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Want to keep my dog but circumstances have changed

Georgia Dukes

New Member
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I have a beautiful almost 2 year old french bulldog. Me and my ex partner split 2 months ago, we had two of them they were sisters from the same litter. Unfortunately when we split he took one and I kept the other he moved back home and I am now in this rented house which i cannot afford and have to move out of the end of November. The break up was tough and we decided to keep one each as he would not alternate and he would not take both but I did not want to lose both so kept trixie. I am getting very anxious as I need to downsize to a flat or apartment as I cannot afford living in a house on my own. I work from home 3 days a week and home the weekends too so I am with trixie most the time. She is a very good and quiet small dog however I know most landlords don't allow pets especially in flats. I am so nervous that I won't be able to find somewhere to take her wirh me. I really don't want to rehome her she is my baby and it would break me. Has anyone else been in this situation before with finding somewhere to live ? I never thought this would happen me and my partner splitting but life happens and we can't change some things that happen unexpectedly. I am feeling very upset about the situation and the last thing I want to do is have to give her up. :( just want to know if anyone has any advice or been in simular situation.
Have a look at this website. It's run by the Dog's Trust.

Lets with Pets

Also try to contact landlords in person rather than through an agency. Advocate for your dog's good behaviour, offer to pay a higher deposit for damages if necessary, offer to have the property deep cleaned when you leave - all these things will help you appear as a responsible tenant.
Are you in the UK or the US (or elsewhere)? I'm tagging @Shalista who is in the US, as I know she's had the experience of finding somewhere to rent with her dog.
Have a look at this website. It's run by the Dog's Trust.

Lets with Pets

Also try to contact landlords in person rather than through an agency. Advocate for your dog's good behaviour, offer to pay a higher deposit for damages if necessary, offer to have the property deep cleaned when you leave - all these things will help you appear as a responsible tenant.
Thank you for the information I will look. And yes I will try stating the above and speak to landlords direct. Thanks
Whereabouts are you. ...maybe able to help look after whilst you find somewhere suitable so you dont have to rehome her...
Whereabouts are you. ...maybe able to help look after whilst you find somewhere suitable so you dont have to rehome her...
Hi thank you. I am from Birmingham UK. I still have a few months left to look so I hope I can find somewhere. Just needed some advice as the last thing I want to do is rehome her she is like my child I couldn't do it.

I would assemble a “resume” for Ur dog -
* ask Ur vet for a reference letter per her behavior in their clinic;
* ditto any groomer, petsitter, dogwalker, or any pet pro who has handled or cared for her.
* ask the past landlord & current one for a simple reference letter, that Ur dog was well-behaved & friendly, and that U were / are a responsible tenant & owner.
* ask Ur current & past near-neighbors for a pet reference... explain that it’s tough to find a rental w/o assurance to the prospective landlord that Ur dog is not a troublemaker.

Look for a shared space - someone who is actively searching for a housemate, & who already has a pet of their own, or enjoys dog company.
Craig’sList is an online website, it has a whole category for housing, & there are sections for folks who are looking for a place, as well as sections for tenants looking for housemates.

AirBAndB can be a good short-term solution, but U will be moving - every fortnight or weekly, or every month, whatever. It’s more expensive than a leased apt, but less costly than a hotel.

- terry

Just keep looking,with all the above good advice to hand. I have always rented, at one point with 2 dogs, a cat and a baby on the way! I had to take a pretty grotty basement flat with a yard, but it meant we all stayed together and then I had the time to look for somewhere more suitable.. There are places out there, don't give up hope..;)
Sorry to hear about your situation @Georgia Dukes

I am part of Bristol dog community and I am sure there will be one local to you for you or even for Birmingham as a whole that you can join. I quite often see landlords posting on there to say they rent dog friendly properties or just asking on there can bring up names of landlords/housing that is etc
Forgot to say on Facebook!
Sorry to hear about your situation @Georgia Dukes

I am part of Bristol dog community and I am sure there will be one local to you for you or even for Birmingham as a whole that you can join. I quite often see landlords posting on there to say they rent dog friendly properties or just asking on there can bring up names of landlords/housing that is etc
Thanks alot I will look for this.
Just keep looking,with all the above good advice to hand. I have always rented, at one point with 2 dogs, a cat and a baby on the way! I had to take a pretty grotty basement flat with a yard, but it meant we all stayed together and then I had the time to look for somewhere more suitable.. There are places out there, don't give up hope..;)
Thank you I will keep trying I won't give up :)

I would assemble a “resume” for Ur dog -
* ask Ur vet for a reference letter per her behavior in their clinic;
* ditto any groomer, petsitter, dogwalker, or any pet pro who has handled or cared for her.
* ask the past landlord & current one for a simple reference letter, that Ur dog was well-behaved & friendly, and that U were / are a responsible tenant & owner.
* ask Ur current & past near-neighbors for a pet reference... explain that it’s tough to find a rental w/o assurance to the prospective landlord that Ur dog is not a troublemaker.

Look for a shared space - someone who is actively searching for a housemate, & who already has a pet of their own, or enjoys dog company.
Craig’sList is an online website, it has a whole category for housing, & there are sections for folks who are looking for a place, as well as sections for tenants looking for housemates.

AirBAndB can be a good short-term solution, but U will be moving - every fortnight or weekly, or every month, whatever. It’s more expensive than a leased apt, but less costly than a hotel.

- terry

Thank you for this