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Wcra Reps Meeting Venue Change

if it me your having a pop at, then i had my own reasons for not being able to attend the meeting, not that any of that is anything to do with you, i have worked my socks off over the last 8/9 months over this situation and have done all i can in support of my fellow racers..i also have a 5 year old daughter who could not be expected to sit in a 5 hour meeting, and as im on my own with my daughter i am unable to leave her with anyone so hardly right she should attend with me...... in fact i dont even know who you picking fights between the racers who all want the same thing is pointless..

my club reps and other club members who could attend all went with the same feelings as me so as i have said before i feel i was fully represented in my absence. quote

WHOAAAA where does it say your name or your daughter's name in my thread, im not having a pop at anyone in specific and im certainly not interested in your business nomore then you would be in mine i was talking in general as on this matter i do feel strongly that we need as many people as we can at the meetings because if this had been just down to club reps it would of never gone to vote anyway because there would not have been a big enough majority why do people always think that people are trying to have a pop at them we are just tryin to put our views over like all the others, we were not the only ones at the meeting that thought more should of attended and said exactly the same thing as i did if it had been an open race meeting more would of gone
To be fair, I don't think many people thought we would get a vote - if they had I'm sure many more would have gone. It costs a lot of money to travel nowadays, and although you would wish that as many people as possible attend, its not always possible for everyone. Most of us thought that we were going to be there to be told by the WCRA that their decision had been made, and how they came to that decision. I was pleased we were allowed a vote. Some people have to pick and choose where they go and what they can realistically afford. A trip to this meeting might have meant one open less affordable to travel to.

Although you weren't aiming this at Julie, it does seem quite harsh on anyone who is looking in and would like to have been with us but couldn't. We need to be sticking together on this one, and Julie has done a lot of work early on, and is behind us racers 100%. In the end, we all have the same aim, to race pedigree whippets on a fair and level playing field. Lets stay on the same path, and fight this one together :thumbsup: We are doing OK so far! :D
I second that June... The only reason we didnt go was because we believed we wouldnt actually be able to speak, we thought it was down to the clup rep to speak on our behalf.... Has there been an individual vote??? If this was the case we would have attended!!??
Well Naomi we were all told that we would not be able to speak - some were allowed to. We understood that we were there to listen only, but they did take a vote by club for suspending the passports, and also a vote by every person - these votes however were only to get a view of what the clubs and racers wanted, and were not binding in any way. There was a overwhelming majority vote by clubs and by racers to suspend passports until such times as proof can be provided (which we all know that test as many dogs as you like, but parentage cannot be proven without the sire's DNA) so make of that what you will. Personally I feel the onus is on the owners to prove parentage on a litter that is in doubt. Instead of approaching the WCRA to witness DNA samples being taken from the parents, they chose to go off to a vet and have photos taken of the dogs being tested. These photos were there to see, and the photo of the supposed sire having his test carried out was not a photo taken with a view to being able to identify the dog, as the handler had every part possible of the dog covered up, all you could see was its muzzle and forelegs - how anyone could identify the dog from that photo is beyond me. Yet the Whippet Club representative still said she could identify the dog from that photo. She said she knew the dog as she had coursed her dogs alongside it when it was 4-5 years old. This picture was taken when the dog was 13 years old, and how anyone could identify a blue dog they haven't seen for years from that photograph is beyond me :unsure: So in short, the WCRA were open about the facts so far, and keen to find a way forward acceptable to the racers.
Although you weren't aiming this at Julie, it does seem quite harsh on anyone who is looking in and would like to have been with us but couldn't. We need to be sticking together on this one, and Julie has done a lot of work early on, and is behind us racers 100%. In the end, we all have the same aim, to race pedigree whippets on a fair and level playing field. Lets stay on the same path, and fight this one together :thumbsup: We are doing OK so far! :D

June, been as im suddenly seen as the bad guy on here for voicing my opinion i will say no more on the thread as it is better to say it in person than typing so i will tell you my opinions at the northern when i see you all

