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Wcra 2nd Champs Results

Mark Roberts said:
just been up to the Northern, The ground after the rain is looking/feeling spot on ready for Sunday.
1 word of warning drive to the speed limit around the area of the track the Police are having a crack down on speeders.  :angry:   (and before anyone asks no they didn't get me! for once)
Lancashire is a speed nazi state! :rant:
They had an unmarked people carrier (blue) on the A49 coming out of Standish (near the Caravan place) with a camera in the window they then had police bikes in Chissnell hall lane obviously to flag you down when radiod?. I take it they have somthing down the other end aswell.
Mark Roberts said:
They had an unmarked people carrier (blue) on the A49 coming out of Standish (near the Caravan place) with a camera in the window they then had police bikes in Chissnell hall lane obviously to flag you down when radiod?. I take it they have somthing down the other end aswell.
Cor blimy !! We're lucky if we see 1 police man in a whole month round here :eek: let alone unmarked people carriers :lol:

Do you think we've gone off topic a bit ?? :unsure:
Judy said:
Oops - Yes I meant Tony. Another senior moment  :b
That's alright :D

I'm collecting thirty quid a week in UK OAP :lol:

Can't think what to do with it all. I only worked in the UK for twenty five years and then the USA pensions reduce my US pension by half the UK one because they say it's a " windfall"

Enough to drive me to drink. (If I could afford it!!!) :- "
I thought wine was cheaper in your part of the world  :cheers:
It is and I'm still working so I can afford to buy it :D

I'd swop some for some good scrumpy :cheers:

I havee to go all the way to Canada to buy it now.

I worked on a farm at Crowle just outside Worcester for a few years in my youth. They made some great cider. They made it for sale so I did my best to help the economy. :cheers:

It wasn't taxed then so it was cheap. 10 pence a pint if I remember rightly. That's old pence!
tlewis said:
It wasn't taxed then so it was cheap.  10 pence a pint if I remember rightly. That's old pence!
(w00t) 10p a pint :eek: .
STRIKE WHIPPETS said: watch out as the air is bound to be blue when we are trying to put it up  :oops: .......
Hannah they already know that the air is going to be blue up there this weekend as you are going to be there. ;)

Dunno why putting up a tent or not would make any difference. :- "
tlewis said:
It is and I'm still working so I can afford to buy it :D
I'd swop some for some good  scrumpy :cheers:

I have to go all the way to Canada to buy it now.
Do you know what, you had me feeling really sorry for you then :( such a hard life lol :lol:

Chris said there's some good old scrumpy round our way, we'll post you some over :thumbsup:

I worked on a farm at Crowle just outside Worcester for a few years in my youth. They made some great cider.
Can i take it by this sentence that you were possibly an under aged drinker then lol ?? :oops:

My Uncle used to make his own scrumpy on the farm, and i can tell you that it was enough to kill someone :eek: very, very potent stuff if you liked paint stripper and dead flie's :x ....put me off for life after i got a bit :wacko: :x :wacko: on it at 14 :b .....what with that :x and my Mum keeping on and on, as i said enough to put you off for life :- " :lol: ......anyway i'm off to open a bottle and see who else i can offend today as i still have time (w00t) :cheers: ......Hannah
Just don't offend me you b****!

(w00t) (w00t) is that offensive enough! :lol: I might not have another chance to offend you before the weekend and I wouldn't want you to go off up to the northern nether regions without receiving some offence.

Am I right in assuming that we are all Muntant owners writing on this thread? :lol:
BeeJay said:
Hannah they already know that the air is going to be blue up there this weekend as you are going to be there. ;)
Dunno why putting up a tent or not would make any difference.  :- "
:eek: Well i'm shocked at you ..............see .............. :eek: shocked.............I speak the Queens English very effing well :teehee: ......It's you that teaches me all you know in being rude :p .......BTW where's the picture of your mutant racing Whippet like what they said on the show pages ?? :oops: :eek: .....just curiouse (hmm can't spell that can i :b ).....
I wouldn't worry about offending me (w00t) cos as time goes on in Whippet racing, i think i'm heading for more abuse than that o:)
Can i take it by this sentence that you were possibly an under aged drinker then lol ??  :oops:
No not that young! Used to be a member of the local pub's (The Chequers) tug-o-war team.

