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Two Champs ????


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At the risk of sounding negative i just have to get this of my chest Sorry folks

We are a group of people from all over the UK that meet a weekends to race our dogs.We have our fellow sports men & women; we have our friends, our very close friends, and even family (w00t) to compete against.

Then we all go home back to our Mon-Sat lives whatever that maybe. Sunday is our day off doing what we love racing our whippet.

The four Championships are the high light of the year, counting the days and planning getting the dogs ready for the big day. Lot of us staying over, we have had some great Sat nights before the Champs.

This year has been a nightmare for every Whippet racer, i don't think that there has been a single person that has not been affected.

When the second Champs was cancelled in June we were all gutted fed up & left feeling deflated.

Despite the WCRA 's committee working so hard to try and resolve the problem, and has it was not. They decided to cancel the third Championships.

So some very good people in our sport felt that they would do what they could to give us all a Championship that we could go to as the WCRA had cancelled yet again. Then for some reason the WCRA decided to put the WCRA Champs back on.



We all know the reasons behind all this and I don't wish to bring that all up yet again. I know that lots of folks absolutely Know which Champs to run with, but there are others that feel dammed either way.

1. Do they go with the NPWRA who have worked there socks off to give an alternative when the WCRA decided to cancel?

2. Do they go with the WCRA who have worked so hard to save our sport and hope that with more time something positive can be sorted out ?

My heart is with what i know and love at Morton with all my friends together.

Well that's not going to happen is it? with some at Morton and some at the Indi

What does one do ?

If you go to the WCRA will it up set the NPWRC? if you go to the NPWRC will it up set the WCRA


It's an impossible situation for some. Your Dammed if you do and your Dammed if you don't.

I would just like to say i do support the new NPWRC and I am working my but off making badges for them and they are looking very nice.

But i still feel very sad sitting here with Two Championship entry forms in front of me

It's my 50th Birthday today and if i could have one wish for my birthday it would be that next year we could find the strength to unite together somehow to

all bat for the same side again and be one big happy family here's hoping ( from the heart) See you at the Champs ?
At the risk of sounding negative i just have to get this of my chest Sorry folks
We are a group of people from all over the UK that meet a weekends to race our dogs.We have our fellow sports men & women; we have our friends, our very close friends, and even family (w00t) to compete against.

Then we all go home back to our Mon-Sat lives whatever that maybe. Sunday is our day off doing what we love racing our whippet.

The four Championships are the high light of the year, counting the days and planning getting the dogs ready for the big day. Lot of us staying over, we have had some great Sat nights before the Champs.

This year has been a nightmare for every Whippet racer, i don't think that there has been a single person that has not been affected.

When the second Champs was cancelled in June we were all gutted fed up & left feeling deflated.

Despite the WCRA 's committee working so hard to try and resolve the problem, and has it was not. They decided to cancel the third Championships.

So some very good people in our sport felt that they would do what they could to give us all a Championship that we could go to as the WCRA had cancelled yet again. Then for some reason the WCRA decided to put the WCRA Champs back on.



We all know the reasons behind all this and I don't wish to bring that all up yet again. I know that lots of folks absolutely Know which Champs to run with, but there are others that feel dammed either way.

1. Do they go with the NPWRA who have worked there socks off to give an alternative when the WCRA decided to cancel?

2. Do they go with the WCRA who have worked so hard to save our sport and hope that with more time something positive can be sorted out ?

My heart is with what i know and love at Morton with all my friends together.

Well that's not going to happen is it? with some at Morton and some at the Indi

What does one do ?

If you go to the WCRA will it up set the NPWRC? if you go to the NPWRC will it up set the WCRA


It's an impossible situation for some. Your Dammed if you do and your Dammed if you don't.

I would just like to say i do support the new NPWRC and I am working my but off making badges for them and they are looking very nice.

But i still feel very sad sitting here with Two Championship entry forms in front of me

It's my 50th Birthday today and if i could have one wish for my birthday it would be that next year we could find the strength to unite together somehow to

all bat for the same side again and be one big happy family here's hoping ( from the heart) See you at the Champs ?
Oh Happy Birthday June :huggles:

No one needs to feel bad if they want to go to Moreton - we started up the NPWRA because there was no other choice if you want to run in a fair sport. There was nothing left for us, and it was unfortunate that after begging some members of the WCRA to break from the Whippet Club last Sunday, ban the dogs, and face the consequences of the Whippet Club afterwards, that they chose the Whippet Club over the very people who have supported them for years - the people who put fuel into their cars to go to a meeting held in place of the Championships. A huge majority of clubs voted to ban the dogs - the WCRA wanted to ban the dogs, but still they allowed the Whippet Club to over rule them. Then the Champs was cancelled, and ONLY THEN, did we go ahead with an alternative. Some committee members felt unable to stay with the WCRA, and have been welcomed to join us in our new venture. It was never intended to be an opposition to the WCRA, as we were told the WCRA couldn't work with the Whippet Club, and that they were more than likely going to fold.

