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Wcar Champs

We are really looking forwards to the bend event as we missed the last one when she came in season to early, :rant:

A bit dissappointed that Otis (soulman) wont be running as hes injured and has to have 3 weeks off, :( but theres always next year.

:luck: to everyone running on Sunday. :cheers:
Best of luck everyone :thumbsup: .......................we also have one in the 24lb group :blink: :lol:
good luck :luck: :luck: to everyone on sunday,hope you all have a safe journey :thumbsup:
Good luck everyone :luck: :luck: :luck: safe journeys and an injury free day

(we've got a 24lber too but hes not running sunday :( )
Good luck to all on Sunday :thumbsup: We will be there with Henrietta n/e 26 and ZORRO :zorro: N/E 22 although he is having difficulty making the weight and may not run :luck: :luck:
Well I've booked Friday off work so i'll be going up after I have kidnapped Holly from school early :oops: The champs has always been my favorite since I was young :D I just wished I wouldn't get so nervous :unsure:

Edee is in the 16lb group which is a lot tougher these days so I would be over the moon if she got to the final :luck: Wilf has the dreaded group :x and Archie is in the 26lb group :luck: Good luck to all my babes :thumbsup: and please god ALL of us come home with no injuries, that is the main thing after all :luck:
Yes :luck: :luck: to all .....Lets hope there's no injuries, and lets hope everyone's been as sensible as you Jacquie and prepared their dogs for a bend :)
Strike Whippets said:
Yes  :luck:   :luck:   to all .....Lets hope there's no injuries, and lets hope everyone's been as sensible as you Jacquie and prepared their dogs for a bend  :)
Thanks Hannah :thumbsup: To be honest that was one of the reasons I didn't race her at Maidstone open because she has had 3 weeks of bend racing and I didn't want to confuse her :wacko:
Gosh all you virtuous people going to the Champs probably for the right reason as a social occasion - unlike me I go cause I want to win even though I have very little chance with my boy but it won’t stop me trying and daydreaming and trying to remember years back when we did. And who knows when our next one grows up we might be in the winning enclosure agaiin watch out Bruvs.
gracie said:
Gosh all you  virtuous people going to the Champs probably for the right reason  as a social occasion - unlike me I go cause I want to win even though I have very little chance with my boy but it won’t stop me trying and daydreaming and  trying to remember  years back when we did.  And who knows when our next one grows up we might be in the winning enclosure agaiin watch out Bruvs.
I want to win as well June :D But I have to be realistic about it, she ain't gonna beat WCRCh Summa Breeze :sweating: maybe next year though :- "
gracie said:
Gosh all you  virtuous people going to the Champs probably for the right reason  as a social occasion - unlike me I go cause I want to win even though I have very little chance with my boy but it won’t stop me trying and daydreaming and  trying to remember  years back when we did.  And who knows when our next one grows up we might be in the winning enclosure agaiin watch out Bruvs.

LOL .....We go in the hope our lot actually run :lol: ......but we're off lure coursing instead this time as its more relaxed and suits my lot more :D
Stripey said:
:cheers: Looking forward to the Champs - we enjoy the camping and socialising - much less stressful than taking part in the racing! The Stripey lady you mention is not in season but I have to point out that she has not won a bend Champs, even  when entering the final unbeaten in heats, quarters and semis. You can't win a bend race with speed alone, so it's anyone's race in my opinion.  :luck: Best of luck to all runners and don't forget to buy your raffle tickets, we have lots of yummy prizes! :thumbsup:
There's always a first time :thumbsup: Just imagine how proud you'd be if she did win :teehee: :D
Oh no june (w00t) does that mean you got one coming up from cornwall then :- " don't forget we have stan the man :- " he isn't going to be as big as the other boys :( so I think he will be in the dreaded group of the 24lb ers group :oops:
june the road blocks wont affect us northerners on sunday as we are coming on saturday :D :D cant wait for the weekend hope the weather holds good. both of our boys are in good condition just wish i was my nerves will be shot at by sunday evening never mind i will just have to chill out with a few beers (w00t) (w00t) :cheers: see you saturday dinner jacquie and holly and dont forget wilfie and seths fav sausages :D
ladydee said:
Good Luck to everyone running.. :thumbsup:   :luck:
See you all there  :cheers:

P.S...Elaine, who's suppliying the smirnoffs?  :lol:

naylorwhippets said:
june the road blocks wont affect us northerners on sunday as we are coming on saturday :D   :D   cant wait for the weekend hope the weather holds good. both of our boys are in good condition just wish i was my nerves will be shot at by sunday evening never mind i will just have to chill out with a few beers (w00t)   (w00t)   :cheers:   see you saturday dinner jacquie and holly and dont forget wilfie and seths fav sausages :D

Going shopping tomorrow for them :thumbsup: Caravan all sorted so hopefully be leaving by 12 :cheers:
Good luck all the Northern lot, lets hope there will be some new champions and half coats :) . Cody (WCRCH Light Fantastic) won't be there. out on her walk tonight she was rolling in some grass and she had a big cut behind the shoulder blade when she got up :eek: . so she now has 2inches of stitches. Im beginning to think this dog is accident prone (w00t)
Oh dear - poor Cody :(

Best of luck to everyone tommorow, we are having a relaxing day at home but I will be thinking of you June and hoping that Sweep has a swan song in his final bend champs :luck:

I love bends too but sadly dont have any boys that have taken to them this time round - but maybe Chyppe will be like Uncle Ross, here's hoping.....

Hope you all have a great day! :cheers:
Darcia said:
Oh dear - poor Cody  :(
Best of luck to everyone tommorow, we are having a relaxing day at home but I will be thinking of you June and hoping that Sweep has a swan song in his final bend champs  :luck:

Poor Sweep took a tumble in the very first race, I think he looked as if he was very tight on the rail with three others outside of him, mine, The Right Stuff and Back at Mill. There was a tangle, and Magical Mayhem and The Right Stuff came out of the bend OK, but the other two didn't recover. June says the toe is bruised, but the little soldier did finish. Such a shame on race 1 aswell. Alaska Venture also was injured coming out of her trap :( . We were knocked out in quarters so I can't tell any-one results. I have to say the track was in wonderful condition, and it was nice to see all of our friends again, even the ones who took the p*ss! (w00t)
:thumbsup: Just heard that Stripey Tara has won her first bend champs! Well done to her and to Janis,Steve and Stephanie (they are over the moon)!! :)) :)) :)) Congratulations to you all :cheers:

Also Congratulations to Blue Devil who is now a full champ :thumbsup:

Sorry no other results :(

Also like to say well done and congratulations to all other group winners :cheers:
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