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Urine Test

well if its true that dogs are like their owners then according to the coven on here me and him have only got one ball each ;) shame they are wrong on both counts cos it would have made a great stage act
Who does this about balls and lack of them refer to ,me ? or you ? more proof please sir ?
watch me get shot down for this butwhy is it a hell of a lot of people in the dog world on the dole?

a few months I nearly claimed (being a roofer there wasnt much work) but my self and a few other muddled through by all labouring for each other (different trades) and I thought no I'm not but there seems to be a hell of a lot of long term people on the dole in dogs loads claiming they are ill but they can still trot the dogs around the ring.

BTW i must add that this is in no way aimed at those who seem to lose their lives being carers because the government hasnt anything in place for the unfortunate members of their family

rant over
I'll guess that you are a self employed roofer, and that your as honest as the day is long when filling in your tax returns :b

Some press reports suggest the informal economy could be withholding as much as £75billion from the Treasury coffers, mainly through so-called ‘cash-in-hand’ payments.
lol you know nothing about the construction industry its all stopped at source now(tax) and let me guess you have never paid cash for anything and you have declared any pups you may have bred to the treasury?
I know more than you think about the construction industry, I was refering to the cash in hand jobs in and around your area.

I can clearly see that you're a roofer 8) because you've got a slate loose :lol:
i dont have time for cash in hand jobs to busy with othwer things but I have done the odd cash in hand job over the years but since leaving school26 yrs ago I have never not paid tax and these lazy bastard leeches claiming money week in week out rent cars and living money are the scum of this country and I wonder why this thread gets up yr back ? hmmmm :- And I would rather have a slate loose than be a leech incidently miss know more than you think all the boys that work for me have always been told that they dont do any cash jobs on my time or with my vehicles or equipment never mind go neck a placebo
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All jokes aside that song describes some jobs that some people end up doing (local council springs to mind ) If they never had the made up jobs they got all they would eat would be bread1 bread! bread! lol
I have a sex addiction and have to spend all day ,so have only got time to walk the dogs inbetween doing it :clown: do you think i could get a mobility allowance ?(please bear in mind that i work as a milkman )
ROFLMAO! :lol:
I have a sex addiction and have to spend all day ,so have only got time to walk the dogs inbetween doing it :clown:do you think i could get a mobility allowance ?(please bear in mind that i work as a milkman )
how're your thumbs pmsl

very sorry couldn't help myself