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Very naughty standard poodle puppy!


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My name's Cara and I got a standard poodle pup (white male) when he was 8 weeks old (about 2 weeks ago) he is 10 weeks today I think. At first he had a really sweet tempremant. But had a bit of a biting problem. We tried to train him not to but couldn't get him to stop biting/sit still long enough to? Ever since then my youngest brother (just 2) has been attacking the pup. Including kicking him, stamping on his head, pulling his tail, pulling him up and down by his back leg. Of course we intervene straight away and have tried punishing him ( we don't know if it's jealousy or not!). Bonzo is now constantly attacking everyone and biting constantly and growling etc... I still really want Bonzo to grow up being one of those sweet, loyal and gentle dogs! I can get time with just the dog and not the 2 year old if necessary to train the dog. Is it too late? Any advice would be very much appreciated! Thanks!
I'm sorry; I have read this several times and i am really struggling to give a measured response. The toddler's behaviour 'brother (just 2) has been attacking the pup. Including kicking him, stamping on his head, pulling his tail, pulling him up and down by his back leg' is totally unacceptable. If the roles were reversed you would be asking if your pup needed to be rehomed or PTS. However I appreciate you are asking for advice here. First this assault on your dog has to stop, immediately, for the sake of both the dog and the child. If it continues the dog will bite your brother at some stage. I'm sure nobody wants that to happen.

Your dog isnt naughty. Dogs dont have that concept, they may exhibit behaviours you want to change but that takes training. You have tried to train him but only for two weeks - two weeks is nothing. Did you learn to talk in two weeks? Even as an adult,to drive in two weeks? No. Is it too late to train your dog? Hopefully not, but puppies do go through critical developmental periods when incidents like children stamping on their heads etc. can remain ingrained in their memory and can lead to a long lasting fear of things (like small children). I hope,for your dog's sake, this hasn't happened.

Have you or your family had a dog before? I urge you to go to puppy classes and learn about training for you and your dog as soon as possible. Your puppy needs reward based training (praising and rewarding him when he does well) so he understands what you want from him. Mouthing in a puppy of his age is normal, don't tell him off but instead distract him with a toy or play, or training exercise. Keep the two year old away from him to allow him space. Manage their interactions to teach both of them respect. I could go on but there is so much here - but please above all be careful of your brother's behaviour because it is seriously risking a bite from your dog. That would be an entirely preventable but serious outcome for both of them.
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Hi Cara

You don't say how old you are or who really is responsible for this puppy. If it is you then you have to take action now before things get any worse. Firstly it is not acceptable for a toddler to be allowed to abuse a small puppy (or any animal).Puppies are very easy to hurt or even kill. If there was an new baby in your family you wouldn't let your brother attack it, would you? So whatever it takes you and your parents have to do it now. If it means keeping the child and pup apart (which is probable) that's what you have to do. If the puppy is yours I suggest you spend time in another room with him as much as you can. Never leave them alone together.

Puppy biting is quite normal- he is NOT naughty but just being a puppy. If he growls that is saying Please stop this- I am scared and don't know what to do! HELP! Did you do any research before you got him? If your puppy bites you then you must squeal as though you are really hurt- that's what another pup would do. The puppy will gradually learn that it is not a good thing to do. NEVER smack a puppy for biting. It will teach it that human hands are horrible things and dangerous. I think if your parents will support you as soon as you can take your puppy to a puppy training class to get help and advice..You sound like a kind and thoughtful person. Below is a link to a charity that deals only with poodles. They may give you more help- and are there if things become impossible.for you. You should have a chat with them. Good luck.
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OMG this is awful !!! firstly your puppy is a baby ..a tiny baby ..a baby doesnt learn over night , it takes MONTHS to train a dog . Your dog is teething and learning how to use his mouth ..but at the moment instead of learning about bite inhibition and how to be gentle with his mouth , he is learning very quickly how to use his mouth to defend himself . Then in 6 months time when its in the news there will be shock and horror saying the dog just bit with no warning ..

as for the 2 year old , do not allow the dog anywhere near the kid unless the kid is going to be taught not to do this ..

I have had 4 children and been a foster carer for over 10 years , kids this young DO understand that is naughty . Your brother could kill or injure this puppy and your parents need to step up and deal with this .

honestly ..i think you need to find a new home for the puppy

Thanks everyone for the advice. I agree with all of you and have been immediately getting my brother away from Bonzo as soon as it happens! My parents tell me of for this and say he is only a child. I have tried countless times to tell my brother it'd hurting the dog but he just laughs. I know it takes a while to train I was just worried that I'd missed my chance with my brother attacking my dog. I would never hurt Bonzo in anyway. I have stayed out with him for hours just to keep him safe from my brother. I did research but the squealing thing seems to do nothing for him? I'll keep on trying anyway! Thanks for all the advice I really hope it works and Bonzo is okay!

I'm sorry; I have read this several times and i am really struggling to give a measured response. The toddler's behaviour 'brother (just 2) has been attacking the pup. Including kicking him, stamping on his head, pulling his tail, pulling him up and down by his back leg' is totally unacceptable. If the roles were reversed you would be asking if your pup needed to be rehomed or PTS. However I appreciate you are asking for advice here. First this assault on your dog has to stop, immediately, for the sake of both the dog and the child. If it continues the dog will bite your brother at some stage. I'm sure nobody wants that to happen.

Your dog isnt naughty. Dogs dont have that concept, they may exhibit behaviours you want to change but that takes training. You have tried to train him but only for two weeks - two weeks is nothing. Did you learn to talk in two weeks? Even as an adult,to drive in two weeks? No. Is it too late to train your dog? Hopefully not, but puppies do go through critical developmental periods when incidents like children stamping on their heads etc. can remain ingrained in their memory and can lead to a long lasting fear of things (like small children). I hope,for your dog's sake, this hasn't happened.

Have you or your family had a dog before? I urge you to go to puppy classes and learn about training for you and your dog as soon as possible. Your puppy needs reward based training (praising and rewarding him when he does well) so he understands what you want from him. Mouthing in a puppy of his age is normal, don't tell him off but instead distract him with a toy or play, or training exercise. Keep the two year old away from him to allow him space. Manage their interactions to teach both of them respect. I could go on but there is so much here - but please above all be careful of your brother's behaviour because it is seriously risking a bite from your dog. That would be an entirely preventable but serious outcome for both of them.
Thanks... please read my update... I really appreciate your answer! I've been telling my parents this from the beggining and trying to explain so I think I might show them this to see if it helps explain!!! Thanks again

Hi Cara

You don't say how old you are or who really is responsible for this puppy. If it is you then you have to take action now before things get any worse. Firstly it is not acceptable for a toddler to be allowed to abuse a small puppy (or any animal).Puppies are very easy to hurt or even kill. If there was an new baby in your family you wouldn't let your brother attack it, would you? So whatever it takes you and your parents have to do it now. If it means keeping the child and pup apart (which is probable) that's what you have to do. If the puppy is yours I suggest you spend time in another room with him as much as you can. Never leave them alone together.

Puppy biting is quite normal- he is NOT naughty but just being a puppy. If he growls that is saying Please stop this- I am scared and don't know what to do! HELP! Did you do any research before you got him? If your puppy bites you then you must squeal as though you are really hurt- that's what another pup would do. The puppy will gradually learn that it is not a good thing to do. NEVER smack a puppy for biting. It will teach it that human hands are horrible things and dangerous. I think if your parents will support you as soon as you can take your puppy to a puppy training class to get help and advice..You sound like a kind and thoughtful person. Below is a link to a charity that deals only with poodles. They may give you more help- and are there if things become impossible.for you. You should have a chat with them. Good luck.
Thanks so much! I'm also going to show this to my parents so hopefully they will understand!

OMG this is awful !!! firstly your puppy is a baby ..a tiny baby ..a baby doesnt learn over night , it takes MONTHS to train a dog . Your dog is teething and learning how to use his mouth ..but at the moment instead of learning about bite inhibition and how to be gentle with his mouth , he is learning very quickly how to use his mouth to defend himself . Then in 6 months time when its in the news there will be shock and horror saying the dog just bit with no warning ..

as for the 2 year old , do not allow the dog anywhere near the kid unless the kid is going to be taught not to do this ..

I have had 4 children and been a foster carer for over 10 years , kids this young DO understand that is naughty . Your brother could kill or injure this puppy and your parents need to step up and deal with this .

honestly ..i think you need to find a new home for the puppy
Thankyou!! I agree with you I just really hope we don't need to find a new home for Bonzo. I love him so much now! I protect him whenever I am there and I never leave him alone with the toddler (my parents do). My brother isn't like other toddlers he wrecks everything! He is a disaster but thats toddlers haha :) he is very well cared for apart from my brother I just feel mean locking him in his crate because he doesn't understand it's just to protect him! But thanks and I also find what my brother is doing absolutely horrific.
Have you ever had a puppy before ? has anyone bothered to do any research into raising a puppy ? their needs and requirements , the normal developmental stages , training and getting them through fear periods etc ?

A very young dog like this will go through massive changes in the next 12 months , the experiences he gets from the world will help shape they type of adult he will be , so if he is abused this will teach him to be fearful , and what do scared dogs do ? they bite !!

as someone else has said , if a new baby was brought into the house the 2 year old would not (i hope) be allowed to do this and a puppy is just that ..a baby that needs protecting .. its very likely the puppy has jumped and nipped at the 2 year old and this is how the 2 year old has reacted so I'm afraid its going to get worse very quickly if something is not done straight away as your brother is likely to have a fear of dogs and the dog is most likely going to have a fear of small children and it will all end very badly !!

do you go to school? if so is the dog allowed near they boy during the day ?

