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What Is The Point Of Dogs?

Janimal said:
:(   he dosnt know what hes talking about does he ........

Id say.... with your dogs UNCONDITIONAL LOVE... :wub:

they dont answer back when you are angry or sad .... they are just there for you always. :huggles:


theres only one thing i can say and thats, my dogs are the reason i get up on a morning,(usually 5.30am) best time of the day to spend with my girls. :wub: :wub: :wub:

bet the person in question is a single ,lonely, self centred a......hole
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After a weekend where I was nearly run over by a white van (it actually brushed me at 30mph), nearly run off the road by a teenager reading a map whilst using her mobile phone driving, and had my golf's rear end run into by a motorcyle, I think the real question is WHAT IS THE POINT OF PEOPLE? :rant: :rant: :rant: Give me dogs any day.
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fallenangel said:
dana said:
i echo everything u and everone else say kris. as a disabled person my dog acts as my physio, if it wasnt for her it would be the easyist thing in the world to sit on my backside and give in to the severe pain im in and as a result lose what is left of my mobility. without dana mithering me to take her to the park, to take her out for a wee and have mad fights round the flat i wouldnt be able to do half the things i can. to top that off she is my best friend and when i feel down or my limitations are depressing me she gets on my knees and gives me kisses, they really should bottle dog slobber as a replacement for valium  :p
Were both just the same here the dogs push us to get up in a morning and get out and about I think we could go for days if not weks without seeing anyone if we didnt have the dogs and they make us fight to stay mobile as well as help us out some of the will pick things up for us and it can make a big differnce. haveing someone depend on you can change your life after all I love there dogs and If i didnt fight my disabiltys I would have to rehome them and thats never going to happen. Your kids grow up and leave home and dont need you anymore your dogs allways do

moriarte said:
After a weekend where I was nearly run over by a white van (it actually brushed me at 30mph), nearly run off the road by a teenager reading a map whilst using her mobile phone driving, and had my golf's rear end run into by a motorcyle,  I think the real question is WHAT IS THE POINT OF PEOPLE?   :rant:   :rant:   :rant:   Give me dogs any day.
I quite agree Elizabeth - I would far rather talk to my dogs than some of the arrogant gits that pass you on the street.
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I quite agree Elizabeth - I would far rather talk to my dogs than some of the arrogant gits that pass you on the street
ill drink to that!