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What kind of breed is this

Kerry Veitch

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Can anyone tell me what bread this is I can I
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@Kerry Veitch , I can't tell anything from a photo that primarily looks at the TOP OF THE DOG'S HEAD, :lol: Nor, i would bet, can anyone else. :D

As i said B4 in thread #1, we need a side-on photo that captures the whole dog, from tip of nose to end of tail, taken from the dog's level - not looking down on the dog, but directly at the dog, with the camera about level with mid-chest or the forward point of the shoulder.
that's why they take "show photos" in that pose - it shows U the entire dog, & makes distinguishing traits easy to pick out. It also shows body proportions - leg length, depth of chest, tail set, etc.

- terry
Sorry for another post I try to take a copy more picture of him I will ask the vets on Monday
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@Kerry Veitch - this is the kind of photo we need.
* Looking at the dog's side
* level with the dog

Screen Shot 2018-06-09 at 12.47.42 PM.png

Screen Shot 2018-06-09 at 12.48.51 PM.png

Screen Shot 2018-06-09 at 12.49.23 PM.png

He can stand on the ground - but it might be easier if he's on a footstool, a park bench, a picnic table, whatever, with someone ELSE to hold the leash.
Then U can sit on a chair to get on his level, & get a good picture. :)

Standing the dog on the landing of a staircase & taking the photo from [E.T.A.: a few steps] below is another easy way to get on "his level", for a good point-of-view.

- terry

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I was thinking cavalier in there to... and maybe some cocker spaniel?
Cavalier King Charles cross Springer Spaniel
Cavalier King Charles cross Cocker Spaniel
King Charles Cavalier cross Dachshund
I think definitely some cocker spaniel in their and I think those legs are definitely jack russell. What ever the breed he/she is certainly very pretty x
I think some Jack Russel in there too with the little feet pointing outwards slightly.

if U go to the OP's original thread,
[link above, in the FIRST reply - thank U kindly to @JudyN ]
U will see that the pup was sold by the breeder as "CKCS x Bichon". :) . The OP's desire is to confirm that her pup is, indeed, a mix of those 2 breeds.

It's already been said that growing a bit older might clarify any Bichon traits, or, heaven forfend!, possibly reveal some other breed admixture. :D . However, even a 5-generation pedigree is only as good as the ethics of all those who added a generation.

I've met a supposedly-purebred "Golden Retriever" who was very clearly a crossbred with Chessie - his coat texture, color, the waves over his shoulders & spine, etc, plus his head, were simply wrong for a Golden.
His owner was shocked when i mentioned that he wasn't purebred, & said the breeder had "sold him cheap" b/c he was bilaterally cryptorchid [no testes descended], & she paid extra to have him desexed, for the spelunking to locate his gonads.
Just to pour gasoline over the fire of his owner's ire, his breeder had both Chessies & GRs, bred & sold both. :rolleyes:
No need to blame anyone else - this wasn't the result of a neighbor's dog, jumping the fence!

Cavalier, with a little of something that has short legs:rolleyes:
Thanks for all your reply and I'm sorry I have asked this question twice I went to the vets today for a check up and they said he was spaniel cross dachshund I not really worried what he use he perfect he a lovely pup I was just wondering thanks everyone and I'm sorry again
Thanks I tried taking some pictures of him but hard when he keeps on moving he is long like a dachshund as I said I'm not bothered what breed he is I was just curious I didn't get him from a breeder I got him from someone who wanted to rehome him so I didn't see mum or dad
He's very cute, whatever he is - and a lucky dog to have found you:)