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Venue For 2006 Bwra Straight Champs;

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was he not, ??? Tony and i were both on Asfordby committee at the time this money was payed by the members, and this money was accepted by Asfordby wrc, improvements pointed out to the grounds man, ie where the traps go at Asfordby their is a noticeable dip this was going to be sorted out so we could run over 200yd without dogs getting hurt, also anchor points were to be put in place for the bwra championship traps, all still waiting to be done :oops:

so why was the money not spent on Asfordby track well before the last A.G.M in 2004, the old bwra committee keeped that money for 2 years without spending it on the track :b , and it was left to the new working committee to vote on what to do with the money,
Paul Jennings

I have just had a quick look on the K9 pages and found a post from Yvonne Ragnoli

In reply which will be a one off to your comments which i find very offensive but have become immune due to your personality which i hope your having treatment for as i am sure you cannot be so unpleasant as this to people without you having a problem

Never asked or been given any moneys for track

Never asked for Moneys for new sand i fund this for the benefit of the dogs

New fronts done cheap, not strong enough made good at no cost exept to myself

having to drive to & from Stockton to have them done did get two quotes one for over 1K thats a thousand to you Yvonne manged to get them done on the request of the BWRA half that price ( Why bother)

Please do not speak about me on here if you have a problem with the Whippet News speak to me face to face

I do not have any funding or have ever asked for funding to have Asfordby looking as good as it does Steve & i did it for the better of racing to which you seem not to be able to do (Shame)

I will be speaking to the BWRA committe on this slander and hope they take action against people who pull this sport down instead of driving it forward

I will not be replying to this subject anymore you are not worth it .

Yours in sport

P Jennings.
i am pleased this has been put straight ,thanks paul.
Well said Paul and well done for all the effort you have and still put on behalf of the sport

As for Yvonne its time the moderators stepped in and stopped her from posting her lying slanderous and libelous comments. She does nothing but bring the sport in to disrepute. She is banned from 2 of the organisations maybe its time for the other one to re think
: In reply which will be a one off to your comments which i find very offensive but have become immune due to your personality which i hope your having treatment for as i am sure you cannot be so unpleasant as this to people without you having a problem

well said paul i think this is spot on :thumbsup: pmsl

as for the track this year it was tip top keep up the good work :thumbsup:
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:thumbsup: Well done Paul you have worked really hard on the track, its cost you a small fortune. Its spoilt our girls , thay expect just as good where ever thay run now. It looked great at the Champs.

Yet again spellbound comes onto a topic/debate and has to change it into utter babble and lies.

You have just proved the theory that there is no limit to human stupidity, Just when I think, "Surely this person has reached and encapsulates the limits of Internet tedium" you go and push the boundary even further. Please try to have some small idea of what in the hell you're talking about before you try to post again. People in k9 are sick of the crap you keep typing, most repair manuals are far more interesting than your posts, and far less turgid to read.

If there's an idea in your head, it's in solitary confinement.

Are you always this ignorant, or do you making a special effort on here? A long period of non-posting would be most welcome on your part.

Anyway, I'm not really good with thieves and lies, i suggest the next time that you feel an urge to embarrass yourself and bore others, that you summon all your might, and resist.
I would also like to add a big thank you to Paul Jennings on his and Steve's hard work over the past few years at Melton, the track was looking fantastic, i do know Paul and a few of the lads took time off work before our championships to prepare the running surface and see to the sand pit finish...all this cost him alone and no one else
PheonoM said:
Paul Jennings

I have just had a quick look on the K9 pages and found a post from Yvonne Ragnoli

In reply which will be a one off to your comments which i find very offensive but have become immune due to your personality which i hope your having treatment for as i am sure you cannot be so unpleasant as this to people without you having a problem

Never asked or been given any moneys for track

Never asked for Moneys for new sand i fund this for the benefit of the dogs

New fronts done cheap, not strong enough made good at no cost exept to myself

having to drive to & from Stockton to have them done did get two quotes one for over 1K thats a thousand to you Yvonne manged to get them done on the request of the BWRA half that price ( Why bother)

Please do not speak about me on here if you have a problem with the Whippet News speak to me face to face

I do not have any funding or have ever asked for funding to have Asfordby looking as good as it does Steve & i did it for the better of racing to which you seem not to be able to do (Shame)

I will be speaking to the BWRA committe on this slander and hope they take action against people who pull this sport down instead of driving it forward

I will not be replying to this subject anymore you are not worth it .

Yours in sport

P Jennings.



never said you ask for or was given money for the track, :- "

thats my point and everyone else's point who thought the money should have been given to improve Asfordby

never said anything about NEW sand,

but i along with all the members at 2003 A.G.M. were told that money was spent on the sand for the sandpit when it was first dug out,

if your saying you payed for this sand, then i stand corrected along with all the members off 2003 A.G.M,

new fronts done CHEAP £500

i'm sure £500 for new trap fronts is not considered CHEAP by many members, ??

and if he did'nt make them strong enough then he should put them right at no cost and payed for them to go back to stockton to be put right,( WHY BROTHER )

if i had a problem with the whippet news i would speak to Chris face to face, why would i speak to you about whippet news,????

again i have never said you ask for or was given funding to have Asfordby looking as good as it dose

i know only to well the work STEVE TONY YOU and alot of other people have put into the running and up keep of Asfordby (Shame you forgot Tony ) and the work he did, :oops:

if you feel post's on k9 to be slander thats your opinion

i also feel some post to be slander against myself and Tony,

lets hope the BWRA take the same action for all slander posted on k9.
Unfortunatly this topic is going nowhere now which is a pity as the BWRA are being open for discussion.

Perhaps someone would like to start a new topic and we can all keep to it.

Anyone going off topic into petty arguments will have their posts deleted and will be put on moderator preview.
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