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What Do You Call A Club Dog

correct me if iam wrong ,,,but isnt it club racing that normally attracts the new comers to the racing??????
definition of a club dog could be.............???????

one that buys his racing jackets, collar and lead on the tick............???????

:clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown:
I had a good hard look at the BWRA Bend Championships and watched the dogs that did not win in particular and thought to myself it does not matter what position this little whippets finish in they try their little hearts out and without them we would not even make up a race card.

It would be a good idea to run a few Maiden Opens as in years gone by where only dogs that haven't won an open can run, especially at week-end events. Just a thought.
ABC racing is ok but if you have a dog 30 lb+racing 16lb dogs giving silly start away its enough to brake a dogs heart. mr boyd pointed out maiden racing where the not so good dogs got a chance with out runing with the best in the class maybe this could be tryed at some opens ,give the under dogs some glory. 9 times out of 10 you can say what will win a race. only the scratch racing very open with different winners :D
My whippet (ped) is a show bred and will never make a winner but she loves racing and puts heart and soul into it, so far she has never put a paw wrong...

She has a club which we race at and is attending her first open today (w00t)

I know i will never come home with any rosettes for her and will always be at the bottom or near it.....

But i will attend both club and open because its fun, she loves it, i love meeting all the people and learning more about the breed...

But i do think you need to have and support your home club, before anything else :thumbsup:
If more opens put on be it 'maiden' or 'full' not sure how this would help clubs.

Could clubs be suffereing because there are too many opens on now - as there is an open on virtually every week people do not need to run at their local clubs - where as if less opens on and they needed to keep their dogs fit for the 'special opens' and occasions (champs etc) would they use clubs more !!! (possibly :- " )
Totally agree with Karen, most people only want open class dogs now as they know thats pretty much the only chance they will have of running there dog week in and week out, people only come to our club if they have nowhere else to run!