Diane & Tom
well said june united we stand :thumbsup:
yes thats the main thing we all stay united in this, :thumbsup: as the truth always comes out in the end. well done to all the people who travelled to the meeting and put there views and evidence forward , well done june and everybody else and hopefully we can all get back to doing what we all love racing our whippets on a level playing feild. :thumbsup:
There are a few questions I would like to ask as there is talk of another organisation to be put in place if the WCRA folds or maybe if it doesn't. I have heard rumours alround who will run it so it's obvious you've given serious thought to this. How will it be run? What rules are you going to put in place?Will our WCRA passports be valid or will we have to go through the process again? What sort of time span will it take to put this organisation in place. Will we still have championships and what will they be called? How are these people going to be elected? Why are you not holding meetings now if things are so bad. I just want to have a hobby and run my dogs and at the moment there is too much disruption for all of us.
There are a few questions I would like to ask as there is talk of another organisation to be put in place if the WCRA folds or maybe if it doesn't. I have heard rumours alround who will run it so it's obvious you've given serious thought to this. How will it be run? What rules are you going to put in place?Will our WCRA passports be valid or will we have to go through the process again? What sort of time span will it take to put this organisation in place. Will we still have championships and what will they be called? How are these people going to be elected? Why are you not holding meetings now if things are so bad. I just want to have a hobby and run my dogs and at the moment there is too much disruption for all of us.
The subject has been discussed Sue, but it's early days yet. The WCRA need to be given the chance to sort this out to the satisfaction of the racers - if however they do not, then that is the time to discuss an alternative. Any new governing body would be democratic, and run by racers and not show people. The WCRA are in a predicament at the moment, in which they appear to want to deal with the situation as the majority of racers require, BUT, they are bound by the Whippet Club, who they feel may overturn any decision they make. It seems very strange to me thet the Whippet Club have a sub committee to deal with racing, then do not trust them to deal with a matter they have far more knowledge about than the Whippet Club themselves :(

It is strange that during the last DNA fiasco in the 90s, the whole litter lost their passports for a whole year, and it was only on the suspicions of a few people on the WCRA committee. The majority of racers were against it, and showed their support at a meeting which included legal representation for the WCRA, and they even brought in someone specially to chair the meeting. Now we have a public outcry of the racers, and it seems so difficult for them to ban 4 dogs from racing :wacko:

As I see it Sue, you can still run your dogs - none of the opens this year, whether the clubs have come out publicly with a ban, or not, would have accepted entries from these dogs. It is only the Championships that have been affected, and that is only because the racers have no control over the Championships. We are all still enjoying what racing we have, and lots of people are looking forward to attending the Northern open next week. Sadly, for the first time in 14-15 years, we will miss it this year, as we booked our holiday around it, and then it had to be changed. But, as the Northern is one of our favourite clubs, we will be there for the next one :thumbsup:
There are a few questions I would like to ask as there is talk of another organisation to be put in place if the WCRA folds or maybe if it doesn't. I have heard rumours alround who will run it so it's obvious you've given serious thought to this. How will it be run? What rules are you going to put in place?Will our WCRA passports be valid or will we have to go through the process again? What sort of time span will it take to put this organisation in place. Will we still have championships and what will they be called? How are these people going to be elected? Why are you not holding meetings now if things are so bad. I just want to have a hobby and run my dogs and at the moment there is too much disruption for all of us.
That is all a long way into the future Sue. These things can only be taken a step at a time. We agreed that the WCRA should go as far as was scientifically possible down the DNA route with the geneticist at the Animal Health Trust being the arbiter. If parentage just can't be proven (or is it disproven) then that takes us to the next step.

In my OWN opinion, and with deep regret, I feel that for the good of the sport in general then the majority wishes of the racing public should prevail, and if those wishes are that particular dogs are banished, then so be it. It may be harsh justice on individuals who may have done nothing wrong, but preventing a split in our already meagre ranks is vital.

If after THAT course of action is taken, the Whippet Club intervene to say that we must NOT do this, then the next step would be for the WCRA committee members to decide to dis-associate from the Whippet Club and carry on under another title, or stand down altogether. I would hope they would stay.

Titles won will remain won (in my opinion) and a new set of titles created going forward. But as I said - a long way to go yet.
There are a few questions I would like to ask as there is talk of another organisation to be put in place if the WCRA folds or maybe if it doesn't. I have heard rumours alround who will run it so it's obvious you've given serious thought to this. How will it be run? What rules are you going to put in place?Will our WCRA passports be valid or will we have to go through the process again? What sort of time span will it take to put this organisation in place. Will we still have championships and what will they be called? How are these people going to be elected? Why are you not holding meetings now if things are so bad. I just want to have a hobby and run my dogs and at the moment there is too much disruption for all of us.
That is all a long way into the future Sue. These things can only be taken a step at a time. We agreed that the WCRA should go as far as was scientifically possible down the DNA route with the geneticist at the Animal Health Trust being the arbiter. If parentage just can't be proven (or is it disproven) then that takes us to the next step.