Often came out your way to village fetes and the usual prize was a barrel of cider.

Is there a village called Much Marcle or something like that your way? I think they made (or is it brewed) cider. They had a good tug-o-war team as well.

Ahh! It's all coming back to me now.!!!

(AND making me thirsty and I'm still at work for another hour!! :)
BeeJay said:
Hannah they already know that the air is going to be blue up there this weekend as you are going to be there. ;)
Dunno why putting up a tent or not would make any difference. :- "
:eek: Well i'm shocked at you ..............see .............. :eek: shocked.............I speak the Queens English very effing well :teehee: ......It's you that teaches me all you know in being rude :p .......BTW where's the picture of your mutant racing Whippet like what they said on the show pages ?? :oops: :eek: .....just curiouse (hmm can't spell that can i :b ).....
You think that you can't spell. It's a muntant whippet :lol: and I'm working up to it. But I just had to get something off of my chest first.
You and your cider :- " ......Never heard of Much Marcle .....Sounds French to me :b , but don't tell the WCRA :oops: .........

I remember going around the Cotswold pubs when i was a kid and watching the tug of war teams (as my Mum was into her morris dancing phase then :blink: ) .....great fun and lots of cider :lol: (explains the way i am now :wacko: :teehee: :- " )......

As i said we'll send you over some "proper" cider if it'll make you happy :cheers:
Barbara,.......when i come back from up north, i don't want to find that you or your muntant racing Whippet has taken over k9 !!!!! Do you hear me :lol:
Hannah you are going to have to change you banner thingy to read Strike Muntants. Oh and it'll have to be South Cotswold Muntant Racing Association from now on.

Don't forget to measure the muntants up there to see if there are any 14" ones. Oh and stick 'em under coats - no miners left so it'll have to be any old coat - to see if they fit.

I'm sure that Mark must have a 14" muntant amongst his little bitches.

Do have fun all of you going to the Northern Muntant Racing Club's open. Safe muntant racing on Sunday.

Just think if it rains and rains by Sunday when you all appear out of your caravans and tents with your muntants it'll be just like you are climbing out of the primeval swamp all over again. Oh damn I forgot muntants unlike other types of whippets haven't got as far as climbing out yet have they. Never mind they might be able to do it on Sunday. :thumbsup:
>Is there a village called Much Marcle or something like that your way? I think they made (or is it brewed) cider. They had a good tug-o-war team as well.

Much Marcle is in Herefordshire north-west ish of Ross-on-Wye on the Ross to Ledbury road. Scrumpy is still advertised as being for sale there though I've never bought any.

Now that area is going back to my roots as my grandparents owned a farm at Upton Bishop.

It's closer to me than it is to Hannah. There used to be a farm in the Tockington area that sold scrumpy Hannah. Do you know of it?

The Lower Wye Valley used to have lots of cider and perry orchards but they've all gone now. :(
hope you don't think i'm talking out of turn .sorry if i hurt anyones feelings with this but from reading everything i have just read and from the bits i can remember there was nothing wrong with the besaps and my grandfather thought very highly of derek lytham so i was informed today. you will probably find that a lot of the size came from the show lines that were bred in and not all besaps were larger muscular dogs i had a very little dainty one she was out of besap markwiss & bunnyridge rose marie she weighed in at 16lbs and looked like an large italian greyhound. one of the best dogs i ever owned my grandads penny lane was ukpwf champ at 160 yrds in 1980 she was out of same litter as the above dog but was alot bigger so size doesn't come into it it sounds to me that some people just couldn't stand to lose to dogs that didn't fit their idea of the perfect whippet sad really when it boils down to it its just comes down to petty jelousy by sore lossers i think a dog at the end of the day is only as good as the person who trains it.