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We’ve moved!


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At last! We sold our house last December and our buyer has been soooo patient waiting for us to find another property to buy, we finally moved two weeks ago. Spike has been a little star, from just woofing at a patio door to be let out onto a flat, paved garden he now has to walk through a longish room, through the hall, through the kitchen, down a large step into the utility then another large step to the back garden which is part patio part uneven grass. He had to deal with piles of boxes everywhere (my daughter had 40 boxes of just books!) but he manoeuvred around everything just fine and after being shown the way out the back he now barks at the back door to be let out. I’m so proud of him, he’s had so many changes to deal with over the last couple of years not just with Roxy leaving us, losing his sight and then us moving, he’s coped with everything thrown at him. He’s such a good, easy going dog x