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Unpopular Opinions

I only realised a couple of years ago that childless (by choice) couples get criticised - apart from all the benefits of being childless, why on earth would it be anyone else's business?

Mad Murphy said:
Still dont get the meat thing isnt it like someone bragging about not smoking and then using nicotine gum?? Still enjoying the flavour but not the real product.

It's not about bragging though, it's about eating what fits with your ethical beliefs and what you enjoy. And if you grew up eating burgers, sausages and roast dinners, life's so much easier if you can still use those basic forms rather than have to reinvent the wheel. And many vegetarians/vegans recognise that the ethics aren't that clear cut - in a way it's illogical to reject meat but to eat dairy, because of the issues surrounding dairy farming (male calves are 'spares') - but it's what I do, just because it's what I feel comfortable(ish) with, and because I can't find alternatives to milk & cheese that I like.

As for the health questions around meat replacements - well, what is healthy this week could be unhealthy next week. All you can do is read around the subject and make a best guess - based on science, not on your ethical preferance.

Right, now I have to think of an unpopular opinion... Given that there are an estimated 4200 religions in the world, the chances of any one single religion being 'right' are vanishingly small, so any religious person should accept that they are almost certainly wrong in what they believe. (Ducks head below parapet...)
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@JudyN why does your quote say I said that? I didn't say that lol @Mad Murphy did. Or is it my phone being funny.
It's ridiculous that women are just expected to have babies and its strange or frowned upon if they don't. Just like dogs, there are too many babies in the world, some that are starving or ill and we don't need to make more. Just because we can do something doesn't mean we have to.
Similarly it's annoying that couples are just expected to get married after a few years. That doesn't always suit everyone. A relative of mine has been with their partner for 14 years and they're not married, they have one child and are very happy the way they are.
I still agree with @JudyN about the fake meat thing, just makes life easier. Next people will be saying that vegans shouldn't have dairy alternatives!'s your lettuce leaf, enjoy.
@Mad Murphy yes, I'm sorry but overweight people should not wear tight leggings, or a top that's too tight...

I actually agree with you there about religion, it's so far fetched and I just don't believe in it.

Unpopular opinion: we shouldn't be giving our money to people in poor countries, first we should be teaching them a about and providing contraception!
Endless charity adverts showing children suffering, starving, going blind etc. They need to stop having kids or have less kids at least!
@JudyN why does your quote say I said that? I didn't say that lol @Mad Murphy did. Or is it my phone being funny.

I'm not quite sure how I managed that - it must be a special skill :D I suspect as MM had quoted you in the post I quoted her from, I managed to pick up your name instead of hers... Anyhoo, I've gone back in and edited :)
@Jack-Russell-Lover agree with you about charity beginning at home. I keep a very sharp eye on where my charity donations go. I get the yearly finacials from each of the ones we give to regularly so I now exactly where they spend the money. Big charities give the bosses idiotic pay while as little as 1p in the pound ends up where you think youve donated to.
Religion; one of my favourite quotes is Blaise Pascal “Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.” the man hit the nail on the head with that...

Unpopular, people who chew gum and spit it on the pavements should be made to spend a day scraping old gum off the streets..
I only realised a couple of years ago that childless (by choice) couples get criticised - apart from all the benefits of being childless, why on earth would it be anyone else's business?

Exactly and yet.. Everyone from family (not me I always accepted she wasnt maternal) and friends to neighbours to work and even health professionals think it is and most trot out that same line when she says she doesnt want kids. "I bet you'll change your mind in a couple of years" ..
No she wont, but the really strange thing is that recently she has gone from being the evil witch who is refusing to reproduce to a thing of pity, the brave woman who is being prevented from reproducing by tragic circumstance.

What changed? Well she simply told people 'Ive decided that with my family history of mental illness including inheirited dementia I have decided not to have children for their sakes' She cant stand the pity looks but its better than being branded a witch. o_O
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Probably random but I hate artificial sweeteners, they taste nasty and are just nasty, I like sugar and I don't see why I should have to pay a sugar tax just because other people can't control themselves!!:mad: And agree with some of above, the leggings thing definitely, do people not have mirrors in their homes??:eek: Hate reality tv, but kinda like watching bake off sometimes:rolleyes:, but don't put that in the same class as love island,big brother etc.. and being veggie, I have no problem eating 'fake meats', I don't eat meat because eating part of a corpse doesn't sit right with me,(the whole breeding/growing an animal to eat thingo_O) but give me a juicy, vaguely meaty, chewy veggie burger with added veggie bacon, vegan cheese and vegan mayo, why not? It's damn tasty!!:D:p
I don't particularly like other people's children :p

When they were younger, there were days when I didn't particularly like my own!

And on that subject....

It's unreasonable to expect the males in a household where you're outnumbered three to one (not counting the dog and the cat) to put the loo seat down after using the loo, because the odds are that the next person to go to the loo will just have to lift it back up again.
When they were younger, there were days when I didn't particularly like my own

I have days like that. When I'm bone tired from work. They're tired from nursery/school. The dog still needs walking and we are all an emotional mess. Yesterday for example. But they're so so worth it.
On a side note. How cute is my Mum's new dog. Poor Rosie passed away in April. She had cancer and degenerated quite quickly :( so my Mum has rehomed little Maia. She is a pom x poodle and very cute.


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On a side note. How cute is my Mum's new dog. Poor Rosie passed away in April. She had cancer and degenerated quite quickly :( so my Mum has rehomed little Maia. She is a pom x poodle and very cute.
Oh, isn't she just!
@Flobo i don’t have an issue with sweeteners but sugar tax is silly!
I agree I’d take a meat free burger over a meat one any day..there’s nothing worse than taking a bite out of a piece of meat and crunching on a hard piece of gristle!! :eek:

I agree with that @JudyN..although I do cringe at having to touch the toilet seat...even if I know it’s clean, just gives me the heebee jeebees :eek:

More food related ones: cows milk is gross, ketchup should not be kept in the fridge (hot chips with cold sauce? No!).

@Teddy560 awwww she is gorgeous!! :)
I try to avoid artificial sweeteners too. Some will interfere with the uptake of my medicine.
Sugar tax? I do think some companies should be made to justify the amount and the hidden sugars they pack into products ..