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Urgent Advice Needed - Introducing An Older Dog To Home

parker ink

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I need some advice re introducing a new, older dog to the house. I have a 3yo castrated makle whippet who is very gentle. A neighbour has become very sick and his dog (middle aged non-hyper border collie ex working sheepdog) was taken on by other neighbours. She didn't get on well with their hyper spaniel (they were being fed from the same bowl!) And so she has ended up at the animal shelter.

She gets on well w Cody when I meet her and her master on walks, tho she would undoubtedly be the top dog if they lived together.

It would be my intention to take them both out for a very long walk together before bringing them into the house for the first time.

I would also crate her when I am not in the room for the first few months to ensure there is no disaster in my absence.

Right? Wrong? Any other tips would be very very welcome.
It is rare for a bitch and dog to fight!!!! If they already know each other you should have no problem. The walk is a very good idea. I am sure things will work out.

Good luck.
I need some advice re introducing a new, older dog to the house. I have a 3yo castrated makle whippet who is very gentle. A neighbour has become very sick and his dog (middle aged non-hyper border collie ex working sheepdog) was taken on by other neighbours. She didn't get on well with their hyper spaniel (they were being fed from the same bowl!) And so she has ended up at the animal shelter.She gets on well w Cody when I meet her and her master on walks, tho she would undoubtedly be the top dog if they lived together.

It would be my intention to take them both out for a very long walk together before bringing them into the house for the first time.

I would also crate her when I am not in the room for the first few months to ensure there is no disaster in my absence.

Right? Wrong? Any other tips would be very very welcome.
good idea.

you might also want to let them eat their meals in seperate rooms so they can both eat in peace.Also any food treats you give, make sure they are not able to argue over them either. Apart from that Good Luck I hope it works out for you.
I don't really give food treats anyway, and cody doesn't sleep in our bedroom or anythinmg so hopefully there won't be much cause for jealousy.

In my wildest fantasy after few months they will get on really welland sleep together, which Cody would love. I am not hoping too much tho.

We have 3 Bengal cats wgich may b more of a problem. Appaerntly she is shy of cats and thiis is a very bouncy breed of cat. Again, I will keep them seperate till she gets used to them.

Good point re feeding seperately. Thanks.

Fingers crossed that it works out. She is a real one man dog and I just want her to feel secure in the end.
How lovely of you to take on an 'oldie'. You have been given great advice already. I would be unusual for a dog and bitch to fight, so I'm sure they will be fine.

I had two adults - Bobby (Collie X aged 8) and Dolly (Whippet aged 2) when Remmy (Whippet) came to live with us nearly 3 years ago. She was then 10 months old. I have never had any problems with any of them (except for Bobby with food or chews!!). Remmy settled in so quickly and they all get on really well together. :wub: :wub: :wub:

Good luck. :luck: :luck:
hi ,iv introduced 5 bitches to my pack of 2males and one bitch over a period of time ,first was my little rescue poppy who was 7 yrs old and my existing dogs were around 1-4 yrs old they exceped her straight away no problems at all in fact she became top bitch very quickly and kept all the others in there place then came a little bitch puppy few teathing probs like haveing to stop her running them ragged but no major insidents ,then came a 2yr old bitch and 6yr old bitch at same time was very challenging as my tia wasnt to shure of them and told them off a bit ...but i wont tollerate squabbles in this house ,so she got told off any signs of agression also same with the two new comers ,they now happily all curl up together and play,i always feed in lots of three as my older boy ollie has been know to show some agression were food is concernd so wen they get treats they get seperated or food never take chances were food is concernd ,then came another pup which again they all toook in there stride and welcomed with open arms or paws lol ,i think if you relaxed and show that its ok for this dog to come into your home and share your space then im shure your excisting dog will follow your lead ,goood luck taking on a rescue is very rewarding :D
Well done for taking her on, what a lovely thing to do!

It doesn't sound as though you'll have too much trouble with the dogs, especially if they've met before and got on OK. Introducing them outside the house and a walk together before bringing her indoors is a good idea. She will probably appreciate a bed in a quiet place where she can take herself off if she wants some peace - a crate with the door open can be a cosy den if you have space for one. Best not feed them too close together and supervise feeding times at first in case one decides to nick the other's food.

We have some general advice on introducing cats and dogs on the Oldies Club site you might find useful:

Loads of luck with her, I hope we're going to hear how you get on - and see some pictures of them both! :luck:
She is arriving on Saturday. Eeep. I knoiw my dog will be fine as he very submissive and friendly. She has a sharper edge to her and I need to watch that Cody doenst irritate her.

Some of u may know from prev posts I am a bit of a worrier - not w horses as I know what I am doiung w them, but I don't know a huge amount about dogs. I need to be super relaxed and 'calm assertive' Like her old owner in fact. A shepherd who was born knowing dogs.

I hope she is not too stredded by the fact she has lost her master, had 2 homes that didn't work out and is now in the pound. All within * month. Poor creature.

Callled the vet for advice and medical background. He couldn't recommend her highly enough. Said he hoped to see her shortly. I spluttered that I was just checking her out and not making any promises. He laughed and said, 'see you about a fortnight for her checkup!' Dammit! :lol:

Btw - pls ecuse spelling. Am on blackberry.

She is very very well trained but, becuase her owner unable to speak, I am not sure of what commands she is used to. Are there any standard sheepdog commands that I can learn or will it be a case of experimenting? Just basic lie down, sit, stay kind of stuff. She doenst need to 'come by' or anything.

Am semi excited and semi daunted. Is an extra dog a lot more work than just one dog? Am thoroughly expecitng the first few months to be really hard and hope to be pleasantly surprised.
well done for taking an oldie on , esp one who sounds as needy as she is

Im sure she will settle no problem and the 2 of them will get on great .

You will find having 2 twice as fun as one , they will love each others company Im sure , You sound a very sensible person ands seemd to have thought of everything.

Photos and updates needed please
Hope she settles in well. It must be a comfort to her ill owner that a neighbour is so willing to give her a home.
We might not get her after all. Becuase the people put her in the piound she is now the pound's property. We are going for interview tomorrow but I fear they may say that she needs a home where she is the only dog and won't listen to the fact we know her and she gets on ok w Cody on walks so should eventually get on well w him in the house. Keep ur fiungers ultra crossed for us and her.
fingers crossed for you, you could always explain that she will be out with you on the horse (if fit enough) and 'working' at the yard so she will still get plenty of stimunlation.
Good luck :luck: it sounds like you have a wonderful home to offer her and that she really deserves it.

The more the merrier in most cases so I wouldn't worry too much about upping the number of dogs you have. I've nothing to add to the excellent advice you've already been offered ... just wanted to say good luck ... it sounds as though you and she were meant for each other :)
Went for the interview and long story short the woman doesn't see a problem with us getting Jess but they have top do a home visit first. I should hear when today. Am hoping that they will want her in a home asap so will come very soon. Becuase we r just about to enter the dead season catering-wise this would be a very good time to get her.

She is one of those lovely chunky broad headed collies rather than the foxy faced ones (I like both) with quite a lot of white. Are there 2 disintct types or is it just random? Eg w Highland ponies, although they r the same breed there r 2 types.

Saw her in the pound (didn't let her see me as didn't want to upset her) and it was quite sad but I reminded myself that its no worse than a dog being put in kennels while the owner goes on holiday - so long as I get her out pronto that is.

Sigh :/
Hope you get her and it all works out well for you all :)
Everything crossed it all works out and she's home with you very soon :luck:
Yay! Phoned this a.m. And the guy who is in charge said they didn't need to do a home visit as he had checked. w the vet who sang our praises re being knowledgable, sensible and keeping all our animls in good condition. As the vet has been at the house he was able to say it was suitable, and the kids sensible.

So we piclk her up tomorrow :D

Am so happy and and also very pleased and flattered re what the vet said.

Now, I mustnt blow it by getting overexcited and turning into a silly sentimental girly wjen Jess arrives.

Just shwos, though, that rescue centres can and will bend the rules for the sake of the dog.
Fantastic news - I do hope we're going to get some pictures once she's there and settled! :D