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Warwick? A Southern track?

I heard a whisper there has been a request for Westhoughton Greyhound Track ;)
I'm pleased to hear that Vicky, and certainly hope it comes off. We are holding an event this week at Easington, and after finishing work at about 5a.m. I will be travelling up soon after to help run the event, after which I will have to travel back and go straight off to work. So I will certainly know how it feels for others.
Well well we must by psychic. Just before I switched on the pc and came online Mum and I were speaking about bend tracks and wondering if anyone had asked Westhoughton to hold opens. We hear reports that it's a very nice track indeed.
I hope that there is a good turn out at Easington on Sunday I was training my dogs to attend this event and if the dogs had done well I was going to go the Championships in March. But at the moment I am not going to do the bends again after one of my dogs died after a racing accident at a bend track. I know that racing has its dangers but in my opinion the outside lure is too big a risk for whippets as they are more lure aggressive than greyhounds and the fence is very close to the lure when it stops and the dogs run a big risk of hitting the fence when the lure stops. I still enjoy the bends and I am thinking about going down to watch and I hope the event is a sucess. As for another open being on at the same time this has been happening more often for some years now as we have found out at the Scottish Derby time. The Scottish region put on a lot of racing events over the ten days to give racers a bit of variety but over the past few years there have been several events put on at the same time. It is great that racers that have been coming for years continue to support the Scottish Derby week but if numbers drop this event could be in danger of not being run in the future. I did wonder why all these events were put on at the same time as the Scottish Derby and the general opinion is that it gives racers who are not attending the Scottish Derby an alternative racing event to run at. It would appear that racers in the south are being given this choice this weekend I just hope that this alternative racing venue does not effect the turn out as it is great to see a racing event in the north. Good luck to all I hope that you have a great days racing.
:unsure: I too have a feeling their might not be that many at Easington which will be a real shame as its a great track because of racing at Warwick on the same day. I hope I am wrong though and it is a roaring success I will be going to watch as I dont bend race Mickey Whizz and Whisper Whizz I think is a bit too young see you all there. :cheers:
With regards to Biddy Winning -i have no doubt in my mind that Biddy would have won when she did on any track that does not say that other dogs did not have an advatage all it does say is she won on MERITdispite the advantage and was the best on the day.And at the end of he day you cant beat fittness no matter what!

I approached Westhoughton owners to ask about a possible open there, they told me it would be no problem.The track is far better than both Askern and Highgate

and would be a true test for any whippet.The srint distance is 275yds and it is an outside swaffham hare.I can tell you from personnal experience, your are made

very welcome, nothing seems to be too much trouble. By the way, many experianced dog men consider 'John' to be the best hare driver in the business.

We have a great time on Wed. nights having a whippet race on the greyhound card. The facilities are excellent with a large car park. Hope this helps.
we enjoyed Warwick at the weekend its more southern than not lol :D thanks to Chris and Paul for putting us up at the weekend we had a brill time ;) i thought the track was good too......
Sprint distance 275 ... I'm there :D

Haven't had chance to get over and see the track as mum works nights so would be pointless trialling for wednesday night race as we wouldn't be there :huggles:

Good reports all round though and the best of luck for securibf it to race ... never raced in the west before.

P.S Is it NORTH or SOUTH West :blink: :- " :- " :- "
It's north west Fleesh. Your welcome to come anytime.This week's race is on the Westhoughton club site.
kipper fluke said:
With regards to Biddy Winning -i have no doubt in my mind that Biddy would have won when she did on any track that does not say that other dogs did not have an advatage all it does say is she won on MERITdispite the advantage and was the best on the day.And at the end of he day you cant beat fittness no matter what!steve
So what your saying is that we all get our dogs fit for championships so it dose'nt matter what track they run on
If you do not know to what I am referring to with regards to Biddy being an exceptional bitch- no amount of time writing on here is going to alter that. There are always exceptions to the rule. Biddy won despite local dogs having an advantage.

Please don't try to put words in my mouth, I am more than capable of doing that myself-thank you.

Some interesting comments, and I know it's hard to make a track central for everyone. But, Warwick is officially in the MIDLANDS, all the locals support Villa or Brum, not Spurs or Arsenal, and certainly not, Mark?

So, although it ain't in the North, it ain't in the South either...

It's a good track with good owners..


I dont remember anybody saying that Warwick was not the centre of England but in my opinion it certainly is not central to all racers.
This point about what's central is not the issue really, is it ? The need is what has been said before, move it around, but support must always come from those in the areas the events are taken to. It may not be a bad idea for people to find out from all the tracks that are willing to take whippets what their costs and conditions are, and post them on here, as well as perhaps sending them to each relevant organisation.
like most things bob says common sence lets have more of it. warwick had 105 dogs for the first event this year, that looks to me likea good turn out from all areas, with the exception of scotland. I think warwick is pretty near central for all this year, but over the last three years the south has had to travel to kinsley and highgate, for me that was over three hundred miles and like gary has said for him over four hundred miles. unless we all agree to move it each year, warwick should be used as it is the most cnntral, and this is fact , not fiction.
Fair comment, Peter. I travelled to Warwick on Saturday and it was 5 hour round trip, and I live in Essex. I had to work first too, as some of you might of realised :D Walking around in me posties uniform! A southern track to me would of been an hour max, then perhaps I could of had time to get changed ;)
warick is a good track but the centre of britain it is not people seem to forget about us scots we are all members of the B W R A phil