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Waiting For A Call

Leg looks good and ulcer has improved slightly, still on the antibiotics and pain killers and back next wednesday, and that may-be the last bandage change as the week after that it's time for the vet to review and may-be just may-be the splint can come off :D :luck:
:( poor pete has been through it, :luck: :luck: for your next check up
Next check up Wednesday, then ? Saturday or Monday if it's Monday they may take the splint off :D , I am looking forward to it but also worried that one walk could undo all the good work :(
Love that pic of Pete :wub: and isn't he lucky to have Smartie to snuggle up with :wub:

:luck: for his first walk after the splint comes off :luck:
Just take it steady with the walk and im sure he'll be ok. Good luck :luck: love to pete :wub:
Vets tomorrow night hope the ulcer is well on the way to healing then fingers crossed :luck: :luck: splint off next week! :cheers:
well yet another visit to the vet, leg re-bandaged, foot improving slowly but still looks sore so bathed and creamed, Leg looks ok, but there is a small black area nr the bottom of the wound the vet didn't think it was part of Pete :( but some of the iron work he has in him, if this is the case things may take a while to heal over (all being well or it could cause problems :( ) what ever the case we are all getting fed up :( , next appointment next wednesday with the main man :thumbsup: let hope things are ok, we are in yorkshire in 3 weeks :- "
Pete and his brother have been taking it easy today lying in the sun/shade, so pete's leg is gettingplenty of rest. To hot 8) to take them out
Saw Pete nibbling at his front leg this morning, looked slightly swollen, it's the same one he had trouble with about a month ago and a few weeks before that! :( , think there might be something in the pad (thorn) seen a black speck managed to get it out so finger crossed that was it, bleed slightly so cream applied but on antibiotics, poor boy :( , hope thats the end of that or back to his vets for it to be looked at :(
:( yet again poor Pete he has such bad luck doesn't he poor lad
Well front paw seems ok and Pete has now been taking great interest in his bright blue bandage, the bandage is still on but much of the soft white padding can be found strewn around the house, :- " never mind he has be very good :wub: and we are not far away from Wednesday :luck:
Here is Pete and his brother Smartie taking it easy on a sunny sunday afternoon. 8)

Awwwww they both look so sweet together relaxing in the sun :wub:

Aw they look so laid back in that picture. :thumbsup:
We are unable to go for long walks so my OH took this in the garden 8)

Thats really good- Very impressed :thumbsup:
I love the colour it looks so rich.

Pete is off to the vets tomorrow which is good because he has started to take an interest in his bandage :( and it has suffered nibble damage :- " and last night we did some repair work also he is wearing away the bottom of the bandage as he won't keep still anymore so that has been repaired as well!! :- "

Tomorrow is D-Day fingers crossed everybody :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: