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Venue For 2006 Bwra Straight Champs;

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Doreen Hopkins

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Hi Doreen here, today I have received a letter from Old Hall Miners Welfare Committee stating that unfortunately they cannot allow caravans to camp on the field so they would not be able to stage our 2006 staight championships if we needed to camp. The actual racing track is not a problem as I understand it , it is Old Hall Racing Club that would need to be approached if we needed to use their track. I have telephoned all regional secretarys so hopefully they will let all their members know, as not everyone has access to K9.

So once again it's back to the drawing board, but from conversations that I have had with various people it is the camping facilities that are the problem, not the actual racing track, should we perhaps be thinking about how we go about staging the championships without the camping issue being involved. Anyone out there got any ideas.

regards Doreen ( BWRA SECRETARY )
if we cannot get anywhere that will allow us to camp why not book old hall or asfordby and run either dogs & vets on saturday and bitches & scr on sunday or vise vera, then that would just leave the problem of the workers to sort out for the two days. just a thought. :b

:( What a shame Doreen I know how hard you have tried to find a venue. The only thing I can think of is to book the racing as John as said or have two seperate sunday dates, this would be better for the workers. Those who live to far to travell there and back home in a day will need to find a camping site near the track. This is going to cost some members alot more money, but what else can we do. If the dogs and bitches were held on different weekends as day events you can count on Ken and myself to come for the dog champs to help and support in any way we can.
heard a little whisper is swallows nest available :wacko:
JOHNG said:
if we cannot get anywhere that will allow us to camp why not book old hall or asfordby and run either dogs & vets on saturday and bitches & scr on sunday or vise vera, then that would just leave the problem of the workers to sort out for the two days. just a thought. :b


Hi John, my main concern with two different venues is where do you hold the presentation, members who have made Rch with their dog /bitch look forward to the evenings presentation when all the fellow whippet members applaud them for gaining the prestigious RCH title. And once again members can't risk drinking and driving. A couple of venues have been mentioned to me this afternoon that look promising, so when I have made a few enquiries I will post all the information on K9 and telephone each regional secretary to keep the members informed.

regards Doreen
hi doreen

if there is nowhere available the presentation would have to be done after the racing,we are fast running out of clubs that can accomadate the champs if we are lucky enough to get somewhere that will allow us to camp we must make sure we don't loose it through bad beaviour :- "

The problems that both organisations are faced with at this moment in time has been coming for a number of years. I do not wish to dwell on what has been the cause to the loss of some of the very best of venues up and down the country both bends and stright.

I would rather look to the future of the sport, having been involved in all areas of the hobby both from a racing competitor & as an of organiser of events upto championship level i feel. The time has come to put any differances between organisations or personal fall outs aside.

Our hobby is at a cross roads and is on the brink of extinction. I therefore ask all with a talent or previous experiance to pull together. It is a time for change.

Committee members need to be firm and fair when dealing with complaints, you also need help with these matters and regional reps must work with you to up hold your democratic decisions. Tracks around the country are nervous enough to offer there sites fear of losing there ground .Due to mindless visitors.

It is time to look out side the normal calender or venues we would use. You may have to change the way in which we organise events or handle presentations.

Events can be held without the track holding the event having to offering camping facilities as long as there is a local camp site or farmer near by willing to offer camping.

May be we could have a dinner dance held at a central hotel in the Midlands at the end of each season. These events in other hobbies are looked forward to by many.

If the events were held in conjunction with another major outside event,such as the Midland Game Fair or Chatsworth both held in the Midlands you may find you will already have many of your areas toilets insurance camping.

This will also offer other attractions to the days racing and will attract others into our sport. I can here the war cry now what about the running surface. You will find the organisers will come to understand your needs in time. At present we do not have any track that can accomadate camping or presentation or at least are not willing to offer you their ground.

I would feel by this time many reading this post will be saying its alright talking like this, but who would be willing to pull this together as it will mean major changes and lots of work over sevaral years. Many in the sport now can not remember my time with the BWRA. However many still make comment even today that it was well organised and fair but rules were adhered to by all.

I am therefore willing once again to offer my time & services to the top table.

