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What is your dogs favourite food..


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If Dennis had to live on a food for the rest of his life it would be ice-cream or cheese! :D

This photo was before the greys had set in!

I do not have a dog, but sometimes i see my neighbour dog love to eat banana, not regular stuff, sometimes the owner share the leftover
A new fave with Jake is 'puffed' rabbit ears, actually all my dogs are loving them at the mo! But also Jake loves his own food more if I put it in my boarders bowl as it seems to be better if he thinks it's someone else's!o_O
Murphy loves his fruit. Berries are his favourite esp blue berries and raspberries. ( expensive taste this dog)
Of course cheese ranks high on the list but he will jump through fire to get his paws on the little ostrich training treats I use..
Murphy loves his fruit. Berries are his favourite esp blue berries and raspberries. ( expensive taste this dog)
Of course cheese ranks high on the list but he will jump through fire to get his paws on the little ostrich training treats I use..

This is a new knowledge for me, I mean I know that sometimes the dog will eat anything that people throw at them including fruits. But it tickles me to do a quick search on the net, then I found out, not all berries are suitable for the dog. Actually, all top berries we ever heard are actually safe for the dog to eat, raspberries, cranberries, strawberries and blackberries.

Other than that is toxic and could be really poisonous to your dogs like Hollyberries, Ivy berries, Juniper Berries and much more. So sorry to ask the newbie question, I wonder do my cats like all the berries, I do not think so, never tried it yet.
Misty loves apples if they are cut in nice neat slices, and she’s partial to a strawberry if it’s got a bit of cream on it.....she is spoilt! :rolleyes:
Betty Likes salad, cucumber and lettuce.. or anything else we are having
I thought my greys were strange as they love salads. Lettuce, cucumber, celery , parsley and a small plum tomato cut in half in a salad. It's a once a week treat for them.
They just go mad when i get the salad stuff out the fridge.
Nice to hear that other people sometimes let their dogs have human food i thought it was my guilty secret. I went to choir practice last night and forgot to move a packet of malted milk biscuits i had left on the unit. When I got home Buster was lying in front of the woodburner looking very smug so I had better add that to his list of favourite food.
Roast chicken dinner, cheese, uncooked carrot and rich tea biscuits, Roxy prefers her biscuit dipped in tea lol
Morgan and Rex both love rich tea biscuits. They can hear the tin opening from the end of the garden. They also love broccoli and carrots raw.
The also love salads with parsley and apples so I make them a small one every week ( no peppers though)
They love all human foods so we can't leave anything unattended .
Anything I'm eating as long as it isn't fruit or veg. Current favourite is Greek yoghurt - he gets to lick out the carton!