In my OWN opinion, and with deep regret, I feel that for the good of the sport in general then the majority wishes of the racing public should prevail, and if those wishes are that particular dogs are banished, then so be it. It may be harsh justice on individuals who may have done nothing wrong, but preventing a split in our already meagre ranks is vital.

If after THAT course of action is taken, the Whippet Club intervene to say that we must NOT do this, then the next step would be for the WCRA committee members to decide to dis-associate from the Whippet Club and carry on under another title, or stand down altogether. I would hope they would stay.

Titles won will remain won (in my opinion) and a new set of titles created going forward. But as I said - a long way to go yet.
There are a few questions I would like to ask as there is talk of another organisation to be put in place if the WCRA folds or maybe if it doesn't. I have heard rumours alround who will run it so it's obvious you've given serious thought to this. How will it be run? What rules are you going to put in place?Will our WCRA passports be valid or will we have to go through the process again? What sort of time span will it take to put this organisation in place. Will we still have championships and what will they be called? How are these people going to be elected? Why are you not holding meetings now if things are so bad. I just want to have a hobby and run my dogs and at the moment there is too much disruption for all of us.
The subject has been discussed Sue, but it's early days yet. The WCRA need to be given the chance to sort this out to the satisfaction of the racers - if however they do not, then that is the time to discuss an alternative. Any new governing body would be democratic, and run by racers and not show people. The WCRA are in a predicament at the moment, in which they appear to want to deal with the situation as the majority of racers require, BUT, they are bound by the Whippet Club, who they feel may overturn any decision they make. It seems very strange to me thet the Whippet Club have a sub committee to deal with racing, then do not trust them to deal with a matter they have far more knowledge about than the Whippet Club themselves :(

It is strange that during the last DNA fiasco in the 90s, the whole litter lost their passports for a whole year, and it was only on the suspicions of a few people on the WCRA committee. The majority of racers were against it, and showed their support at a meeting which included legal representation for the WCRA, and they even brought in someone specially to chair the meeting. Now we have a public outcry of the racers, and it seems so difficult for them to ban 4 dogs from racing :wacko:

As I see it Sue, you can still run your dogs - none of the opens this year, whether the clubs have come out publicly with a ban, or not, would have accepted entries from these dogs. It is only the Championships that have been affected, and that is only because the racers have no control over the Championships. We are all still enjoying what racing we have, and lots of people are looking forward to attending the Northern open next week. Sadly, for the first time in 14-15 years, we will miss it this year, as we booked our holiday around it, and then it had to be changed. But, as the Northern is one of our favourite clubs, we will be there for the next one :thumbsup:

I too like the Northern and you also know my feelings about Julia's and Sue's dogs. I can not agree with you on that as I know no matter what the WCRA do no one will agree with it. What I do care about is my club and the people who race their dogs from my club. I want to know how all this will affect us as we dont get represented properly by the WCRA and I'm sure that most northerners will tell you we sometimes feel like the poor relation. We feel as strongly about our pets as do you in the south and my only feelings are this year are you going to come enmass next year to the Northern opens or is this year just for our help. We run a damed good open and our hospitality is second to none but to get some of you up here is like asking you to go to will be missed this year June even if it only for your mucky texts and raucous laugh but do enjoy your holiday. :luck: to all running this weekend.
There are a few questions I would like to ask as there is talk of another organisation to be put in place if the WCRA folds or maybe if it doesn't. I have heard rumours alround who will run it so it's obvious you've given serious thought to this. How will it be run? What rules are you going to put in place?Will our WCRA passports be valid or will we have to go through the process again? What sort of time span will it take to put this organisation in place. Will we still have championships and what will they be called? How are these people going to be elected? Why are you not holding meetings now if things are so bad. I just want to have a hobby and run my dogs and at the moment there is too much disruption for all of us.
The subject has been discussed Sue, but it's early days yet. The WCRA need to be given the chance to sort this out to the satisfaction of the racers - if however they do not, then that is the time to discuss an alternative. Any new governing body would be democratic, and run by racers and not show people. The WCRA are in a predicament at the moment, in which they appear to want to deal with the situation as the majority of racers require, BUT, they are bound by the Whippet Club, who they feel may overturn any decision they make. It seems very strange to me thet the Whippet Club have a sub committee to deal with racing, then do not trust them to deal with a matter they have far more knowledge about than the Whippet Club themselves :(

