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Verdellho Hallooween Doll Rip


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Six months ago I reported that my lovely Pagan - Verdellho Halloween Doll - had been diagnosed with a terminal heart condition that would kill her suddenly anytime between right then until 6-7 years of age.

Inspite of being pre-warned it was still an awful shock to wake up & find her dead on the bed beside me two weeks before her 2nd birthday. At the time I was suffering from a virus & running a raging temperature with a chest infection - to have to struggle outside with a spade & bury her that day was something I wouldn't wish on anybody. God, it was an awful day.

When she was 18 months old, a newly qualified vet picked up an unusual heart rythmn with a stethascope & advised me to have an ECG done if I was considering breeding with her. I took her the following week & was told she had a VENTRICULAR ECTOPY which could kill her anytime between right now & approx. 6-7 years of age. I, naturally, wanted a second opinion so the report was sent off to the head of the canine cardiolog at Melbourne University Vet. Dept. He verified the original diagnosis & told me, under no circumstances breed with her; she would not survive whelping. What's more they also advised against putting her under anaesthetic unless it was absolutely necessary so I couldn't even spay her. Re-homing to a pet home was, of course, out of the question.

Throughout all this she presented with no symptoms whatsoever. She was bright, breezy, happy & a grade A pest from the moment her eyes opened every day.

Two weeks before she died I took her to a different vet because the little monster had caught & killed a parrot on the wing & eaten it before I could get outside & stop her. This gave her an upset stomach which meant a trip to the vet. I asked him to check her heart & he said it was absolutely fine. When I told him about the ECG he said he wasn't a heart specialist & couldn't be expected to pick up irregular heart rythmns (w00t) . Needless to say I won't be going back there again. How many more vets like him are out there? Too many I'll bet.

If she had been a human she would have been fitted with a pacemaker to regulate her heartbeats. What actually killed her was a LETHAL ARRYTHMIA. It is thought to have been inhereted & caused because she was too inbred. Her litter siblings may, or may not, be similarly affected, time will tell. So far they're all okay except the one with auto-imune arthritis who is, so far, still alive - just - & costing his owners an absolute fortune in drugs.

When I phoned the vet who did the ECG he said he had just read on an international vet's forum on the internet that vets around the world are starting to notice heart problems & sudden deaths in whippets. He asked if he could have all details & a pedigree of hers to contribute to the worldwide common knowledge so, I am going to make available anything & everything required to these vets. A detailed pedigree, a DNA profile & her COI when I can finally get the production of it right. If that upsets any of you, I don't care. The welfare of the breed itself is much more important than the ego of any one of us. I am determined she won't have died in vain.

There is no point, whatsoever, in pointing fingers or inferring blame on any breeder/s for what has happened. What's done is done & no-one could be accused of doing it deliberately. It's what happens from now on that matters & I beg you, all of you, yes YOU sitting there reading this to have your dogs' hearts checked before you breed them again. From the occasional once-in-a-blue-moon breeder to those of you who always have a litter of two for sale, the responsibility rests with YOU to stop this NOW. This inbreeding of closely related individuals is, perhaps, not such a good idea any more. I think Genetic Diversity needs to be the catch cry for the next 10 years or so at least. This has certainly changed my way of thinking, please God it has changed yours too because if it hasn't the breed is in serious trouble, We are on the very edge of turning a healthy breed into a cardiac cot case, a la Cavalier King Charles Spaniels - don't let that dreadful BBC documentary apply to us. It's up to us, people, no one else.

I am so sorry for your loss. :( It is very hard to see a beautiful young dog die well before her time for any reason.

Good post, and I appreciate your thoughts. :huggles:

Karen Lee
sorry to hear of your tragic sad loss, hope some good may come out of this :huggles:
I have lost my Borzoi Seraphina to the same problem. One moment there was happy healthy looking dog with sparkling eyes, few minutes later i found her dead curled up on my bed. She was only 2years and 9 months old. That is not something I would wish on anybody.

I have discussed cardiac problems with my vet and he explained that it takes special training to diagnose. Just like 99% of GPs cannot hear my heart murmur, however obstetrician picked it up and cardiologist confirmed it.

RIP Pagan
That's very sad indeed, my sincere condolences.

My puppy Neela was found to have a slight heart murmur on her first ever puppy check at the vet. Thankfully it really is slight, it was only a grade 3 on her first check, then a grade 2 when she had her first jab and today it was a grade 1 when she went to have her second jab. So hopefully it's something she'll grow out of.

However, my vet said that they have seen a few whippets lately with heart problems. Hopefully that's not an indication of where the breed is heading.
So sorry............Sleep tight Pagan

I am sorry for your loss. I have been there with Newfoundlands. I imported a dog from England and had it die when it was 6 mths old to sub aortic stenosis (the breeders didn't give a damn). Thankfully he didn't get to the age where he was bred from.

Are the Slatyers aware of your bitch dieing from this? Hopefully they will test their stock. They breed alot (I usually see something for sale on dogzonline). There is quite a bit of Nevedith in that breeding and some very well used european influential sires. Quite scary really.

There has been quite alot of talk on here about inherited disorders and this lady has been the only one so far that actually had the guts to mention dog lines. You have my utmost respect in this regard. RIP to your little girl :(
:( so sorry for your loss, and your poor girl so young as well :(

very good post
I'm so sorry for your loss :(

Having lost my first whippet aged 2 from an auto immune condition I know just how you are feeling . :huggles:
I am so sorry for your loss.

Thank you so much for this post, I am reminded that the personal can galvanise the political. Hopefully your post will bring about action that will only help the health and welfare of our wonderful whippets.

This brings into reality the devastating consequences of in-breeding.

My Jinny is 19 months old now, I could not bear the thought of losing her before she got to two years and my thought are very much with you.

Run Free, Pagan x
So sorry to hear this sad story Gail, but good luck in your endeavours. RIP dear Pagan.

I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your experiences with others so that this might be prevented in future generations.

So sorry for your devastating loss, I cannot imagine how you feel other than determined for this not to escalate to a breed condition...well done...thank you for publicising it widely, we cannot let our wonderful breed to be devastated as some have
Thank you for your most moving and informative contribution on the importance of looking seriously at the problem of heart disease in whippets.

Awareness is at least the beginning of the answer. I am certain you have provided a useful guide for the way forward.

We must all contribute to this ensuring the well being of the breed in the years ahead.

As previously stated by Cathie B. we shall, as a matter of routine, have heart testing done before embarking on a breeding programme with any of our bitches.

Condolences to you for the sad loss of Pagan.

I am so very sorry to hear about Pagan.