I hate reading posts from people who come on and say basically want permission to put the dog to sleep or rehome the dog, i get so angry when dogs are passed around and given up like last seasons handbags but i honestly think this is the best option before too much damage is done here . Your parents are obviously not willing to step up and protect this dog and obviously not willing to teach your brother how to behave around animals . Being only 2 is not an excuse , he needs to be taught right from wrong , millions of dogs around the world have been raised with babies and toddlers without getting their head kicked in ! Its not your brothers fault , he is just a baby himself , but he does need to be stopped

You do know that poodles are soo intelligent , they are a working breed and unless you do lots to keep them busy they can become bored bored i mean destructive because they are looking for things to do . You should also know that to get a nice calm loving dog you have to be calm and loving with it ?

According to a website about poodles , it says they are quite soft and sensitive , sometimes being hypersensitive so if you touch them unexpededly or startle with a loud noise they will flinch or jump , and some cannot be good with children ..ithis is seriously NOT a good match . If i were you i would contact the charity and give the pup to them , they will re-home and do proper checks to make sure the owners are good owners . Please read this info , it explains bit about the type of dog you have
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You are taking on a lot of responsibility with trying to protect your puppy from your brother. Please talk to someone about the situation.

The situation with your puppy is a ticking time bomb. All the situations you read about where dogs attack children probably started from situations such as yours. You must separated the puppy and the toddler for everyone's safety.
Just thought I would answer your question about play biting.

Puppies in the litter would be ostracised for biting their mother or litter mates. We use this technique to teach a puppy to keep its teeth off human flesh and clothing. I know you have been yelping when bitten but do you ostracise the puppy or tell him off. It is useless to tell puppies off as they don't speak English! They also quite like attention of any sort even if it is a good telling off. Any violence towards them breeds fear and fear leads to aggression.

Once you have yelped you must withdraw attention. It should last for a good minute or two before you resume contact. Stand up if kneeling, move away if standing. Do this religiously for a week.

The next stage is to yelp and leave the room/go indoors. If this is not possible then put the puppy gently out of the room/indoors. Wait a minute then resume contact. Repeat and repeat and repeat.

Any kind of training like this often results in the problem getting worse for a while. This is called the "extinction burst", where the puppy is trying harder to gain attention that used to accompany the behaviour, before it gives it up.

Everybody must be consistent. If visitors will not comply then remove the puppy from their presence. Many people say "oh its all right he is only playing". It is very important the puppies learn not to put their teeth on people or clothing. It could save this puppy's life!

Small children can be taught to play statues when the puppy starts to bite. Clothe them in tough clothing/strong shoes and make a game out of them saying "ouch" and turning into a "statue". An adult can then intervene.

Never ignore a puppy that is playing with his toys. If he gets attention for doing it he will do it more and that is what you want to happen.

The above training will not work if not carried out consistently by every person that comes into contact with the puppy. If it does not work with this puppy you could be in serious trouble with him when he grows up.

Has he got a place to hide from your brother/family life? Every dog should have a place to go to get away from the stress of living with humans. If he likes to hide behind the sofa, for instance, then this could be made a no go zone for everyone but especially small children. If he likes his crate (it should never be used as a punishment cell) then it should be used as a safe haven for him, but anywhere will do.

Well done you for seeking help.
Just thought I would answer your question about play biting.

Puppies in the litter would be ostracised for biting their mother or litter mates. We use this technique to teach a puppy to keep its teeth off human flesh and clothing. I know you have been yelping when bitten but do you ostracise the puppy or tell him off. It is useless to tell puppies off as they don't speak English! They also quite like attention of any sort even if it is a good telling off. Any violence towards them breeds fear and fear leads to aggression.

Once you have yelped you must withdraw attention. It should last for a good minute or two before you resume contact. Stand up if kneeling, move away if standing. Do this religiously for a week.

The next stage is to yelp and leave the room/go indoors. If this is not possible then put the puppy gently out of the room/indoors. Wait a minute then resume contact. Repeat and repeat and repeat.

Any kind of training like this often results in the problem getting worse for a while. This is called the "extinction burst", where the puppy is trying harder to gain attention that used to accompany the behaviour, before it gives it up.

Everybody must be consistent. If visitors will not comply then remove the puppy from their presence. Many people say "oh its all right he is only playing". It is very important the puppies learn not to put their teeth on people or clothing. It could save this puppy's life!

Small children can be taught to play statues when the puppy starts to bite. Clothe them in tough clothing/strong shoes and make a game out of them saying "ouch" and turning into a "statue". An adult can then intervene.

