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Scott, i'll think of you when I get the pork muffin tommorow :D
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I would like to let everyone know that Mark (and my OH) nearly didn't make it to the last day of the waterloo cup because mark thought it would be a good idea to play chicken with a 20 ton tipper wagon,tipper wagon had to pull onto the kerb to get out of Marks way (w00t)
This is what happened to someone else who got in is way today :oops:

And scott don't have that posh pen back you don't know where it been(I do though) :- "

I would like to let everyone know that Mark (and my OH) nearly didn't make it to the last day of the waterloo cup because mark thought it would be a good idea to play chicken with a 20 ton tipper wagon,tipper wagon had to pull onto the kerb to get out of Marks way
it wasn't my fault if the tipper driver didn't know who had right of way :- "
and as for the police car well what can I say :oops: (bit of advice they don't like the p#ss being taken when the jokes on them :- " )
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*Lesley* said:
I would like to let everyone know that Mark (and my OH) nearly didn't make it to the last day of the waterloo cup because mark thought it would be a good idea to play chicken with a 20 ton tipper wagon,tipper wagon had to pull onto the kerb to get out of Marks way (w00t)
talk about rubbing my nose in it, he's still got my pen in his pocket in the picture! :rant:
The Waterloo Cup



Hardy Admiral

The Purse

Liskeveen Beauty


Dutch Auction

The Plate

Basso Profondo


Endens Regalo