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Weather talk...

Been snowing on and off blizzard -like all day, we're in an amber warning for snow today and tomorrow.
Bitterly cold and snowing half heartedly all day off and on. Nothing settling apart from on the very high ground above Bath and it's barely even a dusting.

We've had some snow lying around since the "Beast" and the saying around here is that when patches of snow hang around like that it's waiting for more. I'm hoping that this is it and we'll get some spring weather (but please please please no more rain!)

the 18" of snow we got last Tuesday has settled from fluffy to slightly-stiff, & we're expecting a few more inches this coming Wed to ice the cake. :rolleyes: I don't mind it a bit, in fact i love it - but not looking forward to the day after!
Thursday is spozed to be rainy & sloppy - i'd MUCh rather have more snow! :D

- terry

Stupid dog, the river is high and choppy and the dog slipped in - twice. He was freezing so I dried him with a towel next to the radiator, he seems none the worse for wear, but does stink! Yuk!!!!

I've put his warm, furry bed next to the radiator.
Quite a bit of snow in Surrey , really had enough of it now :confused: poor Molly’s feet all balls up so took along a flask of warm water to melt it so she could walk properly :p she stands and puts her feet up so I can pour warm water on her pads then off she runs again :D
Quite a bit of snow in Surrey , really had enough of it now :confused: poor Molly’s feet all balls up so took along a flask of warm water to melt it so she could walk properly :p she stands and puts her feet up so I can pour warm water on her pads then off she runs again :D
I read that rubbing some coconut oil into the hair around the paws helps prevent the snowballs forming. My coconut oil seems to be broken however.
Might give that a try next time Joanne.....though really hoping I don’t have to and this is the last of the snow! Molls is off for a haircut on Tuesday so less fur between the toes, off to the New Forest for a few days on Thursday so at least she won’t get quite as muddy :D
Ooohh, enjoy the New Forest. It's a place I have never been to.
@JoanneF I have used the coconut oil many of times it works every time, it was a recommendation from a pintreast post. This was the snow this morning i lost Doris in it :) >
Snow 18.03.2018.JPG
We had some snow overnight which settled on roofs and cars. It's been chucking it down for the best part of a couple of hours and is settling everywhere. We've just taken Jimmy out and we all came back caked in snow! Tomorrow is my last day at work, or supposed to be, it might've actually been Friday! :p
A couple of photos OH took in the park this morning. That's me in the orange scarf, with Jasper up ahead.



There's a couple of playing field adjoining the park (in addition to the cricket pitch in the top photo) and when we were there I tried throwing a snowball for Jasper. He hit it with his nose, it disintegrated, and he looked stunned and startled:D But just that one snowball got him a bit worked up and he was threatening to jump up on his, only just managing to control himself, so I didn't throw any more. He's taller than me when he jumps up and it was his go-to behaviour when he got overaroused when he was younger so we don't want to encourage it.
Overcast today and 32F. As long as it doesn't know I'm happy. Though miss our sunny, 40Fish weather the past few days. Not enjoying the mud we have under all the snow as that weather melts it....but once the sun melts it, the sun will dry it up, and that's what I'm looking forward to!

Tonight & tomorrow-morning we're expecting anything from an additional 5 to 8-inches of snow. :)
I love snow, so i'm not upset in the least at the prospect of more! // We have a 1 in 4 chance of over-8", & 37% chance of under 6-inches.

I have snow-pants & gaiters to put over my boots [to keep snow from going into my boot-tops & melting to run into the 'shoe' part, below, making my feet cold & soggy, & possibly starting blisters from wet friction].
If my housemate Ramona is into it, i want to go for a nice nighttime walk in the snow...


Tonight & tomorrow-morning we're expecting anything from an additional 5 to 8-inches of snow. :)
I love snow, so i'm not upset in the least at the prospect of more! // We have a 1 in 4 chance of over-8", & 37% chance of under 6-inches.

I have snow-pants & gaiters to put over my boots [to keep snow from going into my boot-tops & melting to run into the 'shoe' part, below, making my feet cold & soggy, & possibly starting blisters from wet friction].
If my housemate Ramona is into it, i want to go for a nice nighttime walk in the snow...

I was wondering where you lived to be getting more snow until I looked at your profile. I went to Boston Christmas 2004 when I was working in the NC. I loved the place. Santa Fe, Boston and San Fransisco were my 3 favourite places. Santa Fe just to visit, but I could easily see myself living in the other two cities. I also loved Death Valley, we were there in September and it was quite empty. We had our Beagle then which we had literally found on the street. and brought her back to the UK. We had for 11 and a half years.
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WAAAaaah! :---( ... no snow overnight. Rats! - forecast sez 0.8 inches per hour, starting at 2, then a break until 5, with 4-inches accumulation by 8. Gosh, i hope so.
I'm impatient - we were spozed to get a few inches, last night.

Not looking forward to the rain tomm, it will melt all that lovely white stuff.