We had hoped the remaining committee might join with us in starting the NPWRA, but instead they have chosen to reinstate the Championships because we have put on a meeting, and carry on a meeting where these dogs of unproven breeding are allowed to compete with pedigree dogs. It is not fair on the dogs who run in their weight groups, and even though the majority of us who have started up the NPWRA don't have any dogs running in these groups, we could not sit back and watch it happen to our friends again. So now we say to the WCRA - carry on with something you do not believe in if it makes you feel good, and good luck to whoever wants to run with the WCRA - each to their own, and I hope they have a lovely day. We have nothing against the WCRA running a Championships on the same day as ours - we are happy with what we're doing. Live and let live, and go to wherever you feel you should be. Personally I could not carry on in the sport in the way in which it was being run, so it was either give up racing, or start a new pure, fair, and democratic association where all whippets compete on a level playing field, and the sport it run by the racers themselves.

I see you have been up late June, and I do hope you are feeling better in the morning. We have all been together tonight for the Gloucester draw, and we had a celebration of the start of the NPWRA, and it feels good. We all respect the feelings of others - we are happy with our new venture, and we are totally happy for anyone who feels they want to go to Moreton, and if they decide they want to join us sometime in the future, then that is fine too.
HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY JUNE :thumbsup: have a great day :thumbsup:
happy birthday June hope you have a lovely day :cheers: :cheers:
:thumbsup: happy birthday JUNE :thumbsup: have a great day

HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY JUNE :thumbsup: have a great day :thumbsup:
JUNE have you got photo of ELOVADO,as one of the pups that sonny jim & lighthouse rumours had just

there is one thats looks like him, :D have a look on thread pups 5mths
i think you have to look at the situation rationally and not sentimentally, do you run were you will be happy or run somewhere were you know really dogs shouldnt be running that are.then all youve been against for the past 18months has been a waste,of just have to treat it as an open would you run your dogs at an open with these dogs if no you have your answer. the champs wouldnt be the same ,ie dogs ,friends ,atmosphere ,racing .avoiding people you dont really want to see.having been only in the sport a few years our decision was easier because it was a rational decision .i am sure you will come to the right decision for yourselves :luck: maybe its just those oh god iam 50 blues kicking in (w00t) its not as bad as been 40
i think you have to look at the situation rationally and not sentimentally, do you run were you will be happy or run somewhere were you know really dogs shouldnt be running that are.then all youve been against for the past 18months has been a waste,of just have to treat it as an open would you run your dogs at an open with these dogs if no you have your answer. the champs wouldnt be the same ,ie dogs ,friends ,atmosphere ,racing .avoiding people you dont really want to see.having been only in the sport a few years our decision was easier because it was a rational decision .i am sure you will come to the right decision for yourselves :luck: maybe its just those oh god iam 50 blues kicking in (w00t) its not as bad as been 40

you are so right Graham :) like yourself it was an easy decision for us the last 18 mths have been so horrible but with the NPWRA it has been worth it :thumbsup:

onward and upwards we say :thumbsup:
Totally agree with you June ...... what do we do ......nothing would actually be right !? but having everything in mind as much as the new organsiation will be good , the WCRA have been running for around 30 years and how can we just let that go ! And i would really like a racing champion in the future please ! ! ! I think next year it will really good if we had two different championships on different dates like we did with the federation years ago! Then will be racing all the time ... and hopefully see everyone again ! I for one cannot wait for the 2nd of august to be done and gone then we can go to cornwall ! ! ! That hasn't been cancelled has it ? ... ... ... ! Good luck to wherever you go ! I'm sure everyone will have fun because remember it aint competiton between the two it's just racing our dogs ..
It has to be each to their own on Aug 2nd, June. As the WCRA did initially withhold passports and then were made to honour them again by the WC, they cancelled and then reinstated the Champs, can you really be convinced that THEY believe in what they are doing? I'm afraid I can't. For me personally, there is no contest.
I agree that it is personal choice, but the future is with the NPWRA, whichever meeting you attend on August 2nd.

It pains me to say it but the WCRA was doomed from the minute they decided to abide by the whippet club's ruling. It was clear and obvious that the far greater majority of racers wanted the litter/dna affair sorted out before passports were validated again, and when that didn't happen they voted with their feet. Yes, the WCRA could carry on, but with greatly reduced attendances, and shortage of help at meetings, the writing, I feel, is on the wall.

The fact is, that we do NOT need the Whippet Club. To paraphrase Monty Python - what have the Whippet Club ever done for us? They don't recognise our titles for one, which kind of states loud and clear how important WE are to THEM. On the plus side, they helped set up the WCRA in the first place, although I don't think there was any financial help (I may be wrong here, I just don't know) But even if there was financial help, the organisation has been self funding ever since. I understand that the equipment is "owned" by the WC - this seems just a tad piratical as the equipment has been updated and maintained ever since it's inception by the WCRA - i.e. racer's money, not the WC's. However, I can see how they would regard it as theirs, so let them have it - we can start anew.

Sorry June, I seem to have hijacked your thread here - so returning to topic - two Champs? That would be a mistake in my opinion. Yes there was the Federation a few years back, but more than one way of becoming a "champion" cheapens the achievement IMHO. You only have to look at the sport of boxing to see what a joke that has become with FIVE different world heavyweight champions at any one time! It also gives another excuse for racers to abandon club racing on yet another weekend, and let's not forget that without clubs there is NO whippet racing.

