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Unexplained Health Problem

Really pleased you seem to be making headway now ... fingers crossed the abs do the trick.

Be well Eskil (and then your poor Mum can stop worrying).

thank you for your kind words and thoughts.

I thought I need to cheer him up and have just ordered him a snazzy new collar from Hurtta, hope he likes it :)
In a strange way, it's a relief that Eskil has now shown some form of tangible illness.

Hopefully the shivering and depression was the build up to the gastric infection he seems to have now.

Please give him a hug from me and tell him he is a brave boy - mine all get stuck to the ceiling when they see a needle at the vets (w00t)

Good luck for a full recovery very quickly xx
I'm glad to report that Eskil seems to be back to his normal bouncy and bubbly self, it's still early days but I was so happy to see him today running about, playing with Popsy, being interested in his food (24 hour starvation does wonders :p ) and drinking.

I took him out with me to the communal garden to meet my OH returning from work and he even cleared some 4 ft high wall that was fencing off a bit of a garden, just saw him up in the air, thought it was just a leap of joy until OH called me to help get him out of it, fenced from all sides, had to climb into it myself :lol: Eskil looked well pleased with himself.

I'm sure his recovery has something to do with all those crossed fingers on here ;)