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What is your dog going to eat/had today?

I'm sorry to hear you think people feed their dogs incorrectly. But saying this thread is only a week old and each of us have only posted few day's dinners, it hardly gives real picture what each of our dogs get to eat and what is their nutritional intake. After is said nutritional recquiments are met over a few weeks, not days. ;)

Just trying to share useful resources and services, no offence intended.
Although information of additions to meals and how they are balanced over time I'm sure would be useful for everybody too.
For instance, it's common for iodine, zinc, manganese and several vitamins to be deficient in homemade raw diets, and those based on the 80:10:10 proportions. Showing where these nutrients are supplied - such as a kelp supplement, would avoid others missing these important factors from their diet plans when taking food inspirations. :)
@Laura@Charlie's, how do/did wild dogs or wolves, evolved to be healthy on the food available, get enough of these vitamin and minerals?

I do question how anyone tests what is the ideal level of different nutrients in dog food. They're not going to feed different dogs different amounts of a specific mineral and see how healthy they are - human nutrition has been studied much more thoroughly, and human dietary advice still changes pretty regularly.
@Laura@Charlie's, how do/did wild dogs or wolves, evolved to be healthy on the food available, get enough of these vitamin and minerals?

I do question how anyone tests what is the ideal level of different nutrients in dog food. They're not going to feed different dogs different amounts of a specific mineral and see how healthy they are - human nutrition has been studied much more thoroughly, and human dietary advice still changes pretty regularly.

Actually there are, and have over the years been, huge amounts of research into nutrient levels required for optimum health in dogs. If you're interested to learn more about the nutrient recommendations for dogs, some great resources are:
FEDIAF (Nutritional Guidelines - FEDIAF) - Nutrient standards for Pet Food in the UK & Europe.
WSAVA (Global Nutrition Guidelines - WSAVA) - Global Nutritional Standards by the Veterinary Community.
National Research Council Nutrient Requirements for Cats and Dogs (book)
There are many more too, but these form a great starting point.

Nutritional advice is constantly being updated as more is learnt, after all whether we're talking about dog or human nutrition it is an area of science with massive implications. Nutrients taken into the body interact and impact every bodily system, which is why we're always learning and finding out new information as more research is conducted.

I don't intend to be controversial, just to share resources which I hope will be useful in balancing your dog's nutrition.
Best Wishes.
Just trying to share useful resources and services, no offence intended.
Although information of additions to meals and how they are balanced over time I'm sure would be useful for everybody too.
For instance, it's common for iodine, zinc, manganese and several vitamins to be deficient in homemade raw diets, and those based on the 80:10:10 proportions. Showing where these nutrients are supplied - such as a kelp supplement, would avoid others missing these important factors from their diet plans when taking food inspirations. :)
No offence taken...but this is 'light hearted' thread about 'dinners' and as to what you mentioned about vitamins/minerals...none of us have been listing what supplements (if any) we have been giving to our dogs neither. This thread is not about that, so making assumptions from what we have said is quite a leap to make and to say that our dogs are not getting enough nutrients....nobody can without making necessary blood tests. I am sure everybody is happy for you to take part to the conversation and add what your dog(s) get fed with but it would be nice that any advice or nutritional education offered freely or 'in sale' would be kept in 'when asked/required' basis and/or advertised on correct thread...please.
Thank you @Laura@Charlie's :) And now we'd better get back on track...

Jasper had his usual food today, but with minced tripe with his carcase at tea time rather than the chicken&something mince. Then he got to 'clean up' after our chick pea curry & rice. But we'd pretty much cleared our plates - I wouldn't want to share a room with him after chick pea curry!
Well, I'm pleased to report that our girls were HUNGRY for a change and cleared their plate of duck & tripe mince with bit of added beef as well. It was already promising sign of things to come when they were sitting and waiting their food to be plated and I could not serve them quick enough ...there was some 'words' said :rolleyes::D And what is it that they like having energetic rough and tumble after they have filled their tummies?? Now they are finishing their evening routine with a chew to clean those precious teeth...hoping that it will send them sleep for couple of hours:rolleyes:
I’m afraid that Mabel’s diet over the last few days hasn’t been as exciting as her norm. On night one she got me up four times to go out into the garden - very loose poos. Night two was undisturbed but night three saw up me with carpet cleaner at 02:30. Last night I was roused to take her into the garden for a heavy loose poo. Throughout the whole of this episode she wants to eat. I’ve got her on small amounts of rice, chicken, boiled egg plus Oralade. She seems happy and healthy and spent this morning in the bedroom with the cat. She was happy to walk this afternoon. I’m just going to see this out and continue with bland meals until we’re back to normal poos. If anyone wants to chip in with a sensible alternative please feel free. I’d like to apologise with regard the constant reference to poos. Lo siento.
IIf anyone wants to chip in with a sensible alternative please feel free.

I found YuDigest Plus really helped Jasper when one type of anti-inflammatories upset his digestion. I hope Mabel's better soon.
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Thank you, JudyN. That’s very kind. I’ll order some sachets for ‘insurance’.
“.....but night three saw up me with carpet cleaner at 02:30”. I do apologise for any misunderstanding. I meant that I was up at 2:30 with some carpet cleaner and not that any self administered d.i.y colonic irrigation was taking place with a carpet cleaner. Sorry.
“.....but night three saw up me with carpet cleaner at 02:30”. I do apologise for any misunderstanding. I meant that I was up at 2:30 with some carpet cleaner and not that any self administered d.i.y colonic irrigation was taking place with a carpet cleaner. Sorry.
We understand....:D
What you do with your cleaner is between you and them....:D
What you do with your cleaner is between you and them....:D
Have been walking like John Wayne ever since. On a serious note, Mabel’s very happy in herself and has eaten everything that’s been offered but I’m going to be extremely frugal re her treats. Currently she has a preoccupation with licking her front paws. Not sure whether it’s the dew claws or the pads. Anyway, it’s walk time now. And a gig tonight!
In case something is missing from his raw food Sika gets supplements - a fish oil capsule, a glucosamine & chondroitin tablet, and a scoop of Canine Prime powder.
I've been 'awful' dog owner today....I've ruined girls food twice today when trying to get them to eat 'healthy'.
This morning I offered some yogurt and egg yolk mix that they usually eat readily...once or twice a week, BUT I added few extra ingredients into the mix :eek: I pulverized couple of supplement tablets as I wanted they all would get that benefit into them. But no...they sniffed the yogurt and gave couple of little licks and my deceit was soon found out. :rolleyes: So that went into bin..
I've just made their dinner and I had 3 pairs of questioning eyes following me around house..'when is the dinner time today, may we ask...' :D So I 'improvised' with what I had as tomorrow is shopping day and their supplies are bit short. They've been given some turkey mince and grated apple and I fried few sprats on the top so they have something more bite size pieces too.
The look of disgust that I've been given is telling me that some girls are planning going to bed tonight feeling rather hungry....but it is their choice!
I don't know what is happening with our girls, but last few days our fussy eaters have had change of palate and 'healthy eating' seem to be in 'fashion' o_O I have been trialling all sorts of additions on their boring minces that usually it is hard to get them accept them. Iida is particularly 'anti veg/fish'. I've been adding grated raw carrot, chopped up cabbage leaves, cooked sweet potato and managed to sneak in little seaweed and linseed meal too!! :D:D And after they've hoovered their plate clean, Ive been getting looks saying 'any more where that came from?' :rolleyes: So today with their newly found appetite I had to 'extend' their dinner with few chicken wings and give fish skin chew as their 'pudding'.....and it was all demolished = VERY satisfied & happy terriers...and their humble servant and cook is pleased too :D