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Victoria Bush Fires

The smell of smoke is in the air. A haze is all around & smoke can be seen where we are & the hills. We are about 800kms away from the fires.
Lot of smoke haze down here by the sea as well, gives the sunlight eery orange glow. We are 100km from Healsville and as far as I know that is where the smoke is coming from. Although in the news they are saying that the fire is contained in this moment, not that means anything much to anybody living near, bit of wind and it may be another disaster. What we need is rain, lots of it.
Even the moon is orange through the haze, and the smell of the smoke is strong enough to keep me awake.
Can smell it here in Geelong as well. I was ebaying whippet collars last night and we lost power at almost midnight, we didn't get it back till about 4am. Anyone heard anything about Healesville on the radio?

It is hazy here as well.
Listening to the ABC this morning, they were broadcasting a message to the members of general public, that have been ringing to enquire about whether or not the cafes in Healesville are open for business. People are still wanting a day out either sightseeing or for window shopping.

I think the latest figure was 84 fires still burning. ABC have just reported the following: Mt Juiliett & Mit Riddell is still active, but Healesville is not under threat. Residents need to remain alert. They are affected by smoke and ash, but ember attack unlikely.

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Can smell it here in Geelong as well. I was ebaying whippet collars last night and we lost power at almost midnight, we didn't get it back till about 4am. Anyone heard anything about Healesville on the radio?
It is hazy here as well.
According to the ABC radio news report, it seem to be still the same; not immediate threat, but not under control and Healesville is on alert
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Another 8 today. total 189. More areas to be searched. :(
yeah I heard that on the news. They have alot to still get through.

Still very hazey here with the "burnt smell". It will probably linger for weeks. I was listening to Neil Mitchell this morning, he was talking to this lady who is an expert in fire prevention. She was saying the same things are being brought up now that were brought up after Ash Wednesday (in regards to fire safety in homes), which nobody did anything about. Wonder if they will this time.

Lots of shoulda woulda coulda's going on. Hopefully we see action this time.
Lots of shoulda woulda coulda's going on. Hopefully we see action this time.
Unfortunately,many of the things that need to be done will be unpalatable to some very vocal people. There will be lot of squabbling, then we get bit of rain, the bush will sprout again, and people will lose interest. Especially as such things, like fire shelter at every school in the bush, are not going to be cheap. But there are things that would cost little or nothing; I have my wish list :) :

1- not just allow, but encourage people to collect firewood from the side of the road

2- allow removal of any highly flammable tree situated 50m or less from a dwelling

3- ban planting highly flammable trees within close proximity to dwellings

4- plant and encourage residents to plant fire retardant trees and especially hedges that can serve as wind breaks

5- instead of putting the CFA surcharge on people's house insurance, put it on their house rates. That way every householder will have no choice but to contribute to the CFA.

6- do regular burn-offs in forest surrounding towns

I am not holding my breath :(
Did you see that guy on t.v. who had to cough up for fines and costs of 100k? for clearing the trees around his house? His was the only house left standing in the area......go figure.
Did you see that guy on t.v. who had to cough up for fines and costs of 100k?
yes I did, but while it is certainly better to have no gum trees near the house, i think the fact that his house did not burn was pure fluke. His garage with 4 (? I think) cars and various sheds all burned down. They were right next to the house. I would never want a house in the country right on top of the ridge, without any protection. He should have a hedge of fire resistant trees, like photinia robusta or even lily pillies, to give some protection against wind and the radiant heat. Anyway, I am sure he is very happy now that all the seedlings the court made him to plant are burnt to crisp.
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Did you see that guy on t.v. who had to cough up for fines and costs of 100k? for clearing the trees around his house? His was the only house left standing in the area......go figure.

Did you see today's Addy. The banner at the top read "Inverleigh could be the next Marysville". We border a dense state forest. It has been almost a decade without clearing. Our local CFA captain says "they would face a challenge holding ground if a 'big red steer" came roaring from the1000 hectare reserve in the wrong direction" He went onto say that volunteers would not risk entering the forest to meet the flames. They are concerned about the many sand traps.

I doubt that Inverleigh will be the next Marysville, but it could be the next Anakie
