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what do you think about this video - harmless or dangerous?

while it is very cute I have mixed feelings about this especially where the dogs are dragging the babies it may be funny but I don't think its something I would ever encourage. even the most loveable pet can turn and how would you ever forgive yourself if anything happened .There as been cases of this before I would seriously think twice
This video is causing quite a stir on Facebook. What do you think?

At no time would I allow my dog to grab a child’s clothing and drag them around. The rest of the video is okay, very endearing actually though I would have calmed the boxer dog down a little to stop it jumping all over a baby. Guess people’s sense of safety goes out of the window when it comes to their dogs.
Have to say its not behaviour I would have encouraged in my dogs. Both Sheba and later Max would push themselves between my boys if and when they fought and both dogs loved to play with the children but no jumping or tugging games..
I didn't watch right to the end assuming it would be more of the same. Some of the interactions were controlled with the adult clearly keeping things in hand but the ones with the babies' flailing arms in the dogs' faces were worrying. The one where the adult ran down the corridor with the baby and the dog at his feet is a trip hazard waiting to happen and was downright irresponsible.
Some are OK, some not so. I'm not so bothered by the ones showing dogs dragging children around - though it's certainly not something you'd want to encourage - as by the ones showing babied falling onto or grabbing hold of dogs. One dog in particular was showing lip licking and didn't look at all happy - how easy would it be for a child to poke their finger into a dog's eye and the dog to react instinctively with a snap?

The trouble is that some of the 'cute' baby & dog vids you see on FB are actually really scary if you know anything about dogs' body language. The fact that the owners presumably don't see the warning signs is very worrying.
Well a few videos are okay but the ones with the dogs going crazy all over the baby and the dogs dragging/mouthing the baby's clothes. I know i would never encourage the behaviour and never will allow the dogs be 'crazy' around the baby... I understand why its creating a stir some people have no sense or safety :mad::mad:
This video is causing quite a stir on Facebook. What do you think?

Not sure about the actual video but as a midwife I never found dogs round babies a problem. I even had one home birth lady who had her dog as her birth partner, he lay next to her throughout the birth.
I did,however, get attacked on more than one occasion by cats
I don't know, but the first couple of clips with younger looking dogs tugging and standing over the babies was a bit worrying but most of the others seemed fine to me, but then my daughter was brought up with dogs, my old, old boy Danny was with her from birth and Jake from a year old. The first time she proper belly laughed was when I came in with a very wet Jake after a walk and I draped him head to toe in a towel which she thought was hysterical!!
Doesn't it anger you though that if, during the exciting play, the dog nipped the baby, everyone would blame the dog! I want to shake the parents.

The one with the guy running down the hallway is just plain irresponsible as someone said what if he tripped over or the dog jumped up and pulled the baby from his hands. I was reading a story only yesterday in America where a dog had mauled a young woman and she died and the dog lived with her and her partner. people need to think to late after the event
Same views as most others. If I had young kids, I would encourage them to come into contact with my dog (as kids we didn't have dogs and were pretty much scared of them) but under strict, close supervision. I wouldn't encourage behaviour that could potentially upset the dog (poking, jabbing, slappng etc.) leading to an unwanted reaction, and would certainly keep children out of harms way.