Zennor. Stop everything that naughty puppies do!!!! (w00t)
Laoise - come when I'm called, even though that person ten fields away looks VERY interesting

Trudy - stop barking in the Kennel every time I see Elise, she knows where I am, she put me here

Freya - stop being such a big baby I'm a 2 year old whippet not a 2 year old human

Kerri - stop pestering and assuming that I am THE MOST important being in existence, it is NOT the human's task to serve me

Blaze - start acting my age, 8 years NOT 8 months, and also, the toys are not ALL MINE

Talli - to give birth to a lovely litter of puppies

Jessi - to look after and mother my sister Talli's pups as long as I can :(

Bryn......slowly get even more senile and bark at the wall as often as possible because I know it freaks mummy out! (w00t)

James......get treatment for my addiction to ball games and invent a cloaking device which allows me to open the fridge, steal food and get away undetected. Oh and learn to abseil in order to escape through an upstairs window and take myself to the park.

Little Bill........learn to steal,chase squirrels,pretend I am deaf,bark at every given opportunity...I shall excel at everything AGAIN :p resolution is to build a space ship and travel to my home planet and bring back more creatures like me in order to dominate the globe with insane drooling maniacal monkey dogs.....yes 2011 will be the year of the Monkey Dog. :clown: (w00t)
Milo Eat Food, normal everyday food that I am fed and which is good for me and not:-

6 raw eggs, robbie williams Cd, Sarah's teeth retainers, dad's specs,, muzzles (too

many to mention), coats (including my brand new one which is in tatters since I got

it over my head and panicked in the garden), wood block floors, skirting boards,

shoes (smellier the better), rugs (from the middle out - edge in is too easy and one

needs a challenge), the cat's tail (she scratches), dad's mobile phone, dad's scarf, dad's

gloves, all the dog's collars even if they're being worn at the time etc etc etc ........................ :devil:

(these are not invented for comic purpose - lots have been forgotten with the screaming of 'Milo - LEAVE')

Tilly Stop trying to sit in the dishwasher - the prongs hurt in all the wrong places. :(

Gracie Nothing - how can one improve on perfection o:)
Last edited by a moderator: not get on Mummies bed with the sole purpose to puke up on it! get up before midday on days off! wee in the garden when there is no snow!...otherwise I'm just perfect!!
Rosie: To realise that I do not need to be affixed by superglue to Mum. She is always going to come back, she will love me even when I have thrown up/peed on the floor/chewed 'whatever'. I CAN go out in the garden for a pee and Mum will not kick me up the backside on the way out, nor will she shut the door whilst I am out there and leave me there, so I have no need to cower.... my Mum loves me for the adorable affectionate girl I am x

Rifle: To realise that when Rosie barges me out of the way to gain attention from Mum it is because she hasn't had the love I have taken for granted in the last 5 years. I will try to be gentle when I have absolutely had enough of her biting my ankles and thus feel the need to pin her to the floor!
Bella To accept that just because dogs may look red like foxes, they are not prey.

To stop jumping up on the gate full force and scaring the living daylights out of passers-by.


Misty To stop being the most stubborn whippet known to man.

To stop eating all the most revolting rubbish she can find.


Daisy To accept that she is not an 'only dog'.

To reach a weight where she stops looking like a case of neglect and cruelty.


Lilly To accept that rain and snow are a fact of life and that going outside in such conditions IS necessary.

To stop trying to terrorise large fierce dogs while looking dainty and innocent.


Toddy To continue to be funny, entertaining, naughty and disruptive because I am loved for my exuberant personality
Sparky: This year I will realise that every time someone puts their coat on that they are not taking me for a walk and I will not stand next to them with my lead in my mouth and give them a guilt trip, or perhaps I won't!!

Dylan: This year I will realise that it is possible to have a pedal bin in the kitchen which does not need me to inspect it each time I pass, however they haven't bought one yet I can't open myself so just to keep those humans on their toes I'll carry on putting them, and the pedal bins', to the test.

Sparky and Dylan
Daisy to carry on being the centre of everyones universe............ maybe not jump off the top of the dogwalk when I spot some tasty horse poo

Dexter to chill out, other dogs are not the enemy to be shouted at and not lick the sofa so there is somewhere dry for my mum to sit

Morrissey to continue to be the most perfect whippet ever born not get on Mummies bed with the sole purpose to puke up on it! get up before midday on days off! wee in the garden when there is no snow!...otherwise I'm just perfect!!

(w00t) Daisy don't change, I like that habit... (w00t)
Dana - to prove the vets wrong for yet another year (considering they told me 19 months ago she only had 6 months she is doing fab). to get as much camping in as possible with mum and dad and to try my best not to wee all over my mum when ive had my water tablets,( but i will still love u when u do xx)
Dylan - to not jump up at or on the laps of everyone i meet, to not throw myself on the ground when another dog comes near me during a terrier race thinking i will be knocked over, to stop nipping the back of my mums leg coming off the seesaw at agility because i am sooooo excited (w00t) and for goodness sake stop obsessing about the ball/stuffed (or gutted) toy xx

Sidney - to take more time over my chicken wing not just crack the bones and swallow it whole and to stop eating the retriever puppy up the roads poo :- xx

Willo - to realise that not every dog needs to be charged at whilst hysterically barking even the ones i have known all my life and meet every day, they are not all evil monsters who want to do me harm :devil: , some of them are quite friendly, and to stop chasing Dylan and bringing him down by the scruff of his neck he is not prey :ph34r: xx

Lottie (foster) - to continue putting on weight, to realise that there is no food on the counter tops, even at the very back! and to put the boys down - they have been castrated and can't ablige :blink:

but their humans love them all, they would be boring if they were perfect :wub:
Last edited by a moderator: not get on Mummies bed with the sole purpose to puke up on it! get up before midday on days off! wee in the garden when there is no snow!...otherwise I'm just perfect!!

(w00t) Daisy don't change, I like that habit... (w00t)
Cheers dear! know who my friends are...but do feel free to come and stay....she likes visitors beds the most!!! :x
I don't usually come onto this section but i'm so glad I found this post 'cos it's hysterical to see what these whippets get up to and how they have their humans jumping through hoops (in my case, without even realising it!) Also the two rather poignant posts from Whippets Rule and Dana - here's to a lovely 2011 for your hounds especially. :luck: :wub:
lily .i must stop jumping on mummys kitchen work surface and eating everything i find or mummy said il have to go on a diet :teehee:

rosie ..i must not act like a demented flea when people visit :-

poppy..i will try not to drag my sisters around the house by the ass of there season knickers (w00t)

lilybella ...i will learn to use the litter tray :sweating:

mara ... i will stop trying to be my mums Siamese twin o:)

ollie... i will forgive the human they call mammy for taking me to the vets and having my nuts cut off :rant:

tia ...i will stop chasing birds ,iv been trying for years to catch one with no luck so i may aswell give up :lol:

to kill more bunnies (but behind mums back cos she said shes gonna send me and Dotty to aunty Lisa at GAP if we kill any more fuzzywuzzys) :wacko: :teehee:

Mummy also said I gotta stop eating my own poo cos she says its disgusting!!! Tastes O.k to me (w00t)

Perform many more countersurfing escapades especially in December cos there's some really nice stuff up there the and i can ave it all cos Dottys too small to reach! Yummmm

Take up my fair share of the bed and continue to fart like a trooper under the Duvet :blink: hopefully mum Dad and Dotty will get so stunk out then I can ave the whole bed to meself!

Bark like the nutter I am at evrything and everybody!

Continue to run into mum when off lead and I can't find the brakes she makes a real good airbag especially since shes been getting fatter with all the chrimbo food she bin putting in her gob! She's gettin a real fattty!


Continue to abuse my pretty little face to extract whatever goodies I can out of anybody that falls in love wiff me :wub: :wub: which is most people cos I is just too damn cute! They all luffs my Batty ears!

Continue to show how hard I am by stickin up for myself when some big fat ugly oaf of a rotweller trys to ave a go at me . mum not gonna like it she says I should run away but I am so ard! Dukie wont stick up for me cos he's a big wussy poofta

Take up allll the space by the fire cos its Mine!!

Chase fuzzywuzzys with my big bro Duke, (w00t) :sweating: ( behind mum and Dads back) but he gonna have to finish um cos I might break a nail and I don't wonna have blood on me pawes o:)

Continue to pinch the cats food and Poo (ughhh) :wacko: :sweating: cos I can't counter surf cos I'm to small

Continue to be well fussy with me food even though mum has tried everything and says we got the best money can buy. :sweating: She don't realise I got me figure to fink of I seen her get fat and it aint pretty!! yuuk (w00t)

Mum and Dad just gonna ave to live with our rules cos we knows they loves us and we can get away wiff anyfink Cos we is Whippets and we Rule!! :clown: :clown: o:) :huggles: :devil:
I don't usually come onto this section but i'm so glad I found this post 'cos it's hysterical to see what these whippets get up to and how they have their humans jumping through hoops (in my case, without even realising it!) Also the two rather poignant posts from Whippets Rule and Dana - here's to a lovely 2011 for your hounds especially. :luck: :wub:
i will drink to that hunny. Dana is currently fast asleep up my jumper after a nice walk, so long as she is happy it dont matter how much it costs to keep her going, she is worth the world to me.

gotta say some of these posts have made me cry laughing... not good when u have got the plague and cant breath lol