It is strange that during the last DNA fiasco in the 90s, the whole litter lost their passports for a whole year, and it was only on the suspicions of a few people on the WCRA committee. The majority of racers were against it, and showed their support at a meeting which included legal representation for the WCRA, and they even brought in someone specially to chair the meeting. Now we have a public outcry of the racers, and it seems so difficult for them to ban 4 dogs from racing :wacko:

As I see it Sue, you can still run your dogs - none of the opens this year, whether the clubs have come out publicly with a ban, or not, would have accepted entries from these dogs. It is only the Championships that have been affected, and that is only because the racers have no control over the Championships. We are all still enjoying what racing we have, and lots of people are looking forward to attending the Northern open next week. Sadly, for the first time in 14-15 years, we will miss it this year, as we booked our holiday around it, and then it had to be changed. But, as the Northern is one of our favourite clubs, we will be there for the next one :thumbsup:

I too like the Northern and you also know my feelings about Julia's and Sue's dogs. I can not agree with you on that as I know no matter what the WCRA do no one will agree with it. What I do care about is my club and the people who race their dogs from my club. I want to know how all this will affect us as we dont get represented properly by the WCRA and I'm sure that most northerners will tell you we sometimes feel like the poor relation. We feel as strongly about our pets as do you in the south and my only feelings are this year are you going to come enmass next year to the Northern opens or is this year just for our help. We run a damed good open and our hospitality is second to none but to get some of you up here is like asking you to go to will be missed this year June even if it only for your mucky texts and raucous laugh but do enjoy your holiday. :luck: to all running this weekend.

I guess the bit about the WCRA you mean that you lost the Bank Holiday Sue???? When we were at the Northern it was always difficult to get people to travel up. We tried very cheap entries, and enter two get one free, but it never really made any difference. The Bank Holiday was always important though, and I do feel the Northern should still have it, as although we all like to have a good weekend at the Champs, it is important to the finances of the Northern club, and does mean that many people can stay over, and if they do have to drive home they have the Monday to get over it! I don't know on what grounds it was taken away, as it was a regular thing at one time. Next year, if Scotland put on an open, it would be really good if you could get together, and have one one week after the other. That way people could travel to Scotland, and catch the Northern on the way home. Two opens for the price of one travel wise, and a holiday in Scotland, or sunny Lancashire to boot :thumbsup:
There are a few questions I would like to ask as there is talk of another organisation to be put in place if the WCRA folds or maybe if it doesn't. I have heard rumours alround who will run it so it's obvious you've given serious thought to this. How will it be run? What rules are you going to put in place?Will our WCRA passports be valid or will we have to go through the process again? What sort of time span will it take to put this organisation in place. Will we still have championships and what will they be called? How are these people going to be elected? Why are you not holding meetings now if things are so bad. I just want to have a hobby and run my dogs and at the moment there is too much disruption for all of us.
The subject has been discussed Sue, but it's early days yet. The WCRA need to be given the chance to sort this out to the satisfaction of the racers - if however they do not, then that is the time to discuss an alternative. Any new governing body would be democratic, and run by racers and not show people. The WCRA are in a predicament at the moment, in which they appear to want to deal with the situation as the majority of racers require, BUT, they are bound by the Whippet Club, who they feel may overturn any decision they make. It seems very strange to me thet the Whippet Club have a sub committee to deal with racing, then do not trust them to deal with a matter they have far more knowledge about than the Whippet Club themselves :(

It is strange that during the last DNA fiasco in the 90s, the whole litter lost their passports for a whole year, and it was only on the suspicions of a few people on the WCRA committee. The majority of racers were against it, and showed their support at a meeting which included legal representation for the WCRA, and they even brought in someone specially to chair the meeting. Now we have a public outcry of the racers, and it seems so difficult for them to ban 4 dogs from racing :wacko:

As I see it Sue, you can still run your dogs - none of the opens this year, whether the clubs have come out publicly with a ban, or not, would have accepted entries from these dogs. It is only the Championships that have been affected, and that is only because the racers have no control over the Championships. We are all still enjoying what racing we have, and lots of people are looking forward to attending the Northern open next week. Sadly, for the first time in 14-15 years, we will miss it this year, as we booked our holiday around it, and then it had to be changed. But, as the Northern is one of our favourite clubs, we will be there for the next one :thumbsup:

I too like the Northern and you also know my feelings about Julia's and Sue's dogs. I can not agree with you on that as I know no matter what the WCRA do no one will agree with it. What I do care about is my club and the people who race their dogs from my club. I want to know how all this will affect us as we dont get represented properly by the WCRA and I'm sure that most northerners will tell you we sometimes feel like the poor relation. We feel as strongly about our pets as do you in the south and my only feelings are this year are you going to come enmass next year to the Northern opens or is this year just for our help. We run a damed good open and our hospitality is second to none but to get some of you up here is like asking you to go to will be missed this year June even if it only for your mucky texts and raucous laugh but do enjoy your holiday. :luck: to all running this weekend.

I guess the bit about the WCRA you mean that you lost the Bank Holiday Sue???? When we were at the Northern it was always difficult to get people to travel up. We tried very cheap entries, and enter two get one free, but it never really made any difference. The Bank Holiday was always important though, and I do feel the Northern should still have it, as although we all like to have a good weekend at the Champs, it is important to the finances of the Northern club, and does mean that many people can stay over, and if they do have to drive home they have the Monday to get over it! I don't know on what grounds it was taken away, as it was a regular thing at one time. Next year, if Scotland put on an open, it would be really good if you could get together, and have one one week after the other. That way people could travel to Scotland, and catch the Northern on the way home. Two opens for the price of one travel wise, and a holiday in Scotland, or sunny Lancashire to boot :thumbsup:
Tha t could be a good idea. I was thinking we dont have any representation on the committe from any of the Northern Clubs to me it would make sense to have someone represent each club on the committee in some shape or form.
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>I too like the Northern and you also know my feelings about Julia's and Sue's dogs. I can not agree with you on that as I know no matter what the WCRA do no one will agree with it. What I do care about is my club and the people who race their dogs from my club. I want to know how all this will affect us as we dont get represented properly by the WCRA and I'm sure that most northerners will tell you we sometimes feel like the poor relation. We feel as strongly about our pets as do you in the south and my only feelings are this year are you going to come enmass next year to the Northern opens or is this year just for our help. We run a damed good open and our hospitality is second to none but to get some of you up here is like asking you to go to will be missed this year June even if it only for your mucky texts and raucous laugh but do enjoy your holiday. to all running this weekend.

It's a lovely open to run at. We don't do bends and at the moment don't have a vet to run but we are coming to the straight open. I'm hoping like anything that the usual Northern cheer will be on evidence because I'm badly feeling the need to have a laugh with some racing friends. I don't know which race meetings June has been going to recently but since the 28lbs final at 1st champs IMO there has been very little relaxed fun, laughter and the general leg pulling and banter just hasn't been around.

IMO the WCRA are caught between a rock and a hard place. So why not just cut short the grief, resign from the committee and work together to put another committee in place which would be more democratically run and MUCH better for yourselves and the vast majority of the racers. I feel heartily sorry for everyone who is connected with Open whippet racing at the moment.

Sue very, very few people get represented properly to the WCRA please don't think that it's just all you Northerners. It's the result of a system where racers aren't members AND the fact that the WCRA is sub-committee of The Whippet Club. The system is flawed and one of the worst aspects of it IMO is that it sets the committee members apart from the rest of us mainly because of the secrecy in which they have to act. The secrecy makes them have to stand apart from the racers who used to be their friends. When they go club racing then instead of 'racing friends' asking normal questions about the family etc they get asked about WCRA decisions. Decisions that they can't talk about.

As for why we are coming to the Northern Open. It's 'cause we enjoy it up there with you lot. While we are in whippet racing, have the money to put fuel in the van and have dogs to run we'll continue to come. So we'll be driving for 3+ hours (if it's not that long then it feels like it :lol: ) to have some great racing, with great people. See you all Sunday.
That could be a good idea. I was thinking we dont have any representation on the committe from any of the Northern Clubs to me it would make sense to have someone represent each club on the committee in some shape or form.
If you look at the committee then how many clubs are represented on it? It seems to me that most of the committee members are people who have been approached by the committee and asked to go on there. Because racers know that then it is off putting for people to put themselves forward as if they were 'wanted' by the committee then they would have already been asked. Is that a fair comment. :wacko:

That said everyone can put their names forward to go on there. I believe that at the moment there are some vacant places so..................................
If there is a re-vamping of the WCRA it would have to mean a new organisation effictively as it would, at the very least, have to change its name if it was no longer governed by the Whippet Club. Hopefully some of the current committee would involve themselves as we don't need a split in racing but it seems to me that perhaps whippet racing has come of age and racing people should think about governing themselves.

