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Two Greyhounds Lost Between Kettlewell And Northampton


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Two greyhounds thrown out of the back pof a transit van, one has only three legs, both covered in blood - near the roundabout junction of A43 and A14 - near a scrap yard. One tan and one Blue - and the dogs were tied together with a blue rope (as if they would not be able to get out of the way of traffic). Search parties needed to save these two dogs who ran off best they coul dinto fields.


"A43 between Kettering and Northampton neighbour's daughter has just rung - 2 greyhounds were deliberately thrown out of the back doors of a moving transit van a couple of cars ahead of her. One of the dogs only has 3 legs and both appeared to be covered in blood. The dogs shot off into fields and cannot be seen at present. Police have been informed. If anyone is in the area please keep an eye out for them."

The old Charlie's scrap yard is being used as a base and the volunteers out looking are working through the fields opposite, up to Mawsley and Broughton

GS has just spoken to Northamptonshire Police for an update on this atrocity.

Volunteers from a group called NANNA(

)are out on a search for the Greyhounds dumped.N.Police have passed on GS phone number to NANNA, and so hope to hear news soon.


dogs missing two full days now. I don't see any good news. Anyone who can help with the search operation or has seen the dogs can ring NANNA animal helpfline 07554990804

I saw the notice re these dogs on

you are welcome to add the info to other sites
Some sad Ba**ards about !!!! Any news ?
sounds very odd missing 2 days tied together and 1 with 3 legs??

hope its a hoax
there is a website devoted to them now

perhaps have got separated, a brindle greyhound sighted in in the Billing area of Northampton, however didn't say if this hound was 3 legged

dogs were bloody; was the leg cut off by people who threw dogs from van? Or if was an old amputation, then clearly not very recently a racing or coursing dog , possibly stolen pet?

(a lot of wasted time if this story is a hoax, but I'd rather learn it was than that these dogs were do cruelly mistreated. Tied together in the obvious hope that they would quickly get hit by a car)

Possible sighting of the 3 legged dog

Postby sadeyes on 2012-01-05, 01:31:58 pm

Last night while I was driving to my parents house I believe I might have seen the three legged grey hound. It was dark, so i'm not certain of the coat colour, but it was definitely a three legged greyhound. Was on Rothwell RD in Desborough near the fields.

I pulled over, but it was gone by the time I got out of the car. didn't see where it went but I hope this helps. Didn't see any other dogs, hope nothing bad happened.

Re: Possible sighting of the 3 legged dog

Postby nattyagain on 2012-01-05, 01:36:57 pm

ok thanks

we believe this dog is now home , thanks.

from FB (posted on 05.01.12 at 14.11:

"We have strong belief that the Greyhounds have been or are being reunited with their owner.

All relevent details are being passed to the local authorities, who are dealing with this incident."
The information is all a bit confusing, but it seems that these dogs were taken as a result of an argument between travellers and dumped, but the original owner now has them back. Doesn't sound as though they are in a very good situation, poor dogs :(