Personally I'd be glad if I had a dog to take to just one champs, but that's a whole other debate :) Don't argue Frankie, you know you would jump the rail just to embarrass me again!
I agree that it is personal choice, but the future is with the NPWRA, whichever meeting you attend on August 2nd.
It pains me to say it but the WCRA was doomed from the minute they decided to abide by the whippet club's ruling. It was clear and obvious that the far greater majority of racers wanted the litter/dna affair sorted out before passports were validated again, and when that didn't happen they voted with their feet. Yes, the WCRA could carry on, but with greatly reduced attendances, and shortage of help at meetings, the writing, I feel, is on the wall.

The fact is, that we do NOT need the Whippet Club. To paraphrase Monty Python - what have the Whippet Club ever done for us? They don't recognise our titles for one, which kind of states loud and clear how important WE are to THEM. On the plus side, they helped set up the WCRA in the first place, although I don't think there was any financial help (I may be wrong here, I just don't know) But even if there was financial help, the organisation has been self funding ever since. I understand that the equipment is "owned" by the WC - this seems just a tad piratical as the equipment has been updated and maintained ever since it's inception by the WCRA - i.e. racer's money, not the WC's. However, I can see how they would regard it as theirs, so let them have it - we can start anew.

Sorry June, I seem to have hijacked your thread here - so returning to topic - two Champs? That would be a mistake in my opinion. Yes there was the Federation a few years back, but more than one way of becoming a "champion" cheapens the achievement IMHO. You only have to look at the sport of boxing to see what a joke that has become with FIVE different world heavyweight champions at any one time! It also gives another excuse for racers to abandon club racing on yet another weekend, and let's not forget that without clubs there is NO whippet racing.

Personally I'd be glad if I had a dog to take to just one champs, but that's a whole other debate :) Don't argue Frankie, you know you would jump the rail just to embarrass me again!

very good post and i agree 100% with it :thumbsup: , having 8 championship meetings a year would imo take something away from winning,

the way forward for us racers is without doubt the NPWRA ;)
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more than one way of becoming a "champion" cheapens the achievement IMHO
Of course it does. How can this be an achievement even if it would have been well deserved, of course owners will never truly know if their dog should be there or not! No win situation.

It should also be reiterated that only achievements up to the 1st champs (for whippets with pedigrees acceptable to the members) will be carried over to the NPWRA, should the WCRA fold, those titles gained subsequently will probably not be recognised by the new body (of course a democratic decision will ratify these points in the year.

The point about club racing is a really valid point Ian. We don't go to many opens, but we are great supporters of our club.
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As far as we know the WCRA is still under the governing of the Whippet Club, so really have no say over the sport at all. It would have been better for them to join us in our venture, and as the saying goes "two heads are better than one". We are at present investigating grounds to run on - would it not have been admirable of them to suggest we get together and run at Moreton, instead of reinstating an event in opposition?

I agree with Ian, the WCRA cannot continue under the Whippet Club - how about they put their expertise into joining us in helping the NPWRA committee, who will be elected by the racers, to run the sport the way the racers want it. One member, one vote. Think about it WCRA - it could be the best racing you've ever had!
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Why were the WCRA champs reinstated was it a hurdle/time delay for the NWPRA?

The WCRA aren't keen on letting certain dogs run paspports Suspended/Re-issued/Suspended.

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: So why are they going out of their way to put on champs now to run with dogs they don't really,really want there? :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Time they swallowed there pride and reformed within the NWPRA ;)
Why were the WCRA champs reinstated was it a hurdle/time delay for the NWPRA?
The WCRA aren't keen on letting certain dogs run paspports Suspended/Re-issued/Suspended.

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: So why are they going out of their way to put on champs now to run with dogs they don't really,really want there? :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Time they swallowed there pride and reformed within the NWPRA ;)
i see your from Reading.... ;) so am i :thumbsup:
Why were the WCRA champs reinstated was it a hurdle/time delay for the NWPRA?
The WCRA aren't keen on letting certain dogs run paspports Suspended/Re-issued/Suspended.

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: So why are they going out of their way to put on champs now to run with dogs they don't really,really want there? :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Time they swallowed there pride and reformed within the NWPRA ;)
i see your from Reading.... ;) so am i :thumbsup:
OMG, don't tell her your address Jumbo (she's care in the community and will be camping on your doorstep before you know it :eek: )
Why were the WCRA champs reinstated was it a hurdle/time delay for the NWPRA?
The WCRA aren't keen on letting certain dogs run paspports Suspended/Re-issued/Suspended.

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: So why are they going out of their way to put on champs now to run with dogs they don't really,really want there? :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Time they swallowed there pride and reformed within the NWPRA ;)
i see your from Reading.... ;) so am i :thumbsup:
OMG, don't tell her your address Jumbo (she's care in the community and will be camping on your doorstep before you know it :eek: )
pmsl :) :lol: :lol: :lol: