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Unpopular Opinions


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Time for a nice game...

This is based on the one featured on Radio1 that I always miss!
Thought maybe we could do a variation here, you state your unpopular opinion and the next person says agree or disagree and states their unpopular opinion.

Here goes...Diet Coke, Pepsi, Coca Cola and the like are all overrated and dare I say gross! Just the thought of what they could be doing to your insides is enough to put me off! :eek::eek: ....yet everyone seems to love it, I don’t get it.
Reality TV is no better than gentlefolk going to Bedlam in the eighteenth century to laugh at the deranged.:p

Disagree - I love Strictly, Bake-Off, Great British Sewing Bee, Portrait/Landscape Artist of the Year. Not X Factor, Britain's Got Talent, Big Brother though.

My opinion - salted caramel and chocolate are vile. There's a reason why we don't sprinkle salt on sticky toffee pudding and chocolate ice cream - I just don't get it!
Ah but the things you like aren't reality but orchestrated TV. Big difference. (Love salted caramel too!)
Agree cola YUK .
Agree with @JudyN about the shows strictly is great no nastiness just lovely frocks and great music. Sewing bee artist of the year etc all great showcases for people with talent. The BB love island etc are just awful things for chavs to show off and scream at each other, its nasty and Ive never watched a whole show.
Unpopular; All those poeple whining about being on the Kyle show are just whingers they knew exactly what kind of show it was before.
celeb chef eateries are pompous overpriced cafes.
Macdonalds and KFC are not real food and should be labeled as such.
Sort of agree about reality tv although I did absolutely love Jeremy Kyle if that counts as reality tv?
Absolutely agree with @Mad Murphy about the idiots complaining now after they went on it multiple times so knew exactly what it was about!! And super annoyed that it got cancelled but Love Island has been given a chance to change their care of the people taking part and has stayed on air :mad::mad:
Agree about Love island, absolute rubbish that shouldn’t carry on, it should have been cancelled, not Jeremy Kyle who at least helped people!
Celeb chef eateries, never been to one but I can imagine they’re just glorified cafes yes.
Have to disagree about McDonald’s and kfc, love them both!!

Disagree about the salted caramel @JudyN although I do hate the fact that you can only get salted caramel desserts in restaurants etc. now, no good old caramel just salted caramel :( and hate it when they overdo the salt, has to be subtle!!

Unpopular opinion: films with cheesy singing parts should not exist e.g. Mama Mia etc...I watch a film for the story not to watch people pointlessly dance around and sing even if it is vaguely related to the story. And don’t even get me started on when they do it in tv shows, even more pointless and annoying..reach for the remote and fast forward.
Another one...Jelly and ice cream does not go together!!
Maybe that’s the reason it’s just a kid thing but I don’t even know who thought of ruining ice cream like that, just gross. I don’t even think I liked it as a kid lol.
I know! Super gross combo!
Disagree about Philip Glenister, had to google haha, but then recognised him from Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes (loved those shows btw!)..But no. Lol

Queen sucks.
Queen sucks.

Not sure what " the Queen" gets up to, but the group Queen had some seriously fantastic music.

Unpopular ......all the miserable soaps like EE and corrie with the doom and gloom stories should be banned by order of the NHS they cause depression.
Queen sucks!!!!!!
Freddie Mercury was amazing lol.
Jack Russells are really misunderstood cuddle monsters.
Aldi’s Coke Zero is better than the real thing
Unpopular ......all the miserable soaps like EE and corrie with the doom and gloom stories should be banned by order of the NHS they cause depression.

Not sure I'd ban them unless there's clear evidence that they do harm (maybe some people benefit from the storylines and 'If you have been affected by any of the issues....'), not that I'd ever want to watch them.

Early Queen was great (if you ignore the cheesy songs), then in the 80s they went a bit - well - 1980s! I still remember hearing Bohemian Rhapsody for the first time.

Unpopular opinion: Supervet is pretty boring, as it's all nuts, bolts and hammers, and 'OMG, this is the worse case I've ever seen, I really don't know if I can fix it' every. single. time. Now, The Yorkshire Vet, also known as 'Prolapses and Poo' in this house, is top notch:) (And Julian takes his shirt off more often than Noel :D)
@Mad Murphy no way, EastEnders actually does the opposite for me, it makes me happy! Lol. Is that twisted?
The others I couldn't care less about!
Thank you @Janer...can't actually think of Freddie Mercury song off the top of my head :oops:
Definitely agree about Jack Russells, total cuddle monsters! :D
Can't comment about Aldi's Coke zero as I can't drink that stuff, it's horrible.
Finally, must disagree @JudyN about Supervet, I'm addicted to it, but The Yorkshire Vet is boring. It's just shirtless men putting their hands up cows arses with the occasional case about a pet dog or cat. I'm sorry but farm animals don't interest me. Unless they're cute little lambs running around the field or baby piglets that are so cute I want to squish them!

This leads me to my next opinion...Meat is seriously overrated. Is it actually tasty most of the time? No. It's bland and the texture isn't very nice...even when cooked in a sauce etc. It's just so much chewing that isn't really worth it.
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@Jack-Russell-Lover twisted? maybe but if it makes you happy then theres something good coming from it.

Meat very unpopular but yes I love it. Sorry but I do. We give thanks for the animal that has died to provide us with that meal but we enjoy it. Now to be very unpopular we eat the normal pork beef lamb and chicken but also venison kangaroo, duck, goose and horse. Chewy? its why we have teeth!

One thing I dont get about the veggie lot. They say they dont eat dont believe in eating meat and then do their very best to shape texture and flavour soya and snotty algae type fungi into meat shapes and flavours , chicken or mince burgers sausages and meatballs.. why not be truthful about what it is instead of disguising it as something they claim not to like?

Supervet, well its all about cutting edge and taking risks as well as £££, with Yorkshire vet its about the real world front line, normal people.

JRT ? I think they have the same problems as the bull breeds , its the idiot at the other end of the lead that gives them a bad name..
It’s just good tv that’s all, hehe.
Wow, what are the unconventional meats like?
I’d rather not spend 5 minutes chewing one mouthful of meat lol.
Sorry I disagree. A lot of people say that about veggie ‘fake meat’ but who cares? Just because it’s in a ‘meatball’ or burger shape they’re disguising it as a meat product? They can’t have a burger because it’s too similar to a meat burger? What are they supposed to eat a block of tofu as it comes?
A vegetarian can still like the taste of meat can’t they? They’re not not eating it because they don’t like the flavour, most I think do it for moral reasons don’t they? Plus if they’re not shaped like meat products it just makes veggie meals more of a pain doesn’t it, at least if there’s one veggie in a family they can still have sausage and mash like everyone else.
What really gets me about veggie/vegan food is that people/restaurants think it needs to be spicy to give it flavour! I hate spice so if I see a dish that sounds good on a menu then see that it’s full of spice I get so annoyed.

Supervet isn’t about ‘normal’ people? Sounds like you’re saying they’re all snobs on there...
It’s normal people in a more difficult situation, not just another vet programme.

Definitely, all breeds that have a bad name have humans to blame!

Agree. Using phones while driving/cycling is just plain stupid.

I’m struggling to think of any now haha. I guess this is one for the women...high waisted jeans are ridiculously uncomfortable and should not be as popular as they are these days. I went out to find some low waisted jeans and there was a tiny section for them in every shop and in some none at all! :mad::eek:
I agree with @Jack-Russell-Lover on veggies pretending to be meat - it makes perfect sense though sadly, they're not often very good. Quorn chicken, TVP mince - no. Give me a decent brown lentil chilli rather than a pretend meat one any day.

I agree with @Jack-Russell-Lover and @Mad Murphy on high/low-rise jeans! As I'm generally quite low-rise myself, high-rise jeans end up coming into contact with my bra band when I sit down! Though when I finally found some low-rise jeans I thought were comfy... well, I should have tried bending over in them. Builder's bum is not a good look....

Unpopular opinion - the very, very, very best thing to do to help the environment is to not have children.
@Mad Murphy this is why I don't wear short tops, I usually go for something long so that when I sit /bend down I'm covered. Or put an undertop on and tuck it in. It's the only bad thing about low rise but I even find mid rise uncomfortable.
That's made me think of another cringey fashion disaster... people who wear leggings only, leggings are supposed to accompany skirts/dresses or something are they not? Not to be worn alone where you can see knicker lines or even actual knickers :eek::eek:

Have to disagree with you there @JudyN I actually really like the fake stuff. I made a lasagne with Quorn mince once and its the best lasagne I ever had!
Sadly I haven't made it since because my partner is a caveman who won't eat a meal without meat or fish.
I should do a test really and make one without telling him and see if he notices lol. Hahaha try before you buy!
Completely agree with you about children! These people you see on TV with giant families, what is it called? 20 kids and counting or something?
At the very least there should be a 1-2 child limit.

(I'm sorry in advance)
Cockerpoos aren't even that cute...they're silly looking. :oops:
@Jack-Russell-Lover totally agree with the child limit thing also and very unpopular I think anyone on benefits should be told that any child conveived after they claim will not receive benefits. I know someone who has 6 children ranging from early 20s to pre school, she has never worked a day in her life and has no intention of ever doing so. Having a preschool child in the house and being a single mum allowed her to remain claiming all these years. Disgusting parasite.

My daughter is made to feel like a leper or an evil witch when she says she doesnt want children, unpoular idea but, having a womb does not mean you have to use it.

As for the leggings ....:eek: esp when worn by very overweight people who strech the fabric to the limit !

Still dont get the meat thing isnt it like someone bragging about not smoking and then using nicotine gum?? Still enjoying the flavour but not the real product..
Also unpopular when you tell people that Soya is not as healthy as its cracked up to be nor as eco friendly. it takes huge amounts of soya to produce these meat type products and both myself and my daughter have been told by endocrinologists that we should avoid all soya products and not try meat replacement foodstuffs.