I would love to see people becoming members instead of clubs. Its always been difficult for individuals to be heard by a committee that has to speak to clubs not people. At the moment, any communication has to go through a club secretary and be ratified by them and it has always gotten in the way of effective communication and produces a feeling of "them and us."

I feel things would be much fairer and more democratic if it was a case of one member equals one vote. If all individuals could make proposals for change that were allowed to be voted on by everyone then the committee members would have no more power than anyone else. It would also mean that it didn't matter what clubs were represented on the committee. Another benefit is that the pressure would be taken off the committee members as any changes would be made by majority vote, not the committee who would then be much harder to blame :D

All current titles should be kept and recoginised (or changed automatically to whatever the new title would be) and also half coats.

Obviously all committee members should be voted on by election athough I can see that a temporary, steering committee may be necessary to set up a membership, passport & voting system. This initial committee should be composed of anybody that will volunteer to help. Sue, the rumours you have heard about who will run it are actually just the names of people who have offered help to get it off the ground rather that who will eventually be on the elected committee.That should be up to the members.

These are just some ideas but we would all need to pull together and and I feel hopeful that it could be achieved.
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Well Naomi we were all told that we would not be able to speak - some were allowed to. We understood that we were there to listen only, but they did take a vote by club for suspending the passports, and also a vote by every person - these votes however were only to get a view of what the clubs and racers wanted, and were not binding in any way. There was a overwhelming majority vote by clubs and by racers to suspend passports until such times as proof can be provided (which we all know that test as many dogs as you like, but parentage cannot be proven without the sire's DNA) so make of that what you will. Personally I feel the onus is on the owners to prove parentage on a litter that is in doubt. Instead of approaching the WCRA to witness DNA samples being taken from the parents, they chose to go off to a vet and have photos taken of the dogs being tested. These photos were there to see, and the photo of the supposed sire having his test carried out was not a photo taken with a view to being able to identify the dog, as the handler had every part possible of the dog covered up, all you could see was its muzzle and forelegs - how anyone could identify the dog from that photo is beyond me. Yet the Whippet Club representative still said she could identify the dog from that photo. She said she knew the dog as she had coursed her dogs alongside it when it was 4-5 years old. This picture was taken when the dog was 13 years old, and how anyone could identify a blue dog they haven't seen for years from that photograph is beyond me :unsure: So in short, the WCRA were open about the facts so far, and keen to find a way forward acceptable to the racers.

I thought I heard her say that she last saw the dog the last season that he coursed, which was 4 or 5 years ago, not when he was 4 or 5 years old - presumably she had known the dog for years so it would have been easy to identify him. Come on we would all recognise dogs that we had seen week in week out, there have been threads on here where people have recognised dogs from years back. You've had dna results from a dog that was photographed having the test done, and a letter from a very well respected vet who confirms he did the test, and someone who can independantly verify the dog in the photograph was who he was claimed to be. Other DNA results match the ones taken from the sire direct, so does this not prove that the dog on the table is the father of all of the puppies? Obviously not ...........instead its easier to accuse the Vet, the stud owner and the breeder of fraud.
I thought I heard her say that she last saw the dog the last season that he coursed, which was 4 or 5 years ago, not when he was 4 or 5 years old - presumably she had known the dog for years so it would have been easy to identify him. Come on we would all recognise dogs that we had seen week in week out, there have been threads on here where people have recognised dogs from years back. You've had dna results from a dog that was photographed having the test done, and a letter from a very well respected vet who confirms he did the test, and someone who can independantly verify the dog in the photograph was who he was claimed to be. Other DNA results match the ones taken from the sire direct, so does this not prove that the dog on the table is the father of all of the puppies? Obviously not ...........instead its easier to accuse the Vet, the stud owner and the breeder of fraud.
I saw the photo of the 'sire', and it was not a photograph taken for identity purposes. Perhaps you would like to post it here Rae and let others see if they could identify him? :blink:

For the record, no one has accused the breeder of fraud :thumbsup:
If there is a re-vamping of the WCRA it would have to mean a new organisation effictively as it would, at the very least, have to change its name if it was no longer governed by the Whippet Club. Hopefully some of the current committee would involve themselves as we don't need a split in racing but it seems to me that perhaps whippet racing has come of age and racing people should think about governing themselves.
I would love to see people becoming members instead of clubs. Its always been difficult for individuals to be heard by a committee that has to speak to clubs not people. At the moment, any communication has to go through a club secretary and be ratified by them and it has always gotten in the way of effective communication and produces a feeling of "them and us."