I would ask you take this to regional level and take a vote.


is rutland arms still a track had some good weekends there centre of the uk near enouth :D

or what even gin pit never been there myself but my grandad has been and he said it would make a brilliant weekend event (come on vicky)
AndrewPocket said:
is rutland arms still a track had some good weekends there centre of the uk near enouth :D

Nice enough location I was there at the English Derby in 1999 but in my opinion it would struggle to take the amount of caravans safely that attend the Straight Championships as it was a bit tight in 1999.
another suggestion ;) is there a local farmer near either asfordby or old hall that would be willing to hire a field out for the week end, i know the people with tents would struggle i.e. toilet & washing facilites but maybe the two organisations could hire porto loos . just another thought : : ;)
maybe its going to have to be be daily events in two separete weekends just for next year if nothing can be found. im sure kirkaldy wud welcome us with open arms though but too far north 4 some same as somwehere down south is too far south 4 some.
Would Thuruck Not be a possibility there weekend events are highly successful and the team of workers at thuruck are some of the best around. If the right precautions were put in place to stop bad behaviour then this may be a good idea? I know it is 'South to most people' but takes me longer to get there then most people in the midlands, is easy to get to and i personally would rather travel an extra few hours to get a camping venue where i can enjoy myself instead to having to drive there and back or pay a fortune to camp elsewhere just to watch both days racing.

I think that every possible venue should be considered for next year and see where it goes from there. I personally feel the championships should move around the country anyway.

(Sheila & Co. hope i am not out of line for suggesting your club)
like i say jade thurrock wud be too far south same as kirkaldy wud be too far north unless u r goin to move it round the country so its fair on everyone. :- "
I know Kirkaldy is too far north for a lot of people,but why not hold them their next year,maybe the weekend before the Derby.This would give the BWRA breathing space to find somewhere central for 2007.This looks like the only venue that has everything that we need at the moment.
Hi firstly may i say i have never raced whippets tho my wife does own one.

I am aware of a site that used to hold whippet racing <having schooled my Greyhound pups with them> but no longer does so.I am aware that the club Chairman would welcome it back.The venue is just off Junction 2 of the M5 and is the "Birchley Sports & Social Club" which has a brand new Clubhouse and associated facilities,from an observers viewpoint this would be an ideal central location for your members.,being within 2 minute drive of the motorway junction and just West of Birmingham.
greyhoundp said:
Hi firstly may i say i have never raced whippets tho my wife does own one.I am aware of a site that used to hold whippet racing <having schooled my Greyhound pups with them> but no longer does so.I am aware that the club Chairman would welcome it back.The venue is just off Junction 2 of the M5 and is the "Birchley Sports & Social Club" which has a brand new Clubhouse and associated facilities,from an observers viewpoint this would be an ideal central location for your members.,being within 2 minute drive of the motorway junction and just West of Birmingham.

sounds promising maybe you could give doreen a phone number and it could be checked out :thumbsup:
When you consider how long the BWRA has been going 1968 and the amount of money they must have had through their hands in membership ect .as they have never been ones to pay out great sums in the form of prize money---one would think they would have had enough to buy a lump of land and own their own track by now---maybe this is something to head towards or look at at least -----

kipper fluke said:
When you consider how long the BWRA has been going 1968 and the amount of money they must have had through their hands in membership ect  .as they have never been ones to pay out great sums in the form of prize money---one would think they would have had enough to buy a lump of land and own their own track by now---maybe this is something to head towards or look at at least -----steve

agree with this, :thumbsup: must be the way togo, but did think thats what we were doing when we all payed £5 on membership for Asfordby track :oops:
Agree with you entirely Steve, members of our club who have been in racing or had connections with racing for many years have often passed the same comment "that with all the revenue passed to the BWRA hands, they should have had their own piece of land by now".

greyhoundp said:
Hi firstly may i say i have never raced whippets tho my wife does own one.I am aware of a site that used to hold whippet racing <having schooled my Greyhound pups with them> but no longer does so.I am aware that the club Chairman would welcome it back.The venue is just off Junction 2 of the M5 and is the "Birchley Sports & Social Club" which has a brand new Clubhouse and associated facilities,from an observers viewpoint this would be an ideal central location for your members.,being within 2 minute drive of the motorway junction and just West of Birmingham.

If you could supply the contact number for this club I will follow it up

kind regards Doreen ( BWRA SEC )
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