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Verdellho Hallooween Doll Rip

Im very sorry to hear of your loss of Pagan at such a young age.
So sorry, it's very sad to lose one so young.

Run free Pagan.
Im so sorry for your loss. I cant even begin to imagine how you are feeling. I havent been there yet and im certainly not looking forward to it!

RIP Pagan. :huggles: :'(
What a devastating loss; and so young. My sincere sympathies are with you.

I'm really sorry to hear of your loss of Pagan. Thanks for sharing your story

I'm so sorry to hear of your sad news :( I remember how shocked I felt when you told us about Pagen's health condition, and I'm even more shocked to find that what you had dreaded has happened so quickly, my heart goes out to you.

RIP Pagen
How heartbreaking :(

So sorry for your loss, but thank you so much for sharing Pagan's story with us. I think reading that, more than any amount of scientific information, will spur breeders on to test their dogs before breeding from them. I most certainly will test mine.

Thinking of you, and Pagan tonight :huggles:

Liz and the Monellis
So sorry to hear your tragic news about Pagan, and so young. :( :(

RIP Pagan :huggles:
rubywhip said:
Run Free Pagan
we send our condolences


When I logged on this morning, my email in box was clogged with personal messages from K9 readers. I thought, Oh Help, here it is, all the hate mail but I could hardly believe my eyes at what I read. Thank you, all, for your kind words & messages of support. What concerns me so much though is the number of people who have told me about their whippets dying the same way or loosing part or all of a litter due to heart or auto-immune problems. No-one has mentioned a bloodline but it's time we did. We MUST start to co-ordinate this or we're just drving blind. When you consider the vast majority of breeders don't read this site, countless more don't give a damn & just as many think any inference deeming their dog to be less than perfect is an indicment against them personally, it's an enormous job to make any headway at all. Once this thread drops off page one, will the whole thing be lost & forgotten? More than likely.

Somehow, we have to seperate ego & sentimental clap-trap from fact. I'm not sure how you do that. We have to rely on voluntary participation which is no more than preaching to the converted with the worst perpetrators carrying on regardless & continuing the problem. But, if enough of us don't use a stud dog (ditto bitch) before it's at least 2 years old, insist of seeing a heart report (ditto bitch), calculate the COI of the proposed litter before mating & then openly share any problems should they occur, we might start to get somewhere. Cloud cuckoo land it may be but from little acorns etc. etc. Patsy & Roger must be commended for getting the ball rolling on this but I'm horrified at the cost. It didn't cost me anything like that.

I continue to have a torrid time trying to come up with Pagan's COI. Even with Seraphina's help I'm not even close to getting it right yet. Thanks to Whippet Archives pedigrees can be researched way, way back, it's typing the ruddy things correctly when the same dogs appear over & over again that has proved to be my biggest problem.

Thanks again for your kind words of support but if you REALLY want to help, please do something constructive with your own dogs, future matings & future puppy purchases.

You all wished Pagan a 'future' of running free well, let me tell you I'm sure she's doing just that. She was forever catching parrots & bringing them to me in the hope of praise she never received not that that ever stopped her. Outside the front door this morning was a dead parrot, it was eerie to be honest & I actually looked at her grave to make sure it was still 'lived in'!!

How devastating it must have been for you to have found Pagan like that :(

Lets all make sure her death will not be in vain and that from now on we will try our best to iradicate this problem before its too late


my thoughts are with you

My sympathies are with you, such a heart breaking event.

RIP Pagan
So very sorry to hear that of your loss of Pagan

Thinking of you :huggles:

R.I.P Pagan
Firstly, Gail, my sincere condolences on the loss of Pagan. I never knew she had this condition and I do understand how heartbreaking it is to lose such a young dog. She was such a sweet girl. Chin up and let's hope you don't experience the same ever again.

Secondly, I'm not sure COI's will necessarily eradicate / eliminate the problem. My understanding from Sydney Uni, (and I will stand corrected) is that some cardiac conditions, eg idiopathic cardiomyopathy, ventral septal defect and some others, are due to incomplete penetrance. This means that it only take the one dog or bitch - who is not affected - to carry the gene and pass on the problem. The vets explained to me that incomplete penetrance means the problem could sit dormant for a couple of generations and then pop up and is not based on the pedigree but the carrier, which is sometime difficult to isolate.

When I experienced cardiac problems in my breeding, an extremely close test mating, that should have produced the problem, didn't. However, I'm not sure of the mode of inheritance of Cardiac Ectopy.

SAS is different and tends to be familial, hence why Golden Retriever breeders here have their litters dopplar ultrasounded by specialists before puppies leave for their new homes.

Unfortunately, diseases can become a major problem quickly. The first step all of us need to do is have a CERTIFIED cardiac veterinarian check our dogs. Either we need to organise a clinic in conjunction with a specialty show or take our dogs to the cardiac clinics organised by other breeds. And to be honest, it wouldn't be a bad idea if we had our dogs eyes certified clear as well.
:( So very sorry for the loss of your beautiful Pagan. Having had my last dog die suddenly due to arrhythmia (not a whippet), I know a bit of the pain and shock that you must be feeling. So glad that you are campaigning however, for greater awareness of heart conditions in whippets; this must be good for the breed in the long term. :thumbsup:

RIP Pagan :(
oh my goodness r.i.p pagan run free little one how awful for you :huggles:
