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Vote NO!

:p I wouldn't ban it. Where else would you northern lads go to see some good sport. You can't always come to Norfolk you know!!

Forever smug

Lamping man
Lampy, i'm hoping to join Mr F on the 28th.

not sure if it's the hares or your riviting conversation thats drawing me back down. :cheers:
I'm sure its the hares Mark. If however you run short of some conversation, you can always ask Karen to tell you one or two coursing stories from her latest book, Tall Coursing Tales. ( a trip down memory lane).All you need is a vivid imagination!!

:lol: Lamping man
Lampie , were did you go to on sat , i was talking to you then you were gone, Sorry you missed the little Blue pup in the final of the Kizzy , she was runner up , not bad for fouth time in slips . You might have some thing of the standed , of the madam to run againts next season . All the best , Corky
Lampy is there any truth in the rumour you have a new book due out any time call "Truth or Fiction a coursers dreams"

there was another "an old mans dreams " but I new straight away that couldn't be yours? :- "
Lampy's book ?

Been hearing about it for ages but still not seen anything? :b

The trouble with Lamping Man is that he has no history to back up his claims to greatness. Still waiting to see great things from him, unlike most of us girlies on the commitee.

Think it's a case of sour grapes or is it just that he hasn't quite made it to the top?

kdean (w00t)
Hell! I seem to be getting stick from all directions. It's a good job that I can stand by my principles and always know that I am right. I can take your slings and arrows. Bloodied but unbowed am I . Listen, one of you spoke of putting money where mouth was. As if. I aint got enough to fill that mouth. I'm only a poor pensioner!!

Sadly, I won't be in the Dent. In fact, I will not be at the meeting, so all big talk will have to be put on hold until next season but it will give you pretenders ample time to dream. In the meantime we will be training and breeding. Eat your hearts out and stand by for action.

Late news.

Female coursing club official reported missing. Last seen on a stubble field in Suffolk, wearing Barbour type coat festooned with badges to create an impression of excellence and sporting a flat cap. Any information please contact NWCC missing officials department. More news later i have no doubt!!

The ever watchful and respectful

Lamping man.
Message for girlie committee member. The road to greatness is not a sprint. It is a journey of steady honest endeavour. As far as this season is concerned. the girls done good!! Bred from nothing but strike fear in the hearts of those with more aristocratic lineage. Anyone can buy a good dog, no problem but can we all make a silk purse from a sows ear?? I think not. The Madam and The Trick stand to be counted. :D . They will meet all comers on the beach this summer behind the lure. Mustard is for cutting. Do you stack up??

With gauntlet cast down

Lamping man :teehee:
Message for Coursing man. Had to leave in a hurry on Friday. Ran out of sherry and brandy. (Fail to plan, plan to fail) you know all about that, I know! Nice to know that nancy N did so well. Who won? And who won the championship. Let me know. Lampy. :sweating:
Me just done a vote too!

Go Carissa & Vinnie :thumbsup:
Vinnie Jones at the Waterloo? lets see those antis cause sh#t this year? o:) Then theres Clarisa? always good for a Bacon Butty :p
here here i dont know who i would be more scared of vinnie or clarisa on a bad day! :p