Never ignore a puppy that is playing with his toys. If he gets attention for doing it he will do it more and that is what you want to happen.

The above training will not work if not carried out consistently by every person that comes into contact with the puppy. If it does not work with this puppy you could be in serious trouble with him when he grows up.

Has he got a place to hide from your brother/family life? Every dog should have a place to go to get away from the stress of living with humans. If he likes to hide behind the sofa, for instance, then this could be made a no go zone for everyone but especially small children. If he likes his crate (it should never be used as a punishment cell) then it should be used as a safe haven for him, but anywhere will do.

Well done you for seeking help.
Thanks so much! That was extremely helpful. Bonzo has calmed down a lot and I'm surprised at how nice he was being to my brother considering. He loves his crate but the 2 year old sometimes tries to go in that even just to play which I am trying to best to makw sure doesn't happen! I didn't realise we weren't supposed to use the crate for punishment but now you have said it it makes sense!Bonzo is finally allowed to go for walks (because of his vaccinations) so I'm going to take him km one today so hopefully that will help! Thanks again
Have you ever had a puppy before ? has anyone bothered to do any research into raising a puppy ? their needs and requirements , the normal developmental stages , training and getting them through fear periods etc ?

A very young dog like this will go through massive changes in the next 12 months , the experiences he gets from the world will help shape they type of adult he will be , so if he is abused this will teach him to be fearful , and what do scared dogs do ? they bite !!

as someone else has said , if a new baby was brought into the house the 2 year old would not (i hope) be allowed to do this and a puppy is just that ..a baby that needs protecting .. its very likely the puppy has jumped and nipped at the 2 year old and this is how the 2 year old has reacted so I'm afraid its going to get worse very quickly if something is not done straight away as your brother is likely to have a fear of dogs and the dog is most likely going to have a fear of small children and it will all end very badly !!

do you go to school? if so is the dog allowed near they boy during the day ?

I hate reading posts from people who come on and say basically want permission to put the dog to sleep or rehome the dog, i get so angry when dogs are passed around and given up like last seasons handbags but i honestly think this is the best option before too much damage is done here . Your parents are obviously not willing to step up and protect this dog and obviously not willing to teach your brother how to behave around animals . Being only 2 is not an excuse , he needs to be taught right from wrong , millions of dogs around the world have been raised with babies and toddlers without getting their head kicked in ! Its not your brothers fault , he is just a baby himself , but he does need to be stopped

You do know that poodles are soo intelligent , they are a working breed and unless you do lots to keep them busy they can become bored bored i mean destructive because they are looking for things to do . You should also know that to get a nice calm loving dog you have to be calm and loving with it ?

According to a website about poodles , it says they are quite soft and sensitive , sometimes being hypersensitive so if you touch them unexpededly or startle with a loud noise they will flinch or jump , and some cannot be good with children ..ithis is seriously NOT a good match . If i were you i would contact the charity and give the pup to them , they will re-home and do proper checks to make sure the owners are good owners . Please read this info , it explains bit about the type of dog you have
Thanks, yes I did loads of reasearch. Everything you said I've told my parents but they say that my brother is only 2 and when I get him away (because he attacks the dog) I get told of by my parents for attacking my brother( however gently i do it) And then my brother gets loads of attention and have tried everything but I don't know how to explain to my parents. I thought a standard poodle would be the perfect match for us and my dad had dogs (including a poodle) when he was younger. They won't get rid of the dog and I don't want to either.

I just tried reading this out to my dad and he aaid ' I can listen to bloody dog suckers, they have no clue what they are talking about and they don't understand the dog or the child and the child is not the dog they are just playing!' and then stormed off. So now I have no clue what to do
Can you speak to your mum? Even if they don't understand dog behaviour I assume they have just paid a considerable amount of money for your dog; if your brother hurts it the dog could die. He is only a puppy and still fragile. If he is injured they will have significant vet bills. And if the vet realises why your dog is injured your parents may be prosecuted for failing to protect him. Maybe read that message to your dad?
Can you speak to your mum? Even if they don't understand dog behaviour I assume they have just paid a considerable amount of money for your dog; if your brother hurts it the dog could die. He is only a puppy and still fragile. If he is injured they will have significant vet bills. And if the vet realises why your dog is injured your parents may be prosecuted for failing to protect him. Maybe read that message to your dad?
Thanks, he just says my brother isn't hurting him. I'm just going to stay with the dog from now on. Thanks so much for your help
Everybody here is really on your side and trying to help. But you need to talk to someone outside your family. Why not make contact with a charity? There's PDSA, RSPCA, you can phone them and speak in confidence. They are there for animal welfare and to help people help animals. Look on line, get a number and really get assistance.