I feel things would be much fairer and more democratic if it was a case of one member equals one vote. If all individuals could make proposals for change that were allowed to be voted on by everyone then the committee members would have no more power than anyone else. It would also mean that it didn't matter what clubs were represented on the committee. Another benefit is that the pressure would be taken off the committee members as any changes would be made by majority vote, not the committee who would then be much harder to blame :D

All current titles should be kept and recoginised (or changed automatically to whatever the new title would be) and also half coats.

Obviously all committee members should be voted on by election athough I can see that a temporary, steering committee may be necessary to set up a membership, passport & voting system. This initial committee should be composed of anybody that will volunteer to help. Sue, the rumours you have heard about who will run it are actually just the names of people who have offered help to get it off the ground rather that who will eventually be on the elected committee.That should be up to the members.

These are just some ideas but we would all need to pull together and and I feel hopeful that it could be achieved.
sounds interesting, but if it is a new start why keep or recognise titles lets start a fresh, clean sheet
If there is a re-vamping of the WCRA it would have to mean a new organisation effictively as it would, at the very least, have to change its name if it was no longer governed by the Whippet Club. Hopefully some of the current committee would involve themselves as we don't need a split in racing but it seems to me that perhaps whippet racing has come of age and racing people should think about governing themselves.
I would love to see people becoming members instead of clubs. Its always been difficult for individuals to be heard by a committee that has to speak to clubs not people. At the moment, any communication has to go through a club secretary and be ratified by them and it has always gotten in the way of effective communication and produces a feeling of "them and us."

I feel things would be much fairer and more democratic if it was a case of one member equals one vote. If all individuals could make proposals for change that were allowed to be voted on by everyone then the committee members would have no more power than anyone else. It would also mean that it didn't matter what clubs were represented on the committee. Another benefit is that the pressure would be taken off the committee members as any changes would be made by majority vote, not the committee who would then be much harder to blame :D

All current titles should be kept and recoginised (or changed automatically to whatever the new title would be) and also half coats.

Obviously all committee members should be voted on by election athough I can see that a temporary, steering committee may be necessary to set up a membership, passport & voting system. This initial committee should be composed of anybody that will volunteer to help. Sue, the rumours you have heard about who will run it are actually just the names of people who have offered help to get it off the ground rather that who will eventually be on the elected committee.That should be up to the members.

These are just some ideas but we would all need to pull together and and I feel hopeful that it could be achieved.
sounds interesting, but if it is a new start why keep or recognise titles lets start a fresh, clean sheet
Oooooh no, that could never happen. Even those of us who don't have Champions (although I do have Veteran Crowns :D ) would never agree to that. Those dogs and owners worked hard for those titles and achievements. The weight group records would also be kept :thumbsup:
>sounds interesting, but if it is a new start why keep or recognise titles lets start a fresh, clean sheet

IF it becomes necessary to start another pure bred pedigree whippet racing organisation then it would only be right that any dogs racing under the new rules would have their past acheivements recognized. It is normal practise at present for dogs with titles to run under those titles at the current opens that are not run under WCRA rules.

IMO it would be unfair for deceased dogs or dogs 6 years or over to have their titles go unrecognised simply because there has been a change of organisation.

So put to a vote I'd vote for the dogs to keep their titles and achievements.
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>sounds interesting, but if it is a new start why keep or recognise titles lets start a fresh, clean sheet
IF it becomes necessary to start another pure bred pedigree whippet racing organisation then it would only be right that any dogs racing under the new rules would have their past acheivements recognized. It is normal practise at present for dogs with titles to run under those titles at the current opens that are not run under WCRA rules.

IMO it would be unfair for deceased or dogs 6 years or over old to have their titles go unrecognised simply because there has been a change of organisation.

So put to a vote I'd vote for the dogs to keep their titles.
and so say all of us :cheers: :D
If you look at all pedigrees there are a variety of champion names especially if you go far enough back.I agree titles should be kept hard work is hard work and should be recognised as such. It would have to be champion under association name.