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What Age

think mine was about 10 months old.
Tilly is 14 months and i was told she was fully grown now..
14 - 15 months is when a Whippet pup finally stops growing :thumbsup: .......This is when their growth plates have finally hardened and their bodies start maturing etc........
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The joints fuse at about 14 months(epipheses) or growth plates, but they will fill out after that.
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Thats good news as Harley is now 15 months and he's a big boy so no more please, where as Joshy is just getting leaner and taller only 10 months, so still a bit left in him yet, very fast transformation over the last month or so, since he's been doing lots of playing in fields again.....
You'll find that different lines will stop growing at different times, some carry on going up for ages (but never much after 18 months) whereas some will shoot up really fast and then just fill out later...

But the earlier posts are a good general idea :D