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What Does Your Dog Do.....

GREAT THREAD :thumbsup:

i love the way mine get excited when i start putting my socks on cos they think it's time for a walk... and the way Owen grabs hold of the toes and tries to pull them off my feet again when i start walking.

they all (except Rosa) sit on the sofa intensly watching me hoover up then take it in turns to 'dive bomb' and bite the dyson as it goes past them then back up on the sofa waiting another turn... Rosa watches from her bed with disaproval :lol:

the way Ginni knows just where to stick her bloody cold nose for maximum effect. :eek:

Oto and Otis both, when they think no one is watching, lie on their backs, wriggle and snake around then bark and growl at their willie's :blink: .. dunno what they were telling it :lol:

if i bend down to pick anything up Oto leaps into action, runs full pelt, jumps and springboards off my back gymnast style :angry:

and one day i WILL record Rosa's ''snoopy dance'' :wub:
the things my dogs do to make me smile are....

Badger squeaking at me at 3am when he wants me to lift the duvet and let him in for a cuddle(only he knows why 3am in particular,but its every night)

Woody reaching his paw round the front door and pulling it open to let me in when i get home.

Bryn rubbing round my legs and arching his back like a cat when he greets me.

Zoe completely ignoring me all day until she wants to play....then stuffing a well chewed toy in my lap and growling until i agree to entertain her (w00t)

Parker making his groany moany snuggle up noise when he settles on the sofa with me(he has to lay touching me even if its just with one paw :D )

They just make me smile cos they're all mine :wub: :wub:
Gelert doesn't like barking, in fact he is not very good at it, and can't do it at all if he's lying down. So, just to torture him, I taught him to 'say please' when he wants a treat; it usually takes several silent ones (with just the sound of knocking teeth) as a warm up before he manages an audible 'woof'. o:)

I won't be teaching this trick to the new one, he's barking enough unbidden :- " :lol:
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Frankie does the low growly-bark to say hello, particulary when his dad gets home from work. He also likes drinking cups of tea.

Holly snapping at daddylong legs and flies and then looking amazed when she catches one :lol:

Chloe when she frantically chases the whippets on walks and then barks in frustration when she can't keep up! :)

I love the funny things they do but nothing makes me smile more than when i see them snuggled up together on the sofa :huggles:

What a lovely thread :D ........Right my lot do ........

>Joanna is a natural fusser over the whole pack and spends hours cleaning them all :wub:

> Jacob greets you with his fav toy (Sheepy) when you come home and chats away to you with sheer delight :huggles: .......he also does a little foot tapping dance when hes excited whilst roo rooing :wub: .......he also has such expressions that hes very readable and clown like :wub:

> Inca always looks very pleased when she actually catches her ball :b ..........and loves bringing you presents on her walks :- "

> Miya is an insperation ......shes been ill for 2 years now but loves life fully and is never sad :huggles:

> Connie sucks her baby and softly cries herself to sleep every night :wub:

And then theres > Eric ........Well he just makes you smile all day with his antics :clown: :wub: :wub: ......he tells the letters off up until you pick them up :b .......he attacks the hoover that then give him and me shocks due to the static which makes him madder :- " .......he runs off with our clothes at bath time .......he swims in the summer and lies down in puddles even in the winter :wacko: .......Sounds mad but he really is just perfect :wub:

> Tinks just Tink ......she seems to have the awww factor and gets away with everything :*

> Reggie is another Eric but naughty with it .... :lol:
Right here goes...

Inca greets you with her growly woo woo but she has to have a toy in her mouth or she just can't do it.

When Inca gets really excited she spins round and round in circles and then looks at you daft when she's dizzy.

If Inca can't get on her spot on the settee next to me, she just stares (usually at the OH) and if that doesn't work she'll get in between us and puts her back against the OH and her paws on me and pushes until he moves.

When we've been out, even if its only for a short time, Dippy rubs ner nose between your legs and grumbles as if to say "where have you been".

Dippy always tries to lay with Inca but she often gets told to bog off and she she comes and looks at me as if to say "why".

Dippy just has to find the biggest stick or branch to carry when we walk them.

The way Inca kisses Dippy's nose when she thinks nobody is looking.

The way Dippy just falls asleep in your arms and smiles contentedly.

Oh there's so many little traits they have that I just love...
Brilliant thread :D

Vader - the way I can 'set him off' by play bowing at him, and he runs off in big circles and comes back for me to set him off again. He is the only one does it - it's our special thing. :huggles: :wub:

Star - they way she is so predicable - after they have been fed she goes into the bin and steals the empty bag, takes it into the garden and licks it clean. She is the most placid and good natured dog I've ever known and rarely has the courage to go for the ball or frisbee so when she does get it she does a prancy showy off run :wub: (which is so slow that it takes one of the other dogs 2 secods to catch her and relieve her of the toy :blink: )

Leia - when you walk into a room and you realise she is in there too as you can hear her tail wagging/tapping :wub: Seeing her run flat out - she is like a ribbon blowing in the wind.

Tie - The way she comes back and smiles at me, then runs off again to play with the other dogs :wub:

Holly - when I see her canter, after all she has been through I love to see her 'run' but the best thing about Holly is when she sits on my knee, looks me in the eye and gives me a big kiss. :wub: :huggles:

Lucas - the way he talks to us, the way he jumps to catch a ball, the way he drapes his head over my neck and gives lovely cuddles in bed, and when I see him asleep on OH's knee. After all the nagging and pestering he loves him as much as I do :wub: o:)
what a nice topic!


Molly does a snort just before she is about to have a cheeky bark!

When were eating dinner she rests her head on everybodys lap and gives that look that whippets do that makes you feel so guilty so you end up giving her some of your dinner!

If you say something in a high pitched voice she tilts her head to one side ( which i think is so cute)

If theres a huge spider crawling on the floor she chases it, then paws it then eats it!!!!

If you give her a big treat such as a pigs ear she wont eat it, she stands with it in her mouth and starts to whine because she wants to go and bury in someones bed!

And now Tam,,

He makes this croaky noise when he yawns!

When he wants out for a wee he sits (with great posture!) right in front of you

When you come in and say hello he goes round and round and round in circles at your feet and in between your legs!

He adores all his toys and if theres one lying in the floor he does this huge pounce on it

and if either of them want to play they thrust one of there toys right against your leg!