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Vaccination questions


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I have not confirmed this with my vet yet as my pup is too young to come home with me.

I was informed by someone who has had Chihuahuas for many many years not to give first shots to a Chihuahua puppy until 10 weeks as they are tiny. I do understand the reason behind this. I do not understand how this will affect socialization and if the delayed shots will interfere with the shot schedule.

Does a Chihuahua puppy have to be a certain weight before first vaccination?

How should I inquire about this with our vet?
Alot of toy breeders delay the first vaccination because of weight ...a tiny toy breed gets exactly the same vacciantion amount as a mastiff:rolleyes::eek::eek:some people have the first vaxes done and then titre test as toy breeds can be prone to adverse reactions ....vaccinations is the only meds not based on the dogs weight ....why i dont know ....:)
Thank you. It makes sense to wait. I wish vets ( I have not talked to mine yet) would go by weight. Say we will give first vaccination when dog or cat weighs 2-3 lbs vs 8 weeks. To me it would give a safer recommendation than age.

I most likely will wait until 10 weeks for the safety of our Chihuahua.
The socialisation window closes at 16 weeks though. What you can do is arrange for him to meet calm vaccinated dogs in your garden or theirs, and carry him around to see and hear all the things he should experience. If he isn't on the ground in public, he will be safe. This guide is very good.

Puppy Plan - Welcome to the Puppy Socialisation Plan website
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Do discuss this with your vet. I'm not sure the size of the dog makes a difference or that later is safer - a vaccination works simply by stimulating the immune system and theoretically, only one single viral cell can start the process, just as you only have to inhale one cold germ to get a cold.

Caution is good, but by delaying the vaccination to be on the 'safe side', you are increasing risks associated with being susceptible to disease (e.g. if you bring it into the house on your shoes, however unlikely that is) and with delayed socialisation. Remember, people who have 'done it this way for years' may also be mistaken, and won't have done a scientific study to see if outcomes of their way are truly better.

Just had a google to make sure I'm not talking rubbish - it looks like some (huma
Agree with the advice given above. There is a huge amount of anti vaccs propganda around at the moment and you will hear a lot of people telling you they have done things a certain way for years but as has been pointed out socialisation is important and if you leave it too long you will end up with a brat dog that no one like and who cant get along with anyone else. Or you could accidently leave the way open for other fatal infections,..
Talk to your vet explain your worried and find the best middle ground that will keep your pup safe..
Very good points. I will discuss all this with our vet. They are very knowledgeable and specialize in dogs cats and small animals. My biggest concern is socialization but I also don't want to take a chance of Chihuahua having a severe reactions. However, that can happen at any age and with any dog just like a human. Definitely going to ask our vet
Just had a google to make sure I'm not talking rubbish - it looks like some (huma

Oops, somehow the end of my post fell off! I haven't time to find the link I posted, but it was in relation to human vaccines and said that doses for some are determined by the size/age of the person, but for most, because of the way vaccines work, everyone from a baby to an adult can safely have the same dose.
judyN thank you for the help.
I just want what's best for him from the start. My last chi we got when she was 8 years old and she had been over bred, smelled horrible, etc. She lived to be 20 and our vet was awesome with her. They spayed her and kept a close eye on her( one tech sat with her throughout the whole recovery) , she had a few minor behavior issues that was resolved with time. As chi puppy I want to do what's right from the beginning. I know I may be dreaming, but I want to say we got a chi from 8 weeks and he lived to 20 years old. I want to show love and spoil him and teach him manners from the beginning.

It's so tough knowing what to do some times.
I appreciate all the help this board has given me
Went into vets today to inquire about vaccinations and prices. Found out our vet modifies them for small dogs so it will get a weight appropriate dose. They space them out a little further on Chihuahua depending on condition and weight of pup. First month of flea and heartworm is free at first visit. First visit is about $100 USD. That includes fecal exam and wormer if needed. At the first visit we will then find out about boosters and when to go back for them as well as an itemized list of prices for future appointments. So all is good. All prices include office visit price. So all good news. They will do shots at 8 weeks proving pup is healthy and no concerns about being under weight per say. If they think it's to the pups best interest to wait they will do the first vaccination at 10 weeks. So I am glad we inquired. Thought I would let you know what the vet said so far. And all this info was free.
Hi, breeders should have at least microchipped the pup by 8 weeks and potentially done the 1st set of vaccinations. Also the breeder should have dewormed the pup too because these worms are passed through the mums milk. I don’t recommend waiting for the puppy to weigh more as the mg of vaccine will only stay the same and the socialisation period is swiftly approaching. I would go into your vets office and have a consultation with them about what they think.
Hi, breeders should have at least microchipped the pup by 8 weeks and potentially done the 1st set of vaccinations. Also the breeder should have dewormed the pup too because these worms are passed through the mums milk. I don’t recommend waiting for the puppy to weigh more as the mg of vaccine will only stay the same and the socialisation period is swiftly approaching. I would go into your vets office and have a consultation with them about what they think.
The OP did go and see the vet. Also, I don't think they are in the U.K. as they mentioned paying in dollars so microchipping laws will be different.
Microchip is optional. Our Chi will not be off leash outside and with me at all times due to my anxiety which a dog helps with. My vet is very responsible and the person I am getting the pup from is also very knowledgeable. I will get all paperwork of what has been on day of pick up, well actually they are driving to me. Thank you for the concerns.