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Walking Dogs

I think walking them in groups is best..... :thumbsup:

Grouping them up to suit everyones needs...

I manage the old ones together with our 'problem unsociable one'-(Barney the beast)-Lol

and the lively, younger ones together....

A walk is supposed to be enjoyable for all...So why make it stressful just to get them all out in one go?

If you send me your address Carole via pm.... I'll get that booklet off to you-I've found them now...'Starting out Whippet Racing' If you still want it?


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i can do 3 at a time on my scooter and tony does the other8 we ahve lead spliters so can have up to 4 dogs on one lead
Hooray, Wendy does the splitters too! Just my two girls on their own are a nightmare if they're just on two normal leads. I get pulled along, dragged after cats, twisted up and just generally abused by them. They just don't seem to concern themselves with obedience when they're together though they're perfect little angels as individuals. When we added Fin this year, we went down another gear and now we all have to go at his speed, even better, and little Ace has been added this week and he's taken to it like a duck to water. It really is worth a try if your dogs get on well, you havn't got loads of leads to get your own hands and legs to get tangled up in and the dogs really seem to like it!
we can add as manyb as we like on one lead now we have standard 2 way spliters but we allso have extra ones that ahve a clasp on each end on a short lead so we can clip as many as we like on to the O ring of the spliter tony only has 2 leads with all the whippets and i ahve found if i stick a couple of slow dogs on witha couple of pullers they balance each other out and dont drag me

sherry i took my pups out with there mum at first lacey soon put them in there place and there brill on lead. they get silly if there out on ther own but fine in a group
as anyone who knows nikki will know theres no possibility me taking any pups out with her lol. i dont want to take all my dogs out together i do zak and kez together. nikki alone, rio and gem together and then il have @ least 3 pups poss 4 (as weve been let down @ the mo)id like 2 b able 2 walk the 3 or 4 pups together without being pulled over or them goin 4 each other etc etc. yes karen il still take a copy of that booklet please. il pm u my address. cheerz :thumbsup:

can wendy post a picture of the spiltter lead thing please? so i know wot it is. :thumbsup:
ok so a few of u have a few... do u ever get complaints off neighbours?? or get asked if u r running a boarding kennel?? lol

I get a lot of comments

You have a lot of dogs - ?????????????

You have your hands full- not really

Is that another one you have got - no

Why do you have so many dogs - becausr I want to !

Are they all yours - yes

So may folk said I had a lot of dogs I called my 5th one Lottie !

Wonder if I would get so many comments if I had 5 children !

Never get any complaints from the neighbours as I wouldn't give them anything to complain about :thumbsup:
We have 6 dogs and my neighbours don't even no as they are very quite at home

my neighbour next door used to no when I had a pup cause he he'd to hear it in the kennel

but now they are all kept indoors to cold now and I walk 3 at a time

Get a tread mill Carol,,2 at a time,,my 2 still not very good at it but getting there :thumbsup: ,,god wish I had this when racing lol,,John walked our lot together,,till the staffie attack and he could not help all 4 dogs that day,,so he took 2 out at a time,,we take our 2 out all the time Robbie wont leave my side off lead,,and Gizmo does need the long lead as he's off after everything,,would never see him again with out it, free running one at a time is good,,we did this with our dogs,,up hill,,only Robbie and Abbey refused to chase the ball,,,both never left my side on a walk :clown: ,,both open class thogh :thumbsup:
u c the problem is peter works shifts one week earlies ( thats when il have the problem) and one week lates that week will b fine as we will walk them together. anyway ive got a plan sorted in my head now. il do nikki alone 1st thing then zak and kez as i normal do. then i normallly bring rio and gem into house 4 porta mag etc. so when that happens il take 2 pups out if the other 2 r noisy il stick them in the house. then il swap pups over, then dinner time then rio and gem as normal, then il collaspse lol.

my neighbours will c me walking up the drive its quite a long drive as we can fit both the car and the van in it, hate my neighbours they,ll b twitching @ the curtains pmsl i dont think they know how many i have @ the mo anyway.

ok so now wot i need to know is how 2 keep them queit in the kennels? im putting them out now but only 4 about half